Members Present: Chris Velasquez, Vice President
Lori Hagen, Secretary
Phillip Sapien, Member
Art Silva, Member
Members Absent: Virginia Trujillo, President
Guests: Mary Tarango, Principal
Rita Hirschy, COO
Jim Richardson
Kathleen Webb
Governance Council Called to Order at 5:42 p.m. by Chris Velasquez
Roll Call
Quorum met.
Approval of Previous Governance Council (GC) Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve minutes May 4, 2017 – Philip Sapien
2 nd . – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Motion to approve special meeting minutes of Special Meeting with the corrected
date of March 31, 2017 – Phillip Sapien
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Adjustment to Agenda
Motion to add vote to approve additional member, Kathleen Webb
Art Silva
2 nd – Philip Sapien
Motion Approved
Approval of New Governance Council Member
Motion to Approve Kathleen Webb as new Governance Council member, Art
2 nd – Philip Sapien
Motion Approved
Approval of Open Meetings Act Resolution – The resolution was reviewed by
members and there were no questions or clarifications
Motion to approve Open Meetings Act Resolution – Art Silva
2 nd – Philip Sapien
Motion Approved
Approval of Parent/Student Handbook – Nondiscrimination Policy
Motion to approve Nondiscrimination Policy, Lori Hagen
2 nd – Philip Sapien
Motion Approved
Approval of Employee Policy Handbook – Nondiscrimination Policy
Motion to approve Nondiscrimination Policy, Lori Hagen
2 nd Philip Sapien
Motion Approved
Approval of Employee Policy Handbook – Labor Relations Policy
Motion to approve Labor Relations Policy, Lori Hagen
2 nd – Philip Sapien
Motion Approved
Finance Report
Chris Velasquez presented the Cash Disbursements for April, 2017
Motion to approve – Art Silva
2 nd – Lori Hagen
Motion Approved
Chris Velasquez presented the Cash Disbursements for May, 2017
Motion to approve – Philip Sapien
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Rita Hirschy presented and Increase Bar for Food Services
Motion to Approve – Lori Hagen
2 nd – Kathleen Webb
Motion Approved
Rita Hirschy presented the Title II Application with an explanation of services
Motion to approve – Philip Sapien
2 nd – Lori Hagen
Motion Approved
Building Committee Report – Jim Richardson presented the plan for vacating the
building. The Foundation has provided funds around $15,000 for moving and storing
school contents until the new facility can be occupied. The PTA provided around $2,500
for moving supplies; boxes, tape, makers, etc. Contents will be removed by June 23 rd and
then cleaning and repairs will be made to the main building. Mr. Richardson is also
working with APS to remove the 2 portables on loan. He is also planning for removal of
the remaining buildings. He will work with the owner to secure the deposit.
Principal’s Report – Principal Tarango presented pre-registration numbers at 294 for SY
17/18. She also shared MAP’s short cycle assessment data that show growth indicators
were higher than expected (see attached) Principal Tarango also provided a report
(attached) with a review of her performance based on recommended principal indicators
from the NBCT program.
Closed Session – Motion to move into Closed Session – Philip Sapien
2 nd – Lori Hagen
Motion Approved
Approval of Principal’s Contract – Motion to approve Contract for Principal Tarango
for SY 17-18 – Kathleen Webb
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Old Business – None
Next Meeting
July 11, 2017
Motion to adjourn – Lori Hagen–
2 nd . – Phillip Sapien
Motion approved
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
Governance Council Resolution No. 6-6-17
WHEREAS, the 21st Century Public Academy Governance Council met in regular session at 21
st Century Public Academy
on June 6, 2017, at 5:30pm as per law; and
WHEREAS, Section 10-15-l{B) of the Open Meetings Act (NMSA 1978, sections 10-15-1 to -4) states that except as may
be otherwise provided in the Constitution or the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, all meetings of a quorum of
members of any board, council, commission, administrative adjudicatory body or other policymaking body of any state
or local public agency held for the purpose of formulating public policy, discussing public business or for the purpose of
taking any action within the authority of or the delegated authority of such body, are declared to be public meetings
open to the public at all times; and
WHEREAS, any meetings subject to the Open Meetings Act at which the discussion or adoption of any proposed
resolution, rule, regulation or formal action occurs shall be held only after reasonable notice to the public; and
WHEREAS, Section 10-15-l{D) of the Open Meetings Act requires the 21st Century Public Academy Governance Council
to determine annually what constitutes reasonable notice of its public meetings;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the 21st Century Public Academy Governance Council that:
1. All meetings shall be held at 21st Century Public Academy School at 5:30pm or as indicated in the meeting
2. Unless otherwise specified, regular meetings shall be held each month on the first Tuesday of the month. The
agenda will be available at least seventy- two hours prior to the meetings from the 21
st Century Public Academy
Administrative Office whose office is in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Notice of any other regular meetings will
be given ten days in advance of the meeting date. The notice shall indicate how a copy of the agenda may be
3. Special Meetings may be called by the President or majority of the members upon three days notice. The
notice shall include an agenda for the meeting or information on how member of the public may obtain a copy
of the agenda. The agenda shall be available to the public at least seventy- two hours before any special
4. Emergency meetings will be called only under unforeseen circumstances that demand immediate action to
protect the health, safety and property of citizens or to protect the public body from substantial financial loss.
The 21st Century Public Academy Governance Council will avoid emergency meetings wherever possible.
Emergency meetings may be called by the chairman or a majority of the members upon seventy- two hours
notice, unless threat of personal injury or property damage requires less notice. The notice for all emergency
meetings shall include an agenda for the meeting or information on how the public may obtain a copy of the
5. Members of the 21s
t Century Public Academy governance Council may participate in a meeting of the council
by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment when it is otherwise difficult or
impossible for the member to attend in person, provided that each member participating by conference
telephone can be identified when speaking, all participants are able to hear each other at the same time, and
member of the public attending the meeting are able to hear any member of the Council who speaks during
the meeting.,
6. For the purpose of regular meetings described in paragraph 2 of this resolution, notice requirements are met if
notice of the date, time, place and agenda is posted in the following locations, 21
st Century Public Academy’s
front door, and 21s
t Century Public Academy’s website. 21
st Century Public Academy Governance Council shall
also send via surface or electronic mail copies of written notice to those broadcast licensed by the Federal
Communication Commission and newspapers of general circulation which have made a written request for
notice of public meetings.
7. For the purpose of special meetings and emergency meetings described in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the
resolution, notice requirements are net if notice of the date, time, place and agenda is provided by posting
notice on the front door of the 21st Century Public Academy School, on the 21st Century Public Academy School
website and by telephone to newspapers of general circulation in the State that have made a written request
for notice of public meetings.
8. In addition to the information specified above, all notices all include the following language:
If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader; amplifier; qualified sign language
interpreter; or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the nearing or
meeting, please contact 21st Century Public academy at 505.254.280 at least one (1) week prior to the
meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in
various accessible formats. Please contact 21st Century Public Academy at 505.254.0280 if a summary or
other type of accessible format is needed.
9. The 21st Century Public Academy Governance Council may close a meeting to the public only if the subject
matter of such discussion or action is excepted from the open meeting requirement under Section 10-15-l(H)
of the Open meetings Act.
(a) If any meeting is closed during an open meeting, such closure shall be approved by a majority vote of a
quorum of the 21st Century Public Academy Governance Council taken during the open meeting. The
authority for the closed meeting and the subjects to be discussed shall be stated with reasonable specificity
in the notion to close and the vote of each individual member on the motion to close shall be recorded in
the minuets. Only those subjects specified in the notion may be discussed in the closed meeting.
(b) If a close meeting is conducted when the 21st Century Public Academy Governance Council is in an open
meeting, the closed meeting shall not be held until public notice, appropriate under the circumstances,
stating the specific provision of law authorizing the closed meeting and the subjects to be discussed with
reasonable specificity, is given to the members and to the general public.
(c) Following completion of any closed meeting. The minutes of the open meeting that was closed, or the
minutes of the next open meeting if the closed meeting was separately scheduled, shall state whether the
matters discussed in the closed meeting were limited only to those specified in the motion or notice for
(d) Except as provided in Section 10-15-l(H) of the Open Meetings Act, any action taken as a result of
discussions in a closed meetings shall be made by vote of the 21st Century Public Academy Governance
Council in an open public meeting.
10. Duly approved and voted upon by 21st Century Public Academy Governance Council on this day of June 6,