1/11/24 SAC Minutes

Note from the Chair: Conflict is a tool for growth and is sometimes painful. I thank you all for
your valuable input.
5:45pm to 7:20pm via Zoom
In Attendance
Lora Sedore- Chair
Jeremy Peckens
Vicente Vargas
Helen Dundas-
Jennifer Aragon

School Update
Mr. Peckens was happy to announce the recent test results from our school. Reading, Math,
and Science scores from 21 St Century were compared to State and APS numbers. I have include
a graphic created by Mr. Peckens at the end of this document. Thank you 21 St Century Staff, you
are shining stars.

SAC recruitment updates
We will continue work on recruitment for the SAC.
We have completed a flyer for distribution on the 21 st Century website and will also be available
for printing and distribution at the PTA meetings and other locations.

Dragon community questionnaire
At the last meeting the committee decided to go forward with a questionnaire to the Dragon
community. This questionnaire sought to identify issues and celebrate achievements of our
school. A copy of the results of questionnaire can be found at the end of this document.
The first two issues discussed by the Committee were:

Several ideas were discussed and will be researched by the SAC for further discussion
Is 21st Century getting the same quality of lunches as other schools?
Rhubarb and Elliot provides lunches to some of the schools, these lunches are reported to be
taster than the ones currently provided through APS.
There grants available through the City Of Albuquerque to offset the cost but it is unknown if
they will cover all costs.
Currently both breakfasts and lunches are 100% paid for through the State.
We are also provided cold lunches for OSIs through APS and need to be considered if there is a
change in service.

Playground/social areas for mid-schoolers
Several ideas were discussed and will be researched by the SAC for further discussion
With the addition of the new playground for the elementary school the question has arisen as
to how to provide a playground/social area for the older students. However, the new
playground is currently only rated for elementary aged students, and teachers will need to have
additional training if it is made available to older students
Basketball hoops that could be made permanent
Tether ball
Benches and tables for social interaction
Fencing to ensure the area is secure
Request ideas from the Student Council and PTA
Some funding is available through the PTA and the school budget

Other ideas for social interactions
Clubs for students who are not involved in sports.
Chess club
Dungeons and Dragons

Other items from the questionnaire
The SAC will discuss the other items on the provided in the questionnaire including but not
limited to bullying, teacher accountability issues, and communication at the next meeting.

To do list
Mr. Peckens- will present the results of the questionnaire to administration and GC for their
Jeremy and Lora will complete the SAC flyer and have it read for approval by administration
and posting on the school website.
Jennifer will provide contact information to Lora for the school lunch option discussed.
Lora will contact APS to find out if the Charter schools are given a different and possibly inferior
menu to the APS option.

Next meeting will be Thursday February 8 at 5:45.
The meeting was ended at 7:20.

1/11/24 SAC Agenda

January 11, 2024

21st CPA SAC Agenda

5:45 pm via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

ID: 8411959802

Passcode: 378961

Happy New Year!!

Roll Call

Update on school activities by Jeremy

Review of draft SAC flyer

Discussion of school questionnaire

Open Forum- New ideas

Next meeting

Adjourn Meeting

11/9/23 SAC Minutes

5:30pm to 6:47pm via Zoom
In Attendance
Lora Sedore- Chair
Jeremy Peckens
Vicente Vargas
Helen Dundas
Jennifer Aragon
Misha Goodman

Welcome to Jennifer and Misha to the SAC we look forward to working with them on the committee.

School Update
The Fall Festival was a success and enjoyed by both students and adults
The Picture retakes are scheduled
A relocation drill will occur on December. Students will be picked up at the end of the
day at a different location. More information will be sent out to parents in the next few

SAC recruitment updates
We will continue work on recruitment for the SAC.
Jeremy reached out to the elementary teachers for possible members.
Lora will provide a short talking points sheet for distribution at both PTA meetings,
teacher’s meetings, and school events.
Jennifer will reach out at the PTA meetings to members.
We will try to focus on elementary parents
We (SAC) will have an in person meeting in the near future to foster creativity and unity.

Dragon community questionnaire
At the last meeting the committee decided to go forward with a questionnaire to the Dragon
community. This questionnaire seeks to identify issues and celebrate achievements of our
school. A copy of the questionnaire can be found at the end of this document.
The questionnaire for parents/staff that will be created through Google Forms and is open
ended to try to capture parent/staff opinions. Jeremey will present the approved draft to the
CG Meeting for their approval and posting.

We will use the school’s communication system to text and email to reach out to our Dragon
family. Additionally, the questionnaire will be posted on our website. Jeremy will create a QR
code to access the questionnaire. This QR code will be posted on all forms of distribution and
additionally, a QR code will be posted at the entrance to the school.
The questionnaire will be posted as soon as it is approved and will be closed in January before
the next SAC meeting.

Open Forum
The following ideas were discussed during the open forum, we will present these ideas to the
administration for input before the next meeting.
Movie night
Christmas shopping opportunity
Date night for parents
Parents and kids/focus on elementary school
Older students being paid to babysitting
Older kids mentoring 1st graders- currently they escort them to the playground- reading
Community service

Job mentorship for teachers and school employees
OSI for 8th graders to high school- to help prepare 8 th grade students for high school
Career day in school- more information on requirements are listed on the website

Childcare funding by the school for families in need
Potential funding sources
School budget
Big Brothers
Children’s choice
List of resources for parents

To do list
Jeremy- present questionnaire to administration and GC for approval
Create google form

Lora- create talking points list for SAC member recruitment
Next meeting will be Thursday January 11 at 5:45.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:47.

11/9/23 SAC Agenda

November 9, 2023
21 st CPA SAC Agenda
5:30pm via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
ID: 8411959802
Passcode: 378961

  • Roll Call
  • Welcome and introduction of new members
  • Update on school activities and SAC recruitment
  • Continuing Discussion of school questionnaire
    • Questions to ask
    • Format and distribution
    • Time line for posting and response
  • Open Forum- New ideas
  • Next meeting
  • Adjourn Meeting