1/13/25 SAC Minutes

In Attendance:
Jeremy Peckens
Jennifer Aragon
Helen Dundas
Lora Sedore (Chair)

Update on School Activities
Social/Emotional School Survey- Jeremy presented the findings of a statewide
Social/Emotion School Survey. This used to evaluate how students feel about safety in
school and home. Ninety percent of the student body responded to the survey. A copy
of the results will be included as an appendix to these notes.

Recent land purchase- 21 St Century Academy has recently completed the purchase of
the lot where the portables and playground are located. This purchase has been in the
works for some time and the acquisition will mean the school will be able to make
permanent changes to the lot. Some recommendations from the SAC are:

  • Grass or artificial turf
  • Permanent playground equipment upgrades
  • Buildings- music annex etc

Superintendent Search-Mary Tarango is retiring at the end of the school year. The
Governance Council is tasked with finding a new Superintend. A job description to be
used for the search has been completed and will be voted on at the next Board meeting.
Progress on the search will be posted on the website as we go. The Selection
Committee will be looking for people to help with this important task. Contact either Lora
or Jeremey if you or are interested in joining the committee.

Title 1- Title 1 is a Federal program used to enhance educational experiences for low
income students. Jeremy shared information that the Title 1 funding is used to hire
additional EAs for the school.

Next Year calendar- Work has begun on next year’s calendar. The administration is
working with the teachers and will soon be reaching out the Dragon community for
input. The proposed start date for students is August 18, approximately a week after
APS begins. Some of the change included, return of fall break and the Wednesday off
before Thanksgiving are being considered. Some suggestions from SAC include;
Monday and Friday short days
Support for some coordination with APS

Next Meeting Date- February 12, 5:45 PM via Zoom. An email reminder will be sent the
prior to the meeting.

Adjourn 6:30 PM

1/13/25 SAC Agenda

5:45 pm via Zoom

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Happy New Year

Roll Call

Update on School Activities

            Social/Emotional School survey

            Recent land purchase

            Superintendent Search

            2025-2026 SY Calendar

            Title I Budget – All funds go toward EA’s salaries.

Old Business

Open Forum- New Ideas for a New Year

Next Meeting Date


9/24/24 SAC Minutes

In Attendance:
Jeremy Pekens
Jennifer Aragon
Misha Goodman
Lora Sedore (Chair)

Update on School Activities
Basketball hoops have been installed and fencing in place
The group discussed programs for consideration in the school
Drama Program with teachers
Kashet Dance school collaboration
Stone Age Climbing
MidTown – for swimming activities
Beautification project =gardening
Forest service
Soil and Conservation

Busing support for OIS
Fund raising to pay for busses
Potential for businesses to supplement busing costs
Next Meeting Date- TBD

9/24/24 SAC Agenda

21st CPA SAC Agenda
5:30 pm via Zoom
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Passcode: TBD
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year
Roll Call
Update on School Activities
Review of the Past Year
Open Forum- New ideas for a New School Year
Meeting Days and Times
Goals for the year
Next Meeting
Adjourn Meeting