School Wide Title 1 Curriculum Delivery Plan
Assessments: NWEA Maps, I-Station, NMMSSA as well as a variety of assessments utilized in
the classroom.
Curriculum Delivery and Development: Short cycle assessment data is gathered and shared 3
time a year; at the beginning of the year, winter and spring. Data is published and presented to
the staff, Governance Council and SAC. Reports are included in the GC documents that are
posted for each meeting. Growth goals are established at double the expected growth for each
grade level. Student groups are then divided by both observed and actual academic data in
performance groups for each grade level in Math and Language Arts. If students are
improving performance or declining, they can be moved at time into the appropriate group. In
the middle school, students in the bottom quartile are placed in a Study Lab to focus on areas of
need and more intense intervention.
OSI’s: Outside School Instruction events are designed to support the 4 core curricular areas;
Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts. Pre-Instruction is provided in the 4 core
curricular areas, the OSI occurs and post teaching follows every OSI in the 4 core areas to
solidify the expected learning outcomes. This solidifies the Community as a Classroom that is
in our Mission Statement.
Professional Development is centered around student data and broken down by each grade
level, each classroom, each student and also by student demographics. and Teachers then tie
the data to their evaluations. Content leads provide mentoring and professional development
opportunities based on specific areas of concentration and individual student needs.