25 Years of Proven Success!

  • Private School-Quality Education
  • Ability-Based Collaborative Teaching
  • Students Stay on Track with Guided Study Lab
  • Associated Arts Classes Include Music, Art, Graphic & Web Design, Physical Education, 3D Modeling, and Programming
  • Lessons Connect to Real-World Experiences
  • Athletic Program and Brand-New Gym
  • Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts Curriculum


Call Ms. Morga at 505-254-0280 to Register.

21st Century is proud to be a small school, with a target of 80 students per grade (20 per classroom) for each of 6th, 7th, and 8th grades; and a maximum of 30 students for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Traditionally the lottery draw for new students occurs on the first Tuesday in February. We do have openings that become available during the school year.  Please contact the front office for availability.  We suggest the process below to determine if 21st Century is a good match for your student. If it is, please call the school and put your student’s name on our lottery list.

Admission Criteria
In order to fill the 80 slots per grade level, we use the following method:

1st preference – Returning students.
2nd preference – Siblings of previous/current students.
3rd preference – Students of staff members and military families.
4th preference – Students whose names are drawn in the ‘lottery’, in the order they are drawn, until all slots are filled.  Students remain in the lottery pool for future selection if not drawn. There is no wait list.

Apply for Admission
Call the school at (505)254-0280. Give your name, your student’s name(s), grade(s), address, and all current contact numbers. Should we draw your child’s name in our lottery, we will provide a registration packet.

Although we try to have all slots filled by the first day of school, some slots may not actually be filled until after the school year begins. All names remain in the lottery pool for that school year.

If your student’s name is not drawn before or during the school year, your students name will automatically be moved onto the following school year’s lottery.

Lotteries for the following school year are held in February. Subsequent lotteries are determined by the school administration, based on enrollment needs.

If your student’s name is drawn, we will give you 14 days to let us know if you will be accepting the slot. Once accepted we will require the registration packets to be filled out and returned by a specified date. For all new students, some testing may take place during the first week of school to determine appropriate placement in courses.

If you have placed your student’s name on our lottery list but haven’t heard anything from the school, you are welcome to call any time to inquire. If you become situated in a school which seems to suit you and 21st Century is no longer of interest, please call the office to withdraw your student’s name from the lottery. Thank you!

Title IX Coordinator
Mary Tarango