• 3rd & 4th Grade

    5th Grade

3rd & 4th Grade

Welcome to fourth grade! Students will learn responsibility, organization, time management, teamwork, and collaboration. All while fostering their imagination and creativity!

In Language Arts, students will explore many books from various genres to expand their vocabulary and fluency; but above all else, their love of reading! Students will also be making the shift from learning to read, to reading to learn. To support this we will be reading many nonfiction and informative texts as well. Students will learn to strengthen their writing skills through creative writing and short essays.

In Social Studies, students will explore the regions of the United States, including its many landforms and states and capitals. Students will become familiar with United States geography, government, and history. We will also broaden our horizons and learn about certain aspects of World History and closer to home, New Mexico history! We will work to deepen our understanding of our local environment by visiting museums and landforms in New Mexico.

In Math, students will explore a variety of strategies to solve real world problems using different methods. They will be able to share their strategies, ideas, and methods with their peers understanding that everyone thinks differently and that there is more than one way to any solution. They will explore algebraic thinking, base 10 numbers and operations, fractions, measurement and data, and geometry. Mathematics is the language of numbers, fascinating!

In Science, students will use the scientific method to observe, collect, record, analyze, predict, interpret, and determine reasonableness of data. In “Physical Science” they will do hands-on activities working with structure and properties of matter. In “life Science” they will investigate ecosystems and show their understanding of living things and the interdependence of living things and their environments. In the area of “Earth and Space Science” they will explore the earth’s history understanding the structure of Earth, the solar system, and the universe.

Goals for fourth grade:

To have a safe, fun, and exciting learning experience.
To grow as independent learners and as humans.
To make new friends and discover new interests.
To have the tools to progress to 5th grade and beyond.

Olivia Espinosa

Olivia Espinosa

Language Arts and Social Studies
Evelyn Fleming-Cavit

Evelyn Fleming-Cavit

Math and Science
Sabrina Carrillo

Sabrina Carrillo

Special Education
Colin Ahlen

Colin Ahlen

Educational Assistant