3/27/23 PTA Minutes
/in PTA Agenda /by 21stadminCall to Order
Lani calls the meeting to order at 5:05 pm
Approval of the February minutes – please look over the minutes beforehand
- Will approve at next meeting along with March meeting notes.
Administration Report/Governance Council Meeting - Got the quote for the playground. The playground will start coming in.
- Getting internet for the portables
- Graduation is at UNM Continuing Education Building on May 24 th (Time to be announced)
- On March 31 st PED is doing their site visit
- Talent show Friday night 7 pm – 9 pm, PTA post the flyer on Facebook. Parents have to be present
- April 22 nd , registration for next year. 11 am – 1 pm
-April 20 th Governance council meeting
President’s Report - April 28 th from 5 – 7 talent show. All games and food are planned out. Lani will send out sign-up genius signups
for food and volunteer help. - Bank account signers
- Joy Moquino will be removed from the bank account.
- Joy motions to remove herself from the bank account
- Mikel seconds the motion.
- Motion passes unanimously
- Heather Chase and Helen Dundas
- Lani motions to put Heather Chase and Helen Dundas on the bank account and remove Lani
from the accounts as a signer. - Joy seconds the motion
- Motion passes unanimously
Vice President’s
- Nothing to report
Treasure’s Report - Income is over $6,000
- Balance is $17711.14
- Not over budget on anything. There is still money in some of the accounts for spending including Spring Fling
Secretary’s Report
- Nothing to report
Other: - Discontinue the Breakfast Snack Bar once supplies have been exhausted
- Joy motions to discontinue the breakfast snack bar
- Lani seconds the motion
- Motion passes unanimously
- Election of the new board
- Heather Chase – President
- Lani motions to vote Heather into the office of President
- Joy seconds the motion
- Motion passes unanimously
- Jennifer Aragon – Vice President
- Lani motions to vote Jennifer into the office of Vice President
- Joy seconds the motion.
- Motion passes unanimously
- Lindsey Landis -Secretary
- Lani motions to vote Lindsey into the office of Secretary
- Joys seconds the motion
- Motion passes unanimously
- Helen Dunas – Treasurer
- Lani motions to vote Helen into the office of Treasurer
- Joy seconds the motion
- Motion passes unanimously
The next meeting will be on Monday, May 1 st @5:00 pm
The meeting adjourned at 5:46 pm
2/27/23 PTA Minutes
/in PTA Agenda /by 21stadminCall to Order
Lani calls the meeting to order at 5:31 pm
Approval of the February minutes – please look over the minutes beforehand
-Lani motions to approve the agenda notes from the January meeting
-Joy seconds the motion
- Motion passes unanimously
Administration Report/Governance Council Meeting - March 3 rd Read week
- March 7 th literacy night
- 8 th Grade has moved to the portables
- 6th-grade math move to upstairs after 8 th grade is fully moved in
- Playground setup is next. Currently getting quotes
- 8 th Grade graduation – May 24 th @ UNM Continuing Education (Evening event)
- Foundation meeting – March 16 th at 6:30 pm
President’s Report - Nothing to report
Vice President’s - Nothing to report
Treasure’s Report - Bank Balance is $18974.76
Secretary’s Report - Nothing to report
Other: - Spring Fling;
-Chair is looking to book laser tag for 5 th Grade and up and a jumping house for 4 th and under
-Looking for more ideas for bigger activities
-Board Nominations:
Heather Chase – President
Jennifer Aragon – Vice President
Helen Dundas – Treasurer
Lindsey Landis – Secretary
The next meeting will be on Monday, March 27 th @ 5:00 pm
The meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm
January 2023 PTA Minutes
/in PTA Agenda /by 21stadminCall to Order
Lani calls the meeting to order at 5:37 pm
Approval of the November 1, 2022 minutes – please look over the minutes beforehand
-Lani motions to approve the minutes, Joy’s seconds
-Motion approved unanimously
Administration Report/Governance Council Meeting
-E-Occupancy for the portables will be done in February
- Breakfast snack bar; text Angie to fill in with school-purchased items for selling
- Elementary events
Feb. 23 – Family Science Night, PTA w
March 7 – Family Literacy/Math Night
Feb 15 – 17 – Elementary Student-Led Conferences
-Middle School
Jan 25 – Family Math Night
Feb 3 – Family
Feb 7 – Lottery at 4:00 pm
Getting bids for playground
Band Performance May 12 th (tentative)
President’s Report
Spring Fling – Meeting last Friday with a potential chair willing to run the event. Wild West Theme 5 pm –
7 pm. Anyone willing to help with planning/organizing please contact Lani and she will connect you with
the chair. Potential date May 5 th ?
Vice President’s
Concerned with PTA training
Lani motioned to adjust the budget of $500 from OSI assistance to PTA training; $250 into Family Night
Hospitality; $250 into Family Engagement Night. This is to reallocate funding to help train a new PTA
Mikel seconds the motion. Motion passes unanimously
Treasure’s Report
Year to Date Income $8,109.12
Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report at this time
Snack Bar – Volunteers needed to fill open positions
Tuesday morning
Thursday afternoon: Lindsey will fill in for the time being
Question about running snack bar every day. Very few volunteers are available to help run shifts for
both morning and afternoon. PTA will cut down days serving to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for
both Breakfast and Afternoon.
Lani motions to change the schedule temporarily starting next week on Monday, January 30, to run
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the afternoon snack bar. Effective immediately, PTA will only run
the breakfast bar on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Mikel seconds the motion. Motion passes unanimously
The next meeting will be on February 27 th at 5:30 pm
The meeting adjourned at 6:13 pm
21st Century Public Academy
New Mexico Charter Elementary & Middle School
4300 Cutler Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: (505)254-0280
Fax: (505)254-8507