Date, Time and Location: November 13, 2017; 5:45 pm in the School Cafeteria
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY Juliann Salinas at 5:45 pm
In Attendance: Juliann Salinas- President, Mary Anne Owen-Secretary, Sharon
Hart-Treasurer, Teresa Payne, Mary Tarango, Denise Geoffrion, Michael Haley,
Crystal Salas, Jennifer Withrow, Linda Phipps, Kim Fields-Haley
I. Review and Approval of October Minutes – Moved to approve by Denise
Geoffrion and 2 nd by Crystal Salas
II. Treasurers Report – We currently have 2 bank accounts, Peoples Bank
and US Bank. We transferred some money into the new US Bank
account until we can close the Peoples Bank account. The details for
what was brought in during the Fall Festival and Student Store are on
the Treasurers Report.
III. Membership – Normally done with Vice President position. We currently
have 30 members. You do not need to attend monthly meetings but will
be included on all correspondence for school functions.
IV. Presidents Report – report is included in with West Side Bus report
V. Principals Report – We ordered 26 cases of trash bags and all that are
left 10 orders (2 blue, 4 yellow, 4 white). We have the contract with APS
for the bus which is $26,155.00 which includes insurance. The bus has
already started. A 21 st Century Bus Policy is on line and will go in front of
the Governance Council on Thursday. It is a learning process and there
has been a couple of hiccups. Things are looking good. There have been
up to 31 kids riding the bus. We should get over $1,000.00 profit on the
trash bags along with donations. Someone should stick around at the
bus stops until all kids have been picked up, just in case someone is late.
A list of parents and phone numbers has been sent in case of an
emergency. The transportation group is separate from PTA, but we are
allowing them to deposit their funds into our account. Student Counsel
and the school are only allowed to sell Dions Pizza for a fundraiser. On
Friday, Dions Pizza will be for sale to fundraise for a family in need. The
PTA/Student Store will donate the sodas. Can we add Sharon Hart on
the account as a signer? It was moved by Kim Fields Haley and 2 nd by
Denise Geoffrion. Can the transportation group have their own account,
or should the funds be kept in the PTA account? Since they are not a
separate bonded entity (not a 501-C Corp), we will allow them to keep
them to keep their funds in our checking account. Transportation will be
on a separate line item on the Treasurers Report. We will need to keep
detailed record. New Minutes will need to be drawn up to get Sharon
Hart and Crystal Salas added to the checking account. Hopefully the
teachers will be able to move into the Portables soon. Phase 2 will begin
in January which will be 2 nd story with 8 class rooms and the music room
and the gym.
VI. Fundraising Committee-
a. West Side Bus – “Shop With Scrip” is a fundraiser to purchase gift
cards, as face value and bought on line, we will get a certain % back,
depending on which gift card it is. There are many options of gift
cards on the website. Denise Geoffrion is the heading up this
fundraiser. This is a major fundraiser and a lot of money can be
earned. The purchase is done on line. We can include out of town
families on this fundraiser, which would increase the profit. Denise
will look more into this fundraiser and give an update at the next
meeting. Another fundraising idea is Amazon Smiles. An account will
need to be set up in order for this fundraiser. What about purchasing
a hat with 21 st Century Public Academy logo? Mr. Haley will look into
how much they are and what kind of profit could be made off of
them and report back at the next meeting. “Stuff the Bus” is in
December, can the kids who rides the bus wear jeans that day? Yes,
they can. Another fundraising idea is a “Break the Rule” day or Spirit
Day where kids can pay up to $5.00 to break 5 rules (attire, food,
chew gum…), this will be up to Mrs. Tarango. How will it work? Will
there be wrist bands? How about selling Yeti cups with the 21 st
Century Logo on them at an event? Maybe in the Spring.
b. Non-Fundraiser Fundraiser for PTA – We typically have a fall
fundraiser. This will be the PTA’s fundraiser, all funds from this will go
to the PTA to be able to help our teachers to help our school to help
our kids. Jennifer Withrow has a copy of the Non-Fundraiser
Fundraiser form or will get it from our past Fundraising Committee
chair. Even if a donation is made to the Non-Fundraiser Fundraiser,
the fundraising information will still go out to all the kids. We need to
make sure communication is clear as to what fundraising event is
going to support either the PTA or the West Side bus. We don’t want
to parent’s to get over whelmed with fund raising. Maybe the West
Side bus can come up with their own logo to add to their
communication just to make it clearer. Next year will not need to do
any fundraising for the bus unless we get another bus. We will need
to support each other (West Side Bus and PTA).
VII. Social Committee – Science Bowl in December 1, 2017 and Spelling Bee
is December 7, 2017. We will need prizes for both along with cookies
and punch. We have 6 Cold Stone Creamery gift cards for the Spelling
Bee. We still need gift ideas for the Science Bowl. Teresa and Jennifer
will be looking into places to get prizes from (20 prizes). We need 23
prizes all together (3 for Science Bowl and 20 for Spelling Bee).
VIII. VP Elections – Crystal Salas is nominated. It was moved by Mary Tarango
to elect Crystal Salas as new Vice President, Jennifer Withrow 2 nd the
motion. This position includes being the back up for the President, Box
Tops and Membership.
IX. New Business – None
Meeting was adjourned at 6:54 pm. It was moved to close the meeting by Jennifer
Withrow and 2 nd by Crystal Salas.