Date, Time and Location: in the School Cafeteria
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY Juliann Salinas at 5:46 pm on February 12, 2018
In Attendance: Juliann Salinas, Crystal Salas, Sharon Hart, Mary Anne Owen, Teresa Payne, Jennifer Withrow, Mary Tarango, Denise Geoffrion, Michael Haley, Kim Fields-Haley
Review and Approval of October Minutes – Moved to approve with edits by Crystal Salas and 2nd by Kim Fields Haley.
Treasurers Report- We will be talking to the bank regarding the charges that are incurred for the coin deposits, research will be done. The alternative fundraiser is doing very well. Movie night was a profitable fundraiser. A lot of pizza was sold during Family Science night. There were new school needs that were paid this month. We are still trying to figure out how to pay for the school uniforms at SOS, the form that the student will sign will need to have a dollar limit.
Presidents Report-
Science Night Recap-Big hits. This was a full event.
Parent’s Night Out Recap-51 kids showed up. Parents were asking if we could do this twice a week. Next time the movie will be shown in a classroom and leave the socialization out in the cafeteria. It was also suggested to have a movie room, game room and arts and crafts room. Some games will be donated. We will need some more volunteers next time. Maybe we can charge a $5.00 next time. Does the school want to look into a PA system to have own speakers with a microphone. Jennifer Withrow will look into a sound system and report back.
Membership-No new members. We currently have 32 paying members. Membership forms were sent out with the new student’s packets. If a parent wants to join it will be suggested to pay their dues in June so they won’t have to pay twice this year.
Principals Report-Lottery was a lot of fun. There were some that showed up for the public draw. We are now full but not everyone has responded yet. We are looking good for next year. The plans for the new building are coming along. There was a meeting with the Westside parents, which wasn’t attended well. Student led conferenced will be held next week. We will probably need a 2nd bus for next year. Some of the students went to Santa Fe during the session, to work as pages, along with the huckleberry taffy. A memo will be sent out next week for the $5.00 donation to the 21st Century Public Academy Foundation.
Fundraising Committee-
Non-Fundraiser Fundraiser is for the PTA-
Corrine Sisneros-Box top assistance offered-a reminder email will be sent out to the parent to bring in the box tops. Will there be prizes? We will have the prizes by grade level instead of classroom. The box tops will need to be separated into bags of 50. We can give out a voucher for the snack bar or an otter pop.
Social Committee-
Pi Night Planning-Held on March 14 from 4:30 to 6:30. Cardstock is requested. We will be selling Frito pies and maybe small individual pies is the prize. A Scrip sign-up table will be set up.
Spring Fling Planning-We had a parent come to the meeting with a bunch of good ideas for Spring Fling. BBQ will be served. Games will be water gun pistols, snake in the boot, horseshoes and corn hole along with other games. An email was sent to Mr. Peckens to see if they can do wanted posters of the teachers, and an email will be sent to the art teacher to see if they make decorations. Construction might be going on, we can use the parking a lot across the street. We can park off the little street in front of the school for the possible hay rides. The DJ (Marcos Gonzales) would charge $150.00 and his wife can come to instruct line dancing. We will work out a price for the line dancing instructor once we figure out the time. The Withrow’s will look into the straw. A save the date email will be sent out soon. We can call Cracker Barrell and Golden Corral for the corn bread to be served. Next meeting will be March 3, 2018 at Daily Grind at 9:00
Lawrence Clark-the singing poet-would love to come to one of our events, free of charge. Maybe for the literacy fair which will be held in May.
New Business-no new business
Meeting was adjourned at 6:33 pm. It was moved to close the meeting by Ann Fields-Haley and 2nd by Todd Withrow.