Boys Basketball Parent Meeting
Hello Parents,
Boys Basketball season is near and we will be hosting our Boys Basketball Parent Meeting for the 19-20 season. Parents/Athlete Meeting will be Tuesday, December 10, 2019, from 4-4:45 pm in the school gymnasium. Parents, please have all athletes registered prior to the meeting and all required participation forms at the parent meeting.
First Practice: December 12, 2019, 4-5:30p
Participation requirement:
$50 payment (cash, check, or money order)Physical form (signed by a physician)
Student athletic contract (signed by both parent and athlete)
Registration Link:
All Athletes must register for all upcoming sports through the following link below.
Boys Basketball Season:
Equipment Required for Basketball-
Practice Uniform:
T-shirt, Athletic Shorts/Pants (No jeans or spandex), Basketball Shoes Only (No black soles), Water Bottle
Game Uniform:
Black T-shirt, Black Athletic Shorts (No jeans or spandex)
Basketball Shoes (No black soles), Water Bottle