1/10/22 PTA Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Janet Giron, President, at 7:10 pm on Monday, January 10, 2022.
The minutes from the December 13, 2021 General PTA Meeting were approved as corrected.
Janet Giron, Angela Lerner, Mikel Wagner, Lani McCarson, Jeremy Peckens, Riki Hernandez,
Brian Wiggins
Principal’s Report by Jeremy Peckens:
The grading period will close on Wednesday and new schedules will start on Thursday.
The Equity Council is seeking new members. We need parents whose children represent the
the following groups: Native American, speak English as the 2 nd language, with disabilities
and economicaly needy
New covid safe practices have been implemented during lunch. These include not allowing
the students to talk while eating because their masks are down.
Our on site testing company, PMG, was not on campus this morning. They have been
dealing with staff shortages.
Student led conferences will be February 16, 17, and 18. No students will be on campus
those days.
The next Governance Council meeting will be January 20 at 5:30pm.
President’s Report by Janet Giron:
We are looking for volunteers for the PTA board for next year (President, Vice-President,
Treasurer and Secretary). Board elections will be in March and we hope to have the new
board in place in time for the New Mexico PTA Convention.
Volunteers are also needed to help with snack bar, teacher appreciation and events.
Yearbooks can be purchased online. Send pictures for the yearbook to
yearbook@21stcenturypa.com . They will go to Ms. Baca.
Vice-President’s Report by Lani McCarson:
Donut Day for Student Council has been successful. We are selling about 8 dozen donuts a
week. Rise & Roast has been donating the donuts.
Secretary’s Report by Mikel Wagner:
Nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report by Angela Lerner:
The bank balance is $13,876.75.
All deposits have been made. $5,689.79 is the gross year-to-date for snack bar.
Spring Fling: we might get a jumper for the older kids. It would be good to use the traffice
circle as well as the parking lot so students are able spread out more.
Please submit any ideas for Spring Fling activities to pta@21stcenturypa.com or post them
on the PTA Facebook page.
New Business:
No new business
Nothing to report.
The next PTA General Meeting will be Monday, February 28 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was adjourned at