9/13/21 EC Minutes


Equity Council Meeting- September 13, 2021 6pm
Agenda: Welcome, Open Forum for Advisory Topics, Adjourn
Attendance: Jennifer Cruz, Jennifer Bitsie, Jennifer Vargas, Florencio Reza, Kirsten Healy, Bianca Bemonte-Sapien, Doreen DiNaro (absent), Kendra Brown (absent).

Welcome- Sign in on Zoom
Brief history/accomplishments of 21st Equity Council overview
Introductions of New Members SY 21-22- Jennifer Cruz, Jennifer Bitsie, Jennifer Vargas. Established members introduced Kirsten Healy, Bianca Bemonte-Sapien, Doreen DiNaro (absent), Kendra Brown (absent).
Open Forum for Advisory Topics- Members shared topics in open forum: goal to have opportunity for policy review with equity lens. Council is a safe space for concerns to be voiced and to represent voices (Native American, bilingual, students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged). A space to listen and offer considerations from unique perspectives/experiences that could help the school and represent all voices.
Remote Access discussion- time, technology (swivl) for equity of access by all and least restrictive environment. Compliments shared for school responsiveness to support student needs. Suggestion to highlight school support systems on website.
Next meeting: 1 hour before PTA Meeting- TBD.

9/13/21 Equity Council Agenda

Equity Council Meeting- September 13, 2021
Agenda: Welcome, Open Forum for Advisory Topics, Adjourn

Welcome- Sign in on Chat
Introductions of New Members SY 21-22
Open Forum for Advisory Topics

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Equity Council Meetings (1 hour before each PTA Meeting)
Time: 6pm, September 13th

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 762 7348 8262
Passcode: 7rxQQD

6/14/21 EC Agenda

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 762 7348 8262
Passcode: 7rxQQD

Agenda: Welcome, Open Forum for Advisory Topics, ARP ESSER III Spending Input, 21st Century Public Academy Reentry Plan SY 21-22, Adjourn

Welcome- Sign in on Chat

Open Forum for Advisory Topics

Statewide Priorities:
Closing the digital divide
Accelerated Instruction
Supporting Social Emotional Needs
Support Needs of Students with Disabilities
Providing PPE
Improving Indoor Air Quality

Projected Award:
Input for spending, Wish list/Equity Priorities?

21st Century Public Academy Reentry Plan SY 21-22
Safe Return of In-Person Instruction
Continuity of Services (Academic and Social Emotional)


5/10/21 EC Minutes

Equity Council Meeting



Present: Kristin Healy, Victoria Tafoya, Dorene DiNaro, Alfreda Begaye, Bianca Belmonte-Sapien

Absent: Kendra Brown, Florencio Reza, Sabrina Seedor

Draft Minutes:

Equity for 1st 2nd 3rd Grade: SAT process and diagnostic screener to help teachers with intervention and if needed special ed testing. Speed of diagnostic services (our diagnostician is a contracted service). Dyslexia Screener and LETRS training opportunities for all elementary staff to train together.

School next year: Remote option equitable for when students have to miss school for any reason (parent work, COVID symptoms/status). Members acknowledge it is hard for the teachers. State PED option of full remote school-discussion. Members note opportunity to stay remote at your own local charter. Families choose charters and we want them to be able to stay in their school of choice. Not a forced situation for our families. With risk of illness, students can stay home if symptomatic and still attend and learn.

Question about SEL needs of students attending- No dramatic increase in behaviors, several students arguing. Students have transitioned well. They say hello and engage with teachers, follow rules, socialization good at lunch, forming friendships.

Next Meeting: June 14th, 2021 6pm

Topic: Equity Council Meetings (1 hour before each PTA Meeting)

Time: 6pm

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 762 7348 8262

Passcode: 7rxQQD