First grade is an exciting time when students are becoming more self reliant and independent. They are learning their place in the world and how to be a good classroom citizen. Students will learn in a variety of ways including OSI, in the classroom, and through arts education. Learning at this age is meant to be FUNdamental. Students will learn skills they will keep with them throughout their education and they will have fun doing so to create and foster a love of learning.
In reading, students will Orally read with reasonable fluency; Use letter-sound associations, word parts, and context to identify new words; Sound out and represent all substantial sounds in spelling a word; and Write about topics that are personally meaningful.
In language arts, students will learn and practice communication skills topics such as phonics, reading, reading comprehension, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling.
In math, students will learn mathematical concepts including counting, place value, addition and subtraction, and comparing numbers to name a few. Students will learn about money and to tell time.
In science, students will learn about the scientific method. They will explore topics such as life cycles, weather patterns, and the solar system. They will be exploring scientific concepts in a hands-on manner.
In social studies, students will learn about history, geography, and culture. Students will be able to interact with our community to learn about our history and culture that we experience here in New Mexico, many times through OSI’s.
In addition to the skills in the above classroom subjects, students will learn and create good habits that will help them learn executive functioning skills that they will use throughout their life. These skills include self regulation, organization, problem solving, and time management. We want every student to be successful, and we will give each student the tools they need to do so.
We look forward to a productive, exciting, and fun year in first grade as we watch students grow and thrive socially, emotionally, physically, and academically.
Goals for 1st Grade…
· To give your child the academic tools they need to progress through elementary school.
· To provide a safe, supportive learning environment.
· To have fun while we learn.
· To make new friends and discover new interests.

Colleen Valdez

Samantha Garcia