Monday September 12, 2022; 5:30 pm – In-person in school cafeteria
Call to order
-Meeting called to order @ 5:34 pm on 9/12/22
Approval of the minutes – Please look over the minutes before hand
- Joy vote, Lani second, vote unanimous, minutes approved
Administration Report/Governance Council Meeting - Fall Festival: Staff voted 1:30pm -3:30pm on October 28 th due to construction in the area.
- Each grade level to come up with a booth, let know what supplies are needed
Pick idea by October 12 th and supply list to PTA.
Set budget for each grade level or ask parents for donation items
Parents may only volunteer, they may not show up to attend. TBD if students can dress up that
day. No costumes on Halloween.
Let Angie Lerner know if anything is being brought in (i.e. bouncy houses, etc.) also if gym is
needed for use.
- Governance Council: September 15 th @ 5:30 pm
Zoom meeting, open to anyone - Construction to start Sept. 19 th done around fall break. Waiting on permits, possible delays push completion
to the end of October. Plans for Playground depends on how portables and layout goes)
President’s Report: Snack Bar, Picture Day
- Fundraising with Charleston Wrap,
- Snack Bar reported by Treasurer
Doing well financially. Afternoon making about $150 per week. Afternoon snack bar needs more
volunteers. Breakfast snack bar is not doing as great. Choices are to either discontinue morning
snack bar or expand breakfast and raise prices.
- Time is a factor in Morning, drop off starts at 8:00 am. Clarification and communication is needed on how
long student have to eat. Ask parents if morning breakfast option is viable if they know their students have
time to eat in the morning. - Ask Ms. Tarango if we can suspend breakfast until we can survey parents to make a decision on whether to
continue breakfast snack bar. - More volunteers needed for Snack Bar in the afternoon. Any volunteers need a Parent Background Check.
- Direct donation through Member Hub. Ask if those funds go directly to our PTA.
-Vice President’s Report - Nothing to add today
-Treasurer’s Report: Audit, Snack Bar - 3 auditors to look over the books, signed and submitted to PTA
- PTA accepted completed reports.
- Current Bank balance: $11,589
- Snack bar update: $331.89 profit (about $150 a week)
Secretary’s Report - Nothing to add today
Discussion of Fundraising: Charleston Wrap/Donation Bins 8 th Band T-shirts
- Charleston Wrap: so far $328.90
- Add that direct donations are okay if someone wishes to not purchase items.
- New email to let parents know there is time left.
- Ms. Tarango is okay with Donation Bins but requests we wait until after the portables project is complete
- Picture Day: Friday, Sept 23 rd in A.M.
- Band T-shirts for 8 th : last year a parent paid to have t-shirts made for the band and sold extras to recoup
costs. Zia graphics t-shirts for $10 each. Price point $25 for profit - Parent contact: with letter can get funds to cover shirts for students at least. Turbo Threads may be an
option for discount.
Discussion of Fall Festival: Need Event Chair, Committee Chairs, Ideas
- Ideas for fundraising: Pennies for Pumpkins (details to Lerner, so she can discuss with Ms. Tarango)
- Fundraising during Fall Festival – Selling snack bar items.
Any more fundraising ideas for raising money - Committee for Fall Festival – September 26 th Margie, Joy, Monica, Lindsey
Other Business - Other fundraising ideas – Shop and Drop night, Video Game night, snack bar or dinner during Literacy Fair,
Science Night, Math night (Pi Day 3/14)
Next PTA Meeting: October 3 rd , 2022 @ 5:30 pm in person in school’s cafeteria