6/17/21 PTA Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Janet Giron, President, at 7:04 pm on Monday, June 14, 2021.
The minutes from the May 10, 2021 General PTA Meeting were approved as read.
Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Janet Giron, Angela Lerner, Mikel Wagner, Lani McCarson, Tiffany
Johnson, Lynn Olivas, Jennifer Vargas
Principal’s Report by Ms. Belmonte-Sapien:
 Thanks to the PTA for getting the yearbooks out and organizing uniform donations.
 The hiring committes have been busy. We have hired a 1 st /2 nd grade teacher. She is Ms.
Carillo and her daughter is an alumna of 21 st Century, so she is very familiar with the
school. We have also hired 2 EA’s and are interviewing an additional social worker for the
elementary students.
 We have applied for a social/emotional learning grant of $1500. If we get it, it will
supplement our social/emotional learning curriculum.
 We are still accepting lottery applications and have openings in all grades.
 Our re-entry plan must be posted publicly in order to qualify for the American Rescue Plan
funding. It will be posted on the school website.
 When students re-enter school in the fall there will be bell to bell in-person learning and
before and after care. Each student will be issued a chromebook, and the students will return
to a weekly rotating class schedule. The PED has not issued a new re-entry toolkit, so there
may be some changes when they do.

ARP ESSER III (American Rescue Plan) Report by Ms. Belmonte-Sapien:
 Statewid priorities are:
Closing the digital divide
Accelerated instruction
Supporting social emotional needs
Supporting needs of students with disabilities
Providing PPE
Improving indoor air quality
 The projected award is $764,185.25
 Brainstormed ideas of how to use the award:
Drinking fountain with bottle spout – we already have these!
Utilizing our outdoor space for family events with a projector and mobile stage
Making sure all students have good internet access at home
Grassy area or playground
Outside tables
Basketball hoops, 4 square court, tether ball poles
Staff psychologist/therapist

Swimming pool
President’s Report by Janet Giron:
 The 8 th grade graduation ceremony and the Rockcital were spectacular.
 The next Governance Council Meeting will be on 6/24 at 5:30pm.
 Yearbooks have been distributed. Next year’s yearboks will be available to order at the
biggest discount in August.
Vice-President’s Report by Lani McCarson:
 Uniform donations went well. All the donations have been washed and sorted.
Treasurer’s Report by Angela Lerner:
 There were no deposits
 One check for $120 for graduation expense cleared
 Current balance is $10,611.27.
 There are several checks still outstanding. They total approximately $1500.
 We will be able to have in-person events now.
 We will be able to have the Ice Cream Social on Labor Day weekend, although we will still
have to follow state guidelines, so it may have to be outside with indivdually wrapped paletas.
Secretary’s Report by Mikel Wagner:
 According to the NM PTA, we have members in MemberHub for whom we have not
submitted payment. Janet and Angie will take care of making a payment next week.

Fundraising / New Business:
 We will do the school supply fundraiser again in the fall. Jennifer Vargas has volunteered to
help out.
 We should be able to run the snack bar again when school starts. Janet Giron needs to train
someone to take over. Jennifer Vargas can help out with this as well.
 Other fundraising ideas:
Restaurant night at Green Jeans, Blake’s, the paleta bar on Candelaria, or Cello Grill
Santa Pictures
Craft Fair
Raffle of donations or students’ art
Encouraging parents to use Amazon Smile and the Smith’s donation option linked to their value card
 The PTA would like to start a weekly or monthly newsletter to be distributed to all parents
 The PTA budget for next year will be posted at the school and needs to be voted on at the
next meeting.

The next PTA General Meeting will be Monday, July 26 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

5/10/21 PTA Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Janet Giron, President, at 7:05 pm on Monday, May 10, 2021.
The minutes from the April 12, 2021 General PTA Meeting were read and approved as corrected.
Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Janet Giron, Angela Lerner, Mikel Wagner, Alfreda Begay, Lani
McCarson, Tiffany Johnson, Mr. Feit, Wendy McCourt
Title I Report by Ms. Belmonte-Sapien:
 This meeting will act as our required annual Title I meeting as well as a PTA meeting
 Title I Budget: We will receive $100,000 to hire 5 additional Educational Assistants for next
year, bringing the total number of EA’s to 8.
 Family Engagement: this Title I requirement is fulfilled with our family nights (Math Night
for example), the School Advisory Committee, and our Family/School Agreement
 We are a full-inclusion school that uses testing data to modify our curriculum as need to
meet the need of all students.
 Title I requires that we meet all state charter school criteria. The state charter organization
made its site visit this month. They were impressed that we were able to still maintain our
charter mission in the form of the VOSI’s during covid and that we have been able to
continue MAP testing as well as state testing.

Principal’s Report by Ms. Belmonte-Sapien:
 MAP testing will take place May 17 – 21 in the areas of reading, language usage, math and
science. Teachers will use the data to help plan next year.
 There will be a shelter in place drill on May 13.
 Our social worker will be attending a conference about social/emotional support.
 The school will participate in a job fair to fill open staff positions.
 Elementary teachers are participating in Letters Training for the teaching of spelling and
 The next Governance Council meeting will be on May 20.
 The last 3 days of school, June 1 – 3, will be half days.
President’s Report by Janet Giron:
 Yearbooks will be mailed out by June 1. Yearbooks ordered to be delivered to school will be
distributed the last week of school.
 8 th grade Field Day will be Friday, May 28. Graduation will be on June 3 at 7 pm.
 Yearbook pictures went well.
 The PTA convention was last week. The PTA board will be getting together to watch the
break out presentations.
Vice-President’s Report by Alfreda Begay:
 An application was submitted to Chipotle for a fundraising night but we have not heard
back from them yet so we will have to wait and do it next year.

Treasurer’s Report by Angela Lerner:
 Deposits were made totaling $373.04.
 Current balance is $10,731.27.
 Nothing to report.
 Nothing to report.
New Business:
 There was an issue with shipping charges and Treering. Some yearbooks orders that will be
shipped to students’ homes were not charged shipping. We will need to pay $134.73 to
Treering in order for our yearbook order to be completed. Since there is currently $150
available in the Yearbook line item in the PTA budget we do not need to vote on the

The next PTA General Meeting will be Monday, June 14 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm.


The meeting was called to order by Janet Giron, President, at 7:00 pm on Monday, April 12, 2021.
The minutes from the March 8, 2021 General PTA Meeting were read and approved as corrected.
Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Janet Giron, Angela Lerner, Mikel Wagner, Alfreda Begay, Lani
McCarson, G. Stewart, Doreen DiNaro
Principal’s Report by Ms. Belmonte-Sapien:
 Student Coucil has been working hard. They have earned $300 toward their $2,000 goal in
the Charleston fundraiser. Student Council is looking for new members. They will be
sponsoring a spirit week soon.
 Upcoming virtual events will be a Math night and the Literacey Fair.
 State testing is now taking place (NMASR and NMSSA).
 In May MAPS testing will take place again. Remote students will participate in the MAPS
 Staff meetings are taking place weekly.
 Students did very well the 1 st week back in school. Screening is going smoothly and
students are doing well wearing their masks and hand washing. They do need help
remembering to maintain social distancing, but are very good about accepting correction.
 One third of all students were remote for the 1 st week back.
 NM Department of Health has announced a new surveillance program. We are reviewing
the requirements now.
 The next Governance Council meeting is on 4/22.
 A site visit by the state charter organization will be in May.
 There will be 390 1 st through 8 th grade students next year. Registration will be electronic.
 The PTA uniform closet was a big help for the 1 st week. Bottoms can be donated as well as

President’s Report by Janet Giron:
 We need to wait to pick 8 th grade graduation date to see if Bernalillo County will be green.
 The by-laws were posted on Facebook. Please look them over. Changes were made to the
number of votes need to make a quorum.
 Mr. Peckens is working with the photographer to set a date for yearbook pictures. Other
pictures to be included in the yearbook need to be submitted by the end of the month to Mr.
 The NM PTA Convention is coming up. We have an extra spot, so please let Janet know if
you would like to attend.
 We have candidates for all 4 PTA board positions for next year. We will vote on them

Vice-President’s Report by Alfreda Begay:
 The restaurant for the fundraiser needs proof of non-profit status, so it is not booked yet.

Treasurer’s Report by Angela Lerner:
 There were 2 deposits from GL Scrip totaling $49.85
 The current bank balance is $10,374.98.
 Nothing to report.
 We received an additional $10 from the GotSneakers fundraiser.
New Business:
 Can we run the snack bar? We can’t have the students standing in line so maybe we can do
pre-orders for a once a week snack bag. It would be organized by homeroom and money
would be turned into a drop box in each homeroom to be collected by the PTA.
 PTA officers need to have a current APS background check. It is good for 2 years and costs
 Angie Lerner moved to adopt the by-laws as presented. The voted passed with a show of
 The slate of officers for 2021-2022 is:
President – Janet Giron
Vice-President – Lani McCarson
Secretary – Mikel Wagner
Treasurer – Angie Lerner
Alfreda Begay moved to accept the slate as presented. The vote passed with a show of
The next PTA General Meeting will be Monday, May 10th at 7:00 pm via Zoom.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 pm.

Title 1 Annual Meeting

Title 1 Annual Meeting 21 st Century Public Academy
In joint effort with PTA Meeting

May 10, 2021

Title 1 Funding for 21 st Century
Title 1 Meeting Sign in (Role Call)
Title 1 Overview/Presentation of Budget
*Families have the right to know and be involved in: Title 1 Regular Budget, Title 1 Family
Engagement and development of Title 1 Program Plans
*Annual Revision of District/School Family Engagement Policy and School Parent Compact
*Advisory Councils meet Monthly
School Site Visit Report