Updated Basketball Information

Starting this Sunday 9/28 and moving forward, we will be using AFL Gym for all of our practices, for both Boys and Girls teams. The practice schedule for Basketball will be as follows:
Tuesdays 5p-7p
Thursdays 5p-7p
Sundays 12p-2p
We understand that some students may be involved in multiple sports and that the seasons for their sports may overlap. We encourage the athletes to make as many practices for each sport as possible.

Basketball Practice Starts this Tuesday 9/23

Practice for Girls and Boy’s basketball begins this Tuesday 9/23 at Bel Air Elementary School from 5:30pm-7pm for both boys and girls teams. There will be another practice on Thursday 9/25 at Bel Air Elementary 530p-7p, for boys and girls. There will also be practice on Sunday 9/28, boys 4-5:30p and girls 5:30p-7p, with the location TBD at this point. The gyms that will be used for practice after this week are still being negotiated, but, since there is a game on Monday 9/30 for one of the girl’s teams, we need to get a couple practices in and give parents an opportunity to turn in the paperwork and fees. Information regarding the regular practice schedules will be emailed and posted to the website by the end of the week. Please be sure to check the game schedules periodically online, as they are subject to change without notice.

PTA Meeting on October 1st!



Wednesday, October 1st, 6:00 -7:00 PM in the school cafeteria.

  • Children are welcome.
  • Focus will be planning the Fall Festival.