8/1/22 PTA Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Lani McCarson, President, at 7:00 pm on Monday, August 1, 2022.
The minutes from the June 13, 2022 General PTA Meeting were approved as read.
The minutes from the June 29, 2022 Budget PTA Meeting were approved as read.
Angela Lerner, Mikel Wagner, Lani McCarson, Rikki Hernandez, Joy Moquino
Administration’s Report by Angela Lerner:
 Summer Projects – Portables are almost set up and expected to be fully functional the first day of
 All furniture for the school has arrived and been set up.
 Mrs. Tarango has asked for PTA to provide lunch for the school for teacher in service days. PTA has
approved one breakfast August 22 and one lunch August 23.

President’s Report by Lani McCarson:
 Snack bar made less money than expected. With inflation and volunteers low we will only be doing
snack bar Wednesdays and Fridays at this time.
 Our first fundraiser will be with Charleston Wrap on September 6 through September 27th.
 We are looking at running a water bottle drive during the Ice Cream social. Parents can drop off new
and used water bottles to help families in need.

Vice President’s Report by Rikki Hernandez
 Nothing new to report.
Treasurer’s Report by Mikel Wagner:
 The bank balance is $11,039.70 as of today.
 Audit for the last two years has still not been completed.
New Business:
 We will set up a donation drive through Good Will in the Fall.
 Clothing Closet will be open Friday August 5 th and Monday August 8 th from 10 to 12.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 pm due to technical issues from Zoom.

6/13/22 PTA Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Janet Giron, President, at 6:59 pm on Monday, June 13, 2022.
The minutes from the May 23, 2022 General PTA Meeting were approved as read.
Janet Giron, Angela Lerner, Mikel Wagner, Lani McCarson, Rikki Hernandez, Joy Moquino
Administration’s Report by Angela Lerner:
 Two portables are being moved onto the dirt lot. We will be getting a playground and
fencing the lot.
 8 th grade clases will be in the new portables except Science, which will still be in the main
 Teachers voted to have the Ice Cream Social on August 25 from 5-7pm
 October 26 is the tentative date for the Fall Festival
 Amost all grade levels are full
President’s Report by Janet Giron:
 Angie, Mikel and Janet are working on the audit and the 22-23 Fiscal Year budget
 We will have a meeting on June 29 to discuss the budget
 The next Governance Council meeting will be on June 16 at 5:30
Vice President’s Report by Lani McCarson:
 We have been contacted by Charlston Wrap about doing a fundraiser with them. We will
contact former PTA members who ran this fundraiser to see if it was successful.

Treasurer’s Report by Angela Lerner/Mikel Wagner:
 The bank balance is $16,201.86 as of today.
New Business:
 There was no new business.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 pm.