3/27/23 PTA Minutes
Call to Order
Lani calls the meeting to order at 5:05 pm
Approval of the February minutes – please look over the minutes beforehand
- Will approve at next meeting along with March meeting notes.
Administration Report/Governance Council Meeting - Got the quote for the playground. The playground will start coming in.
- Getting internet for the portables
- Graduation is at UNM Continuing Education Building on May 24 th (Time to be announced)
- On March 31 st PED is doing their site visit
- Talent show Friday night 7 pm – 9 pm, PTA post the flyer on Facebook. Parents have to be present
- April 22 nd , registration for next year. 11 am – 1 pm
-April 20 th Governance council meeting
President’s Report - April 28 th from 5 – 7 talent show. All games and food are planned out. Lani will send out sign-up genius signups
for food and volunteer help. - Bank account signers
- Joy Moquino will be removed from the bank account.
- Joy motions to remove herself from the bank account
- Mikel seconds the motion.
- Motion passes unanimously
- Heather Chase and Helen Dundas
- Lani motions to put Heather Chase and Helen Dundas on the bank account and remove Lani
from the accounts as a signer. - Joy seconds the motion
- Motion passes unanimously
Vice President’s
- Nothing to report
Treasure’s Report - Income is over $6,000
- Balance is $17711.14
- Not over budget on anything. There is still money in some of the accounts for spending including Spring Fling
Secretary’s Report
- Nothing to report
Other: - Discontinue the Breakfast Snack Bar once supplies have been exhausted
- Joy motions to discontinue the breakfast snack bar
- Lani seconds the motion
- Motion passes unanimously
- Election of the new board
- Heather Chase – President
- Lani motions to vote Heather into the office of President
- Joy seconds the motion
- Motion passes unanimously
- Jennifer Aragon – Vice President
- Lani motions to vote Jennifer into the office of Vice President
- Joy seconds the motion.
- Motion passes unanimously
- Lindsey Landis -Secretary
- Lani motions to vote Lindsey into the office of Secretary
- Joys seconds the motion
- Motion passes unanimously
- Helen Dunas – Treasurer
- Lani motions to vote Helen into the office of Treasurer
- Joy seconds the motion
- Motion passes unanimously
The next meeting will be on Monday, May 1 st @5:00 pm
The meeting adjourned at 5:46 pm