8/17/20 GC Agenda

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ID: 91393002874
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Call Meeting to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda*
Approval of Minutes*
August 27th
Open Forum
Next Meeting: October 15, 2020
Adjourn Meeting
(*) Action Item
Pursuant to the 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council Open Meeting Policy Resolution of 4-20-2020:
• Proper and required notification to the public has occurred,
• This is a Special Meeting of the 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council requiring a minimum 72 hours public notice and that
requirement has been met,
• If you wish to attend contact 21 st Century Public Academy Office at telephone number (505) 254-0280 for further information,
• If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader; amplifier; qualified sign language interpreter; or any other form of
auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact 21 st Century Public Academy at 505-254-0280 at least one
(1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various
accessible formats. Please contact 21 st Century Public Academy at 505-254-0280 if a summary or other type of accessible format is

8/27/20 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice-President
Kathy Webb, Secretary
Evelyn Dow, Member
Victoria Tafoya, Member
Gary Boyd, Member

Member Absent: Daniel Kegler, Member Absent

All other members Present via Virtual Meeting with Zoom

Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Zach Kirchgessner, the Vigil Group
Jeremy Peckens, CPO

Governance Meeting Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo, President at 5:36 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Motion to Approve Agenda —Kathy Webb
2 nd — Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved via Roll Cal Vote
Motion to Amend Agenda to change date of August 23 Emergency meeting date to
August 22 Emergency meeting date—Gary Boyd
2 nd –Kathy Webb
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote

Approval of Minutes

Motion to Approve Minutes, July 20, 2020 meeting—Art Silva
2 nd —Gary Boyd

Motion Approved Via Roll Call Vote

Motion to Approve Minutes, August 22 9:00 AM Emergency meeting, August 22 10:00 AM
Emergency Meeting and corrected date of August 22 12:00 PM Emergency meeting—Gary Boyd
2 nd —Art Silva
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote

Open Forum

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien mentioned being sure that Parents can easily attain the Zoom
Meeting sign in information.


 Budget Report
Zach Kirchgessner presented Account Summary Reports for July 2020: the Expenditure and
Revenue Reports, Issued Purchase Order Report, Bank Register Report and Outstanding Checks
Report, Bank Reconciliation Reports.
 Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation

Motion to approve Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation for July 2020
—Gary Boyd
2 nd Kathy Webb
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


Zach Zirchgessner presented the BARS:
Motion to Approve BARS—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Kathy Webb
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Approval of Parent/Student Handbook

Motion to Approve Parent/Student Handbook for2020-2021 School Year—Kathy Webb
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Officer Elections

Victoria Tafoya, Nominating Committee Chair suggested that officers continue for the
school year 2020-2021 to maintain consistency through the Pandemic. It was stated that
the only officer up for re-election was the Vice-President as President Virginia Trujillo and
Secretary Kathy Webb have another year on their two-year term.
Motion to elect Art Silva to continue as Vice President—Evelyn Dow
2 nd –Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


The Governance Council Standing Committees are: Audit, Finance, By-Laws, Policies and
Procedures-Internal Controls, Nominating Committee, and School Advisory Council.
Members Nominated for the 20-21 School Year?
Virginia Trujillo, Governance Council (Chair)
Evelyn Dow, Governance Council
Zach Kirchgessner, Business Manager (Vigil Group)
Mary Tarango, CEO
Angela Lerner, Community Member
Brenda Amos, Parent


Art Silva, Governance Council (Chair)
Gary Boyd, Governance Council
Michael Vigil, Business Manager
Mary Tarango, CEO
Kathy Webb, Governance Council (Chair)
Gary Boyd, Governance Council
Mary Tarango, CEO
Policies and Procedures – Internal Controls
Evelyn Dow, Governance Council
Gary Boyd, Governance Council (Chair)
Michael Vigil, Business Manager
Mary Tarango, CEO
Nominating Committee
Victoria Tafoya, Governance Council (Chair)
Daniel Kegler, Governance Council
School Advisory Council
Victoria Tafoya, Governance Council (Chair)
Kathy Webb, Governance Council
Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Janet Giron, Parent (PTA Representative)
Jeremy Peckens, Staff
Motion to Approve Committees for the 2020-2021 School Year—Art Silva
2 nd –Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Reentry Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year

Mary Tarango Presented the Reentry plan and Discussion followed.

Adjust Regular Meeting Date

Motion to Move the Governance Council Regular Meeting date to the 3 rd Thursday
of each month—Art Silva
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

PRINCIPAL’s REPORT, Bianca Belmonte-Sapien

  1. Registration Numbers 2020-2021 (as of 8/24/20)
    4 th Grade-26
    5 th Grade –41                    

                   6 th Grade – 84 (as of this meeting 85)                                             
                   7 th Grade – 101
                   8 th Grade – 98                                        
Totals:         356 380 Target Enrollment

  1. PED Reentry Plan Submitted July 15 th , Approved August 11, 2020.
  2. FEMA Funding Project Applications Submitted (Nursing, Facility Manager, Lunch
    Manager, Comprehensive Commercial Cleaning)—about $100,000+ in possible funding to
    the school if approved.
  3. Extended Learning Time Program—Enrollment of 380 and Calendar +10 days submitted
    to PED for approval, possible funding to the school if approved.
    Awaiting approval/funding.
  4. Drive Thru Welcome Back and Chromebook Distribution Monday, August 31.

Next Meeting: August 17, 2021
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Kathy Webb
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Meeting Adjourned at 7:15 PM

8/27/20 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice-President
Kathy Webb, Secretary
Evelyn Dow, Member
Victoria Tafoya, Member
Gary Boyd, Member

Member Absent: Daniel Kegler, Member Absent

All other members Present via Virtual Meeting with Zoom

Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Zach Kirchgessner, the Vigil Group
Jeremy Peckens, CPO

Governance Meeting Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo, President at 5:36 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Motion to Approve Agenda —Kathy Webb
2 nd — Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved via Roll Cal Vote
Motion to Amend Agenda to change date of August 23 Emergency meeting date to
August 22 Emergency meeting date—Gary Boyd
2 nd –Kathy Webb
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote

Approval of Minutes

Motion to Approve Minutes, July 20, 2020 meeting—Art Silva
2 nd —Gary Boyd

Motion Approved Via Roll Call Vote

Motion to Approve Minutes, August 22 9:00 AM Emergency meeting, August 22 10:00 AM
Emergency Meeting and corrected date of August 22 12:00 PM Emergency meeting—Gary Boyd
2 nd —Art Silva
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote

Open Forum

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien mentioned being sure that Parents can easily attain the Zoom
Meeting sign in information.


 Budget Report
Zach Kirchgessner presented Account Summary Reports for July 2020: the Expenditure and
Revenue Reports, Issued Purchase Order Report, Bank Register Report and Outstanding Checks
Report, Bank Reconciliation Reports.
 Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation

Motion to approve Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation for July 2020
—Gary Boyd
2 nd Kathy Webb
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


Zach Zirchgessner presented the BARS:
Motion to Approve BARS—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Kathy Webb
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Approval of Parent/Student Handbook

Motion to Approve Parent/Student Handbook for2020-2021 School Year—Kathy Webb
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Officer Elections

Victoria Tafoya, Nominating Committee Chair suggested that officers continue for the
school year 2020-2021 to maintain consistency through the Pandemic. It was stated that
the only officer up for re-election was the Vice-President as President Virginia Trujillo and
Secretary Kathy Webb have another year on their two-year term.
Motion to elect Art Silva to continue as Vice President—Evelyn Dow
2 nd –Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


The Governance Council Standing Committees are: Audit, Finance, By-Laws, Policies and
Procedures-Internal Controls, Nominating Committee, and School Advisory Council.
Members Nominated for the 20-21 School Year?
Virginia Trujillo, Governance Council (Chair)
Evelyn Dow, Governance Council
Zach Kirchgessner, Business Manager (Vigil Group)
Mary Tarango, CEO
Angela Lerner, Community Member
Brenda Amos, Parent


Art Silva, Governance Council (Chair)
Gary Boyd, Governance Council
Michael Vigil, Business Manager
Mary Tarango, CEO
Kathy Webb, Governance Council (Chair)
Gary Boyd, Governance Council
Mary Tarango, CEO
Policies and Procedures – Internal Controls
Evelyn Dow, Governance Council
Gary Boyd, Governance Council (Chair)
Michael Vigil, Business Manager
Mary Tarango, CEO
Nominating Committee
Victoria Tafoya, Governance Council (Chair)
Daniel Kegler, Governance Council
School Advisory Council
Victoria Tafoya, Governance Council (Chair)
Kathy Webb, Governance Council
Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Janet Giron, Parent (PTA Representative)
Jeremy Peckens, Staff
Motion to Approve Committees for the 2020-2021 School Year—Art Silva
2 nd –Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Reentry Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year

Mary Tarango Presented the Reentry plan and Discussion followed.

Adjust Regular Meeting Date

Motion to Move the Governance Council Regular Meeting date to the 3 rd Thursday
of each month—Art Silva
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

PRINCIPAL’s REPORT, Bianca Belmonte-Sapien

  1. Registration Numbers 2020-2021 (as of 8/24/20)
    4 th Grade-26
    5 th Grade –41                    

                   6 th Grade – 84 (as of this meeting 85)                                             
                   7 th Grade – 101
                   8 th Grade – 98                                        
Totals:         356 380 Target Enrollment

  1. PED Reentry Plan Submitted July 15 th , Approved August 11, 2020.
  2. FEMA Funding Project Applications Submitted (Nursing, Facility Manager, Lunch
    Manager, Comprehensive Commercial Cleaning)—about $100,000+ in possible funding to
    the school if approved.
  3. Extended Learning Time Program—Enrollment of 380 and Calendar +10 days submitted
    to PED for approval, possible funding to the school if approved.
    Awaiting approval/funding.
  4. Drive Thru Welcome Back and Chromebook Distribution Monday, August 31.

Next Meeting: August 17, 2021
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Kathy Webb
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Meeting Adjourned at 7:15 PM

8/22/20 Emergency GC Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice-President
Kathy Webb, Secretary
Evelyn Dow, Member
Victoria Tafoya, Member
Gary Boyd, Member
Daniel Kegler, Member

Member Absent: All present via Zoom Meeting
Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Jeremy Peckens, CPO
21 st Century Public Academy Staff via Zoom
Janet Giron, PTA President
Alicia Fernandez, Parent

Governance Meeting Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo President at 12:34 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Open Forum

Input for Reopening Due to COVID

Action Items

 Motion to go to online learning for the 1 st quarter[9-weeks] of the school year 20-21;
reevaluating and gathering data during that time to determine what to do for the 2 nd
quarter.—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Next Meeting: August 27, 2020 at 5:30 PM
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn—Evelyn Dow
2 nd Art Silva
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Meeting Adjourned at 1:48 PM