8/19/19 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice President
Evalyn Dow, Member
Victoria Tafoya, Member
Members Absent: Kathy Webb, Secretary
Elizabeth Piazza, Member

Guests: Mary Tarango

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Kathy Potter
Michael Vigil, The Vigil Group

Governance Council Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo @ 5:45 p.m.
Roll Call
 Quorum met
Approval of Agenda –
 Motion to approve agenda – Art Silva
2 nd . – Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved
Approval of Previous Governance Council (GC) Meeting Minutes
 Motion to approve minutes of July 29, 2019 – Art Silva
2 nd – Evalyn Dow
Motion Approved
Open Forum – No Comments
Approval of BARS
001-027-1920-0001-IB Instructional Materials
001-027-1920-0003-IB Food Services
001-027-1920-0004-IB Activities
001-027-1920-0005-IB SB9
 Motion to approve BARS – Art Silva
2 nd – Evalyn Dow
Motion Approved
Employee Handbook
 Motion to approve Employee Handbook with changes – Victoria Tafoya
2 nd – Art Silva

Motion Approved
Parent/Student Handbook
 Motion to approve Parent/Student Handbook – Evalyn Dow
2 nd – Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved
Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
 Motion to approve Students’ Rights and Responsibilities – Art Silva
2 nd – Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved
Building Usage/Rental Agreement
 Motion to approve Building Usage/Rental Agreement with changes – Art Silva
2 nd – Evalyn Dow
Motion Approved
Medical Cannabis Update
To be determined at school site with Charter School Nursing Services.
Closed Session
The Governing Board met in closed session on August 19, 2019 to discuss collective
bargaining, personnel and legal matters. The collective bargaining discussion was closed
pursuant to Sections 10-15-1 (H)(5) and 10-15-1 (1)(2); the personnel discussion was
closed pursuant to Sections 10-15-1 (H)(2) and 10-15-1 (1)(2); and the legal matter was
closed pursuant to Section 10-15-1 (H)(7) New Mexico Statutes Annotated 1978 (2005
Cumulative Supplement). The meeting related only to those matters listed on the notice
of meeting and no action was taken.
 Motion to come out of closed session – Art Silva
2 nd – Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved
Audit Update
Mary Tarango stated that onsite is complete. The audit committee meeting will be held at
Moss Adams on Friday, August 23, 2019 at noon.
Renewal Application
 Motion to send renewal application to PEC @ State Department – Victoria
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Grand Opening/Labor Day
1:00-1:30 – Tour of school gym
1:30 – Ceremony begins
2:00 – Ice cream social

Building Report
Mary stated that keys and 30 day temp from city for occupancy has been received.
Principal’s Report
Bianca Belmonte-Sapien stated that enrollment is at 327 and that jump-start letter went
out to parents. She also stated that school is fully staffed.
Phase 2 is going well. Jump start is Thursday, August 22, 2019 and first day of school is
Tuesday, September 3, 2019.
Officer Elections
Mary stated that elections are staggered and that Nominating Committee needs to decide
on rotation. There is one open member position available.
Next Meeting
 Monday, September 16, 2019
Finance Committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. followed by Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn – Evalyn Dow
 2 nd . – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

8/19/19 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice President
Evelyn Dow, Member
Victoria Tafoya, Member
Members Absent: Kathy Webb, Secretary
Elizabeth Piazza, Member

Guests: Mary Tarango

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Kathy Potter
Michael Vigil, The Vigil Group

Governance Council Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo @ 5:45 p.m.
Roll Call
 Quorum met
Approval of Agenda –
 Motion to approve agenda – Art Silva
2 nd . – Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved
Approval of Previous Governance Council (GC) Meeting Minutes
 Motion to approve minutes of July 29, 2019 – Art Silva
2 nd – Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved
Open Forum – No Comments
Approval of BARS
001-027-1920-0001-IB Instructional Materials
001-027-1920-0003-IB Food Services
001-027-1920-0004-IB Activities
001-027-1920-0005-IB SB9
 Motion to approve BARS – Art Silva
2 nd – Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved
Employee Handbook
 Motion to approve Employee Handbook with changes – Victoria Tafoya
2 nd – Art Silva

Motion Approved
Parent/Student Handbook
 Motion to approve Parent/Student Handbook – Evelyn Dow
2 nd – Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved
Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
 Motion to approve Students’ Rights and Responsibilities – Art Silva
2 nd – Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved
Building Usage/Rental Agreement
 Motion to approve Building Usage/Rental Agreement with changes – Art Silva
2 nd – Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved
Medical Cannabis Update
To be determined at school site with Charter School Nursing Services.
Closed Session
The Governing Board met in closed session on August 19, 2019 to discuss collective
bargaining, personnel and legal matters. The collective bargaining discussion was closed
pursuant to Sections 10-15-1 (H)(5) and 10-15-1 (1)(2); the personnel discussion was
closed pursuant to Sections 10-15-1 (H)(2) and 10-15-1 (1)(2); and the legal matter was
closed pursuant to Section 10-15-1 (H)(7) New Mexico Statutes Annotated 1978 (2005
Cumulative Supplement). The meeting related only to those matters listed on the notice
of meeting and no action was taken.
 Motion to come out of closed session – Art Silva
2 nd – Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved
Audit Update
Mary Tarango stated that onsite is complete. The audit committee meeting will be held at
Moss Adams on Friday, August 23, 2019 at noon.
Renewal Application
 Motion to send renewal application to PEC @ State Department – Victoria
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Grand Opening/Labor Day
1:00-1:30 – Tour of school gym
1:30 – Ceremony begins
2:00 – Ice cream social

Building Report
Mary stated that keys and 30 day temp from city for occupancy has been received.
Principal’s Report
Bianca Belmonte-Sapien stated that enrollment is at 327 and that jump-start letter went
out to parents. She also stated that school is fully staffed.
Phase 2 is going well. Jump start is Thursday, August 22, 2019 and first day of school is
Tuesday, September 3, 2019.
Officer Elections
Mary stated that elections are staggered and that Nominating Committee needs to decide
on rotation. There is one open member position available.
Next Meeting
 Monday, September 16, 2019
Finance Committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. followed by Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn – Evelyn Dow
 2 nd . – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

7/29/19 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice President
Phillip Sapien, Member
Evelyn Dow, Member
Elizabeth Piazza, Member
Victoria Tafoya, Member
Member Absent: Kathy Webb, Secretary

Josh Lewis, Moss Adams
Mary Tarango, Chief Executive Officer
Bianca Sapien, Principal
Zach Kirchgessner, The Vigil Group
Governance Meeting Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo at 5:45 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met.
Approval of Agenda

 Motion to approve—Elizabeth Piazza
 2 nd —Art Silva
Motion Approved
Approval of Minutes, June 24, 2019

 Motion to Approve— Elizabeth Piazza
2 nd —Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved

Open Forum

 A letter of resignation from the board was presented by Phil Sapien.

AUDIT REPORT and DISCUSSION—Josh Lewis, Moss Adams

 Josh Lewis presented 2018 Audit Results
 November 5, 2018 Moss Adams submitted results to State Auditor
 27 findings related to the school. 3 Findings related to the foundation
 Must reassess each of the findings – scheduled for August 12 th
 Report of Independent Accountants on Applying Agreed-upon Procedures – Signed by
Moss Adams, LLP on July 18, 2019
 Looks a lot better going into the audit this year than last year. Noted that there is key
support as a team to make improvements.

 Areas of risk can be identified by the Moss Adams team or the clients.
 Meeting with Audit committee end of August and toward the end of every month until
the statements go out.
 Last year was the first year with Moss Adams as an Auditor.

Request from board: Auditors who conduct audits at 21 st Century in the future should be
knowledgeable in the requirements of Charter schools and lease purchase agreement.
Question from Board: What can be done to avoid the “Balloon” payment issue? Let the bank
know and have constant communications with Moss Adams. Moss Adams can provide guidance
on what evidence is required. Be proactive about it prior to fieldwork.
Statement to the Board by Chief Executive Officer: A request by the school was made to ask
that the findings be released separate and early. Must be approved by the state auditor. Waiting
on Natalie’s approval. Up to State Auditor to release 21 st Century.
Question: Does Moss Adams have policies and procedures in place when conducting audits?
Response from Moss Adams representative: Audits are conducted utilizing Moss Adams
guidelines and their professional judgement and longevity as auditors.

Zach Kirchgessner of the Vigil Group presented the Budget Reports

 Motion to Approve—Art Silva
2 nd —Elizabeth Piazza
Motion Approved


 Motion to Approve—Elizabeth Piazza
2 nd —Art Silva
Motion Approved

The Finance Committee reported out a new process starting July 1 st , 2019. All Journal entries
will be reviewed and reported on starting in the new fiscal year. The Finance Committee
reviewed the Asset Rolled Forward Report and the Year End Accrual Report. In addition,
quarterlies for the 21 st Century Foundation, Cutler Charitable foundation and the PTA were

Revised by-Laws presented by Mary Tarango, Chief Executive Officer

 Motion to Approve—Elizabeth Piazza
2 nd —Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved

Updated to reflect changes necessary for the Corrective Action Plan
 Motion to Approve—Art Silva
2 nd —Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved


 Reported by Mary Tarango . APS has approved the Corrective Action Plan.
 Mary Tarango has met several times with the APS Charter office. The plan will be
revisited during the site visit in the Fall and in the Spring.
Motion to Approve—Elizabeth Piazza
2 nd —Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved


 Move Spring Break to align with APS. 5 th -8 th grade far exceed instructional days
compared to other surrounding schools.
 Motion to Approve—Evelyn Dow
 2 nd —Elizabeth Piazza
 Motion Approved


 The Governing council discussed the importance to work collaboratively with 21 st
Century Public Academy Foundation, the Cutler Charitable Foundation and the 21 st
Century PTA.
 Motion to Approve—Art Silva
 2 nd —Victoria Tafoya
 Motion Approved

 Mary Tarango reported that accommodations can be put in place if necessary. Nursing
Services is also providing guidance to the school.


 Mary Tarango reported that funding available has paid for the bleachers, score board,
basketball goals, and padding. 40 Chrome books were ordered as well as backboards.
Classroom and student needs will be identified. Software upgrades are also needed.
Technology needs include a phone system. Ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place on
September 2 nd in the gym at 2:00pm. Invites will go to Governor, Legislators, Mayor,
Parents, others. A special memory token of the event will be provided to all attendees.
Elevators are not functioning at this time. The Contractor is working with the elevator
company. Waiting on the Certificate of Occupancy.


 Presented by Bianca Sapien- Presented the SBA/Transition (TAMELA) results. 133
student met or exceeded proficiency standards. ELA 46%, APS 27%. Math 28%, APS

20%. Presented embargoed Science SBA results. Principal will work with teams to
review data.
 Registration numbers presented as of 7/22/2019. 321 students enrolled.
 Transportation 141 potential rides that come from the westside area. Information
shared with APS Transportation Department.
 Hiring update provided- 1 open position.


 August 19, 2019 at 5:30 PM
 Include Grant seeking dicussion and elections


 Motion to Approve— Evelyn Dow
2 nd —Art Silva
Motion Approved

8/19/19 GC Agenda


Call Meeting to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda*
Approval of Minutes*
Minutes for July 29, 2019
Open Forum
001-027-1920-0003-IB FOOD SERVICES
001-027-1920-0004-IB ACTIVITIES
001-027-1920-0005-IB SB9
Next Meeting: September 16, 2019
Adjourn Open Meeting
(*) Action Item
Pursuant to the 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council Open Meeting Policy Resolution of 4-15-2019:
• Proper and required notification to the public has occurred,
• This is a Special Meeting of the 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council requiring a minimum 72 hours public notice
and that requirement has been met,
• If you wish to attend contact 21 st Century Public Academy Office at telephone number (505) 254-0280 for further information,
• If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader; amplifier; qualified sign language interpreter; or any other
form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact 21 st Century Public Academy at 505-254-
0280 at least one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can
be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact 21 st Century Public Academy at 505-254-0280 if a summary or other
type of accessible format is needed.