3/18/19 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice President
Phillip Sapien, Member (by phone)
Evelyn Dow, Member
Victoria Tafoya, Member (by phone)

Members Absent: Elizabeth Piazza, Member
Kathy Webb, Secretary
Guests: Mary Tarango, Principal
Michael Vigil, The Vigil Group

Governance Council Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo @ 5:35 p.m.
Roll Call
 Quorum met.
Approval of Agenda
 Motion to approve agenda with corrections– Art Silva
2 nd . – Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved
Approval of Previous Governance Council (GC) Meeting Minutes
 Motion to approve minutes – Phil Sapien
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
 Motion to approve minutes of January 21, 2019 with amended change –
Phillip Sapien
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Open Forum
 No comments
Michael Vigil went over Bank Reconciliations, Cash Disbursements and BARS.
 Motion to approve Cash Disbursements – Art Silva
2 nd – Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved


 Motion to approve BARS – Evelyn Dow
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved

Ms. Tarango reviewed Policy Adoption for Special Education Discipline :
There were questions about the type of alternative settings we would be able to offer.
There was a lack of clarity of our position so after some discussion it was decided to table
the discussion and provide the information at the next meeting.
 Motion to table the discuss and postpone the vote – Art Silva
2 nd – Phil Sapien
Michael Vigil presented the proposed Internal Controls
Mr. Vigil explained that the document did support procurement code and best practices.
There were no questions from the membership.
 Motion to approve Internal Controls – Art Silva
2 nd – Victoria Tafoya
2017-18 Audit
 Motion to move to Closed Session to discuss Audit – Evelyn Dow
2 nd – Art Silva
 Motion to come out of Closed Session – Evelyn Dow
2 nd – Art Silva
It was requested that the following be noted in the minutes:
 No money is missing nor is there any indication of fraud
 Items are more procedural in nature
 Financials would indicate that we were not in a deficit position
Discussion around pursuing a “Special Interim Audit” was supported. Mr. Vigil will
submit request to the State Auditor.

Principal’s Report

 Construction Updates – Mary met with the contractor and completion is
scheduled for late April to Early May.
 Registration Numbers – Budget for 2019-2020 school year is projected at 320
5 th grade – 40
6 th grade – 94
7 th grade – 88
8 th grade – 73
TOTAL – 295 Current Registration
 Legislative Update – The lobbyist reported to Mrs. Tarango that we have been
submitted for $245,000 in Special Capital outlay. It has not yet been signed by
the Governor. A bill was combined that may allow for special financing of
Charters with approved Lease Purchase Agreements. Mrs. Tarango will follow
up. The combined efforts of the legislators will result in an increase in the SEG
and raises for all employees. The Spring Budget Workshop is March 27 th
through 29 th were we will be given our budget allocation. We will be requesting
funding for 320 students.
 Transition Assessment Tests for ELA and Math
The tests are scheduled for the first week in May and training is ongoing until the test
 Lottery Draw Numbers – Mary stated that there is a long waiting list for 6 th & 7 th
5 th grade – 39
6 th grade – 101
7 th grade – 108
8 th grade – 96
TOTAL – 345
 Transition Assessment Tests for ELA and Math
The tests are scheduled for the first week in May and training is ongoing until the test
 21 st Century Foundation Golf Tournament – Monday, April 29 th at the Canyon
 Testing Update – SBA’s are complete, I-Ready and MAP’s will be scheduled by
the grade level teams and EOC’s will be scheduled as required.
Next Meeting
 Monday, April 15, 2019, 5:30 p.m.
Reminder of Finance Training on Saturday, April 6 th from 9am to Noon!!
Motion to adjourn – Art Silva
 2 nd . – Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

3/18/19 Principal’s Report

1. Construction Updates
Completion Late April
2. Registration Numbers

5 th Grade – (40)
6 th Grade – (94)
7 th Grade – (88)
8 th Grade – (73)
Totals (295)
3. Legislative Update
4. Lottery Draw Numbers
5 th Grade – 40
6 th Grade – 101
7 th Grade – 108
8 th Grade – 96
Totals – 345
5. Transition Assessment for ELA and Math
6. 21 st Foundation Golf Tournament – Monday April 29 th , Canyon Club
7. Testing Update – SBA’s Complete, Transition Tests Scheduled

2/18/19 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice President
Kathy Webb, Secretary
Phillip Sapien, Member
Evelyn Dow, Member (by phone)
Victoria Tafoya, Member (by phone)

Members Absent: Elizabeth Piazza, Member
Guests: Mary Tarango, Principal
Bianca Sapien, Assistant Principal
Kathy Potter
Michael Vigil, The Vigil Group

Governance Council Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo @ 5:35 p.m.
Roll Call
 Quorum met.
Approval of Agenda
 Motion to approve agenda – Phillip Sapien
2 nd . – Kathy Webb
Motion Approved
Approval of Previous Governance Council (GC) Meeting Minutes
 Motion to amend minutes of January 21, 2019. Remove “Motion to approve
Bank Reconciliation” – Kathy Webb
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
 Motion to approve minutes of January 21, 2019 with amended change –
Phillip Sapien
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Open Forum
Michael Vigil stated that he was approved for training. Dates and times will be
determined at a later date.
Michael Vigil went over Bank Reconciliations, Cash Disbursements and BARS.

 Motion to approve Cash Disbursements – Art Silva
2 nd – Phillip Sapien
Motion Approved
 Motion to approve BARS – Kathy Webb
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
APS Site Review
Mary stated that the renewal application was sent to Charter School Office and will then
go to APS Board for approval. She also stated that 21 st Century is a solid B performing
school. Mary went over the 2018-2019 site visit report, which was held on January 24,
Mary reviewed three Policy Adoptions:
 Motion to approve Policy Adoption – Religious Issues – Kathy Webb
2 nd – Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved
 Motion to approve Policy Adoption – Background Checks (UPDATE) –
Art Silva
2 nd – Phillip Sapien
Motion Approved
 Motion to Approve Policy Adoption Administration of Medication –
Kathy Webb
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Date Presentation
Bianca Sapien reported on the data for Math and Reading Growth, and MAPS Growth for
Science and Language.
Principal’s Report
Construction Updates – Mary met with the contractor and completion is scheduled for
mid April.
Registration Numbers – Budget for 2019-2020 school year is projected at 320 students.
5 th grade – 40
6 th grade – 95
7 th grade – 88
8 th grade – 75
TOTAL – 298 Current Registration

Legislative Update – Update report was given by Mary Tarango and Victoria Tafoya.
Lottery Draw Numbers – Mary stated that there is a long waiting list for 6 th & 7 th grade.
5 th grade – 39
6 th grade – 100
7 th grade – 108
8 th grade – 95
TOTAL – 342
Next Meeting
 Monday, March 18, 2019, 5:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn – Phillip Sapien
 2 nd . – Kathy Webb
Motion Approved
Meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.

3/18/19 GC Agenda

Call Meeting to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda*
Approval of Minutes*
Minutes for February 18, 2019
Open Forum


III. 2018-19 AUDIT
Next Meeting: April 15th
Adjourn Open Meeting
(*) Action Item
Pursuant to the 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council Open Meeting Policy Resolution of 9-1-2015:
• Proper and required notification to the public has occurred,
• This is a Special Meeting of the 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council requiring a minimum 72 hours public notice
and that requirement has been met,
• If you wish to attend contact 21 st Century Public Academy Office at telephone number (505) 254-0280 for further information,
• If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader; amplifier; qualified sign language interpreter; or any other
form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact 21 st Century Public Academy at 505-254-
0280 at least one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can
be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact 21 st Century Public Academy at 505-254-0280 if a summary or other
type of accessible format is needed.