Missed Yearbook Portraits

Hello dragon families!  As you are aware we have had our school picture day last week.  Any student that was unable to attend school on that day or make an appointment with the photographer, please email a portrait for use in the yearbook to yearbook@21stcenturypa.com.  Please make the title of the email “(Student Name) Portrait”.  Please remember the dress code that was required for picture day when choosing your portrait: No revealing clothing, no spaghetti straps, no torn pants or shorts, no sweatpants.  A school uniform is also acceptable. The deadline for sending this portrait is Wednesday, May 5th.

Students that were in person on picture day (April 21st) or who made an appointment with the photographer to have their photo taken in the gym or at the photographer’s studio do not need to send a portrait.

Thank you!

Picture Day

Dear Dragon Families;

Picture Day is scheduled for Wednesday, April 21st. It is a DRESS UP day. No revealing clothing, no spaghetti straps, no torn pants or shorts, no sweatpants. A uniform is acceptable but we hope you take advantage of this opportunity to have your student dress up! Please note your student will be asked to change if their clothing fails to meet the above guidelines. If you need further clarification, please visit the handbook your student brought home. Once in front of the camera, students may choose to keep their mask on or off for the photo. Details for both in-person and remote students are below.

In-Person Students

School Photos for 21st Century Public Academy will be taken for students and staff doing in-person learning on Wednesday April 21st. All students will automatically be photographed with a fall “yearbook” close-up and a “Knee-up” spring photo. A proof will be returned to the school with your online code for ordering.

Remote Learning Students

In addition, KBP will have cameras set up for virtual learning students to go in and take their school photos from 11:30 to 12:30. You can book an appointment to come to the school from 11:30am to 12:30 am on the 21st. Photos will be in the gym.

All remote learning students must make an appointment to avoid large crowds and properly social distance.

Visit https://www.kennethbrownphotography.com/21st-century-academy-april-21st to book your appointment today. You will receive an online code to view and order photos after picture day.

For the remote students, PARENTS PLEASE PARK ON CUTLER AVE(not the parking lot or Dragon Lane.) Then the student and up to 1 adult will walk along the sidewalk on Dragon Lane up to the east gym entrance. Your remote student/students will enter the gym through the east gym entrance (glass doors) and exit out the back of the gym to head back to their parents’ cars.

Sign In Procedures / Testing

Parents and Guardians,

Testing week is off to a great start! Your students are putting forth a wonderful effort to do well.

A few procedures:

Parents, it is very important that you sign in your students when they arrive after 8:15AM. We continue to screen students for COVID symptoms upon arrival. If they do not pass the screening they will have to go home. Our nursing staff is working hard to keep our school community safe!

If your student is experiencing COVID symptoms, please keep them home. Common symptoms are upset stomach, headache, runny nose, coughing, and fever. If your student does have to go home, you will get a call from our nurse. We continue to follow the DOH/PED decision making process for symptomatic students.

Allergies are common this time of year. If your student suffers from chronic allergies, please have their primary care doctor fax or email a note to the office so the nurse can place it in their file. If you have any questions please call our school nurse.

Thank you for your cooperation to keep our community healthy and our kids in school!

School Fundraiser

Dragon Families:

Please help support the Student Council fundraiser by registering online today. We have partnered with Charleston Wrap and with over 2,500 gift ideas, there is something for everyone! Be sure to register today, and please, please, please start sharing our fundraiser with your family & friends.
Link: www.charlestonwrapstore.com
Organization ID: 2220