2020/2021 Yearbook Photo Requests

Hello, Dragon families!

The yearbook club is hard at work preparing this year’s book, and we need your help! In this unprecedented year, we have not had as many opportunities to take photos of students in order to tell the story of their year. We are reaching out to families to request photos you may have that will help us tell that story. Photos of remote learning workstations, activities and projects your student has engaged in, candid shots of them just being themselves! These are the kinds of photos we need.

If you have any that you’re willing to share with the yearbook staff, please email them to yearbook@21stcenturypa.com. Thank you!

Re-Opening Parent Survey

Dragons families;

Below is the link for our Re-Opening Parent Survey. Your input on re-opening is of great importance to us. If can please fill out by Friday February 5th, it would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you and have a good safe weekend.

21st Century Re-Opening Plan Update

Good Morning Amazing Dragon Families! With the Governor’s announcement of the updated reopening plan I wanted to let you know what our current plans are!

In order to reopen we must complete a checklist of items that include supplies, cleaning materials and assurances that we have in place COVID safe practices, which we will follow. We have met all criteria with the exception of in-room HEPA filters that are on order and expected to arrive within the next 2 weeks, as well as a site visit by the Public Education Department and Approval by the Governance Council. With that in mind, we do not anticipate reopening on February 8th in a hybrid setting. The roll out plan remains the same: 2 weeks in hybrid for elementary (4th and 5th) and after that if things go well we can consider hybrid for middle school (6-8). A survey will be going out to all families to see if you would like to return in hybrid or remain remote. You do have a choice to remain in a remote setting for the rest of the year regardless of the projected reopening.

We do have some concerns regarding the vaccine for staff and will update as we receive information. At this time, 3 staff members have received the first dose and 3 have appointments.

Student Led Conferences will be virtual and are required of all students. Teachers will be reaching out soon for appointments February 10th through the 12th. We will also be attempting to schedule vision and hearing tests. Another email will be sent to those families who’s student(s) we need to test.

Please continue to be safe and reach out to the teachers and administration for assistance.

Mary Tarango, CEO

Returning Student Survey

Good Morning Dragon Families,

Thank you to all the parents that have already completed the Returning Student Survey! We are still collecting surveys at this time through the link below. We use this information to make sure your student has a spot for next school year and to see how many we will open up to our lottery families. If you can please fill this out by Wednesday, January 27th. We will be conducting our lottery on February 2nd. If you know any families that are interested in 21st Century Public Academy have them email Ms. Morga at amorga@21stcenturya.com. Please know we will be adding grades next year and we will be 1st-8th grade if you have siblings in lower grades. There is a spot to add them to the survey!

If you have any additional questions you can email Mrs. Belmonte Sapien at bbelmontesapien@21stcenturypa.com.

Please use this link: https://forms.gle/Cm5ZiA5ot1nDa5J1A

Thank you and have a great week!