Building Closure due to Weather

Dragon families! Due to potential weather conditions, the school building will be closed to students and staff starting at 11:30 today (Monday) through Tuesday. As the building is already closed on Wednesday for cleaning, the next time the building will be open is Thursday.

Please note that classes will still continue as normal even while the building is closed! Students, please take advantage of this last week of school before the quarter ends to stay caught up in class.

WIFI Access and Flu Shot Clinic

Parents and Dragon Families:

This week, a crew installed an open access WiFi Point at our school. If you ever need access, WiFi is now available in the 21st Century Public Academy parking lot.

On Nov. 17th, 9-12 we are hosting a drive thru Flu shot clinic at 21st Century Public Academy. CDC recommends annual influenza vaccination for everyone 6 months and older. Please complete the attached form for the clinic.

Be well and stay safe!

CNM Presents Parents as Virtual Partners

Central New Mexico Community College and CNM Ingenuity will be offering a series of workshops to engage “Parents as Virtual Partners” this fall. We understand the myriad of parent challenges being faced right now, with almost one third of CNM students as parents of school-age children. We are also the major provider of early childhood and teacher education and training in New Mexico.

Click here to access these resources.

Remote Learning Update

Good Morning Dragon Families!  We hope you are safe and healthy!
The Governance Council voted to extend the remote learning through December except for the small groups in a 1:5 teacher/student ratio that require extra support.
Their decision was based on the following:

  1. Rising COVID Cases.
  2. PED has not allowed middle schools or high schools to enter the hybrid model yet.
  3. The guidance from PED has not been given to middle and high schools for reentry yet.
  4. Bernalillo County moved from a “green” county to an “orange” county and we can not consider reentry until “green”.

We understand the hardship this continues to create for our families but at this point we wanted to give parents time to plan through the end of the school year.  
If the 4 items above are addressed the Governance Council will reconvene and consider bringing students back.
Please be safe and continue to follow guidance to get past COVID.