21st Century PA Annual Golf Tournament

Good Evening Amazing Dragon Community! Our Annual Golf Tournament is a go for Monday, August 10th. Please see the attached flyer. We are looking for hole sponsors, raffle prizes and golfers.

Tee times will be assigned and COVID safe practices will be in effect, masks are required.

I hope you are all safe and healthy! We will see you all soon!

Mary Tarango, CEO
21st Century Public Academy

School Opening Update

Good Evening Dragon Families and Staff.

I hope you are all healthy and staying safe! I wanted to share with you the information from the Governor’s Press Conference today. All NM schools will start in a virtual/online environment until September 7th. Then there will be an evaluation of the Covid situation to determine a phased in “in-person” delivery. The phase in will start with K-5, a reevaluation period, then middle school, then high school.

We will send out specific information for each grade level soon.

I want you to know that we are ready! We have had a plan for all 3 suggested scenarios since late June. We have chromebooks for all students, PPE equipment, remote learning curriculum and a very dedicated staff. We will have real time instruction and a very supportive outreach plan for families and students in need.

We do have some room available for students so if you know of families that are looking for a school that is prepared and ready to serve in this pandemic, please have them reach out to us!

The office will open on August 3rd from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Be safe, wear your masks and be well!

Mary Tarango, CEO
21st Century Public Academy

Got Shots? Immunization Campaign

Got Shots? Immunization Clinics to run July 25 – August 15
Providers offer special hours to get children immunized in time for school!

SANTA FE � The New Mexico Department of Health, the New Mexico Immunization Coalition (NMIC), the New Mexico Primary Care Association (NMPCA), and healthcare providers from across the state are helping parents prepare children for going back to school.

Special immunization clinics will be held from July 25th through August 15th for all children 18 years old and younger. The special clinics are part of the Got Shots? immunization campaign.

School is right around the corner, and despite COVID-19 restrictions, children are required to be up to date on immunizations for school. Got Shots? provides many opportunities for parents to take their children for needed immunizations. Diseases that once injured or killed thousands of children are now a rare occurrence in the United States, and some have been eliminated completely. Immunizations are even more important for children and for families during the COVID pandemic.

“COVID-19 is a great example of why we need vaccines. While we don’t have a COVID vaccine yet, we are able to protect families and children against many diseases with safe effective immunizations. I encourage all New Mexico parents to take advantage of the upcoming clinics.”, said Department of Health Cabinet Secretary Kathy Kunkel.

Participating providers will offer immunizations to any child, regardless of whether they are a patient or have insurance as part of Got Shots? Some providers hold clinics on weekends or evening hours to accommodate parents’ busy schedules. Parents should call ahead to the clinic to check if an appointment is needed.

In addition, due to COVID-19, there may be special procedures in place, such as waiting in the car until their child’s turn. Parents need to bring their child’s shot record and Medicaid or private health insurance card if they have insurance, even though immunizations are provided at no cost to parents.

The Got Shots? immunization campaign is organized by the New Mexico Immunization Coalition, which includes the New Mexico Primary Care Association and the Department of Health. This year 37 community health centers, public health offices, and private practices across New Mexico are participating in Got Shots?

To find a clinic in local communities statewide, people are encouraged to go online to www.immunizenm.org and click on the Got Shots? logo. The Department of Health provides immunizations at no cost year-round at public health clinics in every county for uninsured children. To find your local Public health office visit www.nmhealth.org, however, please check with your local public health office for details about this due to COVID-19.

Need to locate immunization records? VaxViewNM enables individuals, parents, and guardians to access, save and/or print official immunization records. This eliminates the need to carry multiple or aged documents and allows you to access your shot record anytime you need. VaxViewNM is mobile friendly and uses two-factor authentication. Simply go to VaxViewNM to print a copy of your or your child’s shot record.

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien M.A.,NBCT, Ed.S