1/31/20 PTA Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Juliann Salinas at 4pm, on Friday January 31 st , 2020

Minutes from 12.19.19 meeting approved-Janet Giron moved to accept/Anthony Yotter 2nd / All in favor

Attendance: Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Janet Giron, Juliann Salinas , Anthony Yotter, Paige Chavez, Angie Yotter

Treasurers Report: Given by Janet Giron: $17057.69 Balance in account. About 2K outstanding-DA Reciepts and Janet Reciepts all for Snack Bar/Concession Stand, Science Bowl, GEO Bee and Spelling Bee.

Membership- 49 members so far-CORRECTION 47 current. Member count was wrong back in October. Just counted wrong. Registered correctly though.

Fundraisers: Janet

  • Parents Night Out on Feb 8 th at $10/kid
  • Chello Grill Fundraiser 50% of purchase is donated Feb 13 th

Social Committee:

  1. Spring Fling in May- Requesting volunteers to Chair up Spring Fling. Possible Dance-a-thon?
  2. Science Night Feb 7th
  3. Math Night March 5th -PTA provides PIES for 3.14 PIE

Gym Floor Cover $1000 Used/ $300 for Cart
Leo Garcia is helping to get
Approved by Janet and Seconded by Angie for $1500 to be used. All in favor

Elections- New Members needed, Elections for Pres. Vice Pres, Secretary, Treasurer all voting on in
March. Earlier this year so that new members can attend PTA conference .
Meeting closed at 4:13pm
Next Meeting February 28 th at 415pm
Reopened Meeting

Principals Report from Ms. Belmonte-Sapien

State Standarized testing –Science done rest in March

Access Testing Eng/Lang. Testing

We Received Title 4 Award –Parent Engagement –Receive money to cover supplies for Math Night

Bus Routes-Looking for more to serve more Parents, ideas let us know

Bus Funding- School asking PTA to help cover cost It is 40K/year. Any help would be appreciated. Need payment by june 30th . PTA will Vote next Meeting.

Requesting PTA to Really Recruit more Chaperones by having a drive needed for all grade levels for full OSI or even Partial OSIs.

Asking to let parents know to help review students grades on Plus Portal and to make sure Attendance is good.

PTA to offer incentive for Reading more BOOKS- Reading program with awards/Prizes = Dragon Lanyards?

Lottery is still open for 4th grade and minimal for all other grades.

2/11/19 PTA Minutes

Meeting called to order by Janet Giron at 5:59 pm on Monday, February 11, 2019
Attendance: Jennifer Withrow, Todd Withrow, Janet Giron, Sharon Hart, Mary Tarango, Bianca
Belmonte-Sapien, Crystal Salas, Juliann Salinas,
Rebecca from Kenneth Brown Photography presented her company to us for consideration since
Moji photography will be going out of business at the end of the year.
Emily Blea from the Sandia Rotary Club gave a presentation on “Don’t meth with us” as a
possible presentation for our students.
Minutes from the January Meeting were reviewed. Crystal Salas motioned to approve and
seconded by Jennifer Withrow. Minutes were approved with corrections.
Social Committee-
Parents night out will be held on Wednesday, February 13 from 5:30-8:30. Juliann, Mrs.
Tarango, and Jennifer Withrow have volunteered run this event. If we do not have 20
participants we will cancel the event.
Spring fling will be held Friday May 10 and will be a sock hop theme.
Mr. Campbell requested $150.00 for food for Math night March 7, 4pm-6pm
A request was made for a $60.00 budget for supplies for Wax Museum night on March 20, 5-
Motion was made to:
Allow a budget of $150.00 for food for Math Night by Jennifer Withrow and seconded by
Juliann Salinas. Motion passed
Motion was made to:
Allow a budget of $60.00 for expenses for Wax Museum night by Jennifer Withrow and
seconded by Crystal Salas. Motion passed.
Chello Grill will host a fundraiser for the PTA on February 14 and 15, 2019. Teachers will hand
out flyers during conferences and Mrs. Morga will send out an e-mail. We will earn 50% of all
sales with flyers taken in.
Student Council will also be having a fundraiser at BJ’s on Tuesday, February 19.

Principal Report-
We Discussed about the “Don’t meth with us” presentation and felt that the presentation should
be shared with parents before a decision is made to show the students. Mrs. Belmonte-Sapien
will put together a list of programs for next year and have parents vote what they would like their
children to see.
The building is planned to be finished by April. We were able to get the basketball hoops from
Budget will be set at the April Governance Council meeting. We received $171,000 extra for
our budget based on enrolment. We have also requested extra money from the state.
We are not sure what how grading by the state will be this year for schools since PARCC will
not be given.
We are trying to have the band play in the rotunda in Santa Fe. 6 th Grade will be going on an OSI
to talk about the pollinator meeting.
Vice Principal/Title 1 Report-
Family engagement brochures were created by two students Carley and Amber. Once
corrections are made, they will be copied and put in the front of the school. They did a great job
and impressed the people at the Title 1 office that our students made them.
Mrs. B presented our schools testing data for each department. The presentation is attached. If
parents have any questions, they can contact Mrs. Belmonte-Sapien.
Treasure Report-
We have 2 new members from last month, 34 members total.

Beginning Balance: $10,031.73
Income: $1,986.87
Which includes dues, non-fundraiser fundraiser, and Scrip income
Expenses: $3,293.89
Which include: Hospitality (Open house, Geo Bee, Science Night), food for meeting,
student Store, and Teacher appreciation
Ending Balance: $8,724.71

Motion was made to:

Change our bank from US Bank to Nusenda Credit Union by Sharon Hart and seconded by
Juliann Salinas. Motion passed
Signers will remain the same: Sharon Hart, Crystal Salas, and Juliann Salinas

New Business
We need to figure out a way to market the PTA
Juliann will put together an email to ask for volunteers for board positions on PTA.
At Open house, we need to have signup sheets for parents to sign up.
We need to let parents know that there is so much info that they can get at a meeting.
Box Tops are due soon.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:57pm. It was moved to close the meeting by Juliann Salinas and 2 nd
by Bianca Belmonte-Sapien. Next Meeting will be Monday, March 25, 2019 at 5:45

1/14/19 PTA Minutes

Meeting called to order by Janet Giron at 6:09 pm on Monday, January 14, 2019
Attendance: Jennifer Withrow, Janet Giron, Sharon Hart, Mary Tarango, Bianca Belmonte-
Sapien, Crystal Salas, Adrian Montoya, Juliann Salinas, Anthony Yotter, Jim Richardson,
Minutes from the December Meeting were reviewed. Crystal Salas motioned to approve and
seconded by Jennifer Withrow. Minutes were approved.
Principal Report-
Safety Report- We had talked about doing monthly safety presentations/videos for the students,
Mrs. Tarango has not yet looked into this but will. The school has not had any incidents happen
since the park near Denny was closed down, we have not had as many homeless people around
the school either. The new building is wired for a security system. There will be one way in
through the Gym and that will be locked once school starts. Mrs. Tarango and Juliann will get
together to find a program for teen dating violence month through health class. We need to
promote “See Something Say Something”.
Completion date for the new building is scheduled to be around spring break, no later than
The Governor put a moratorium on PARCC testing, but we will still have testing. The test that
we will be using is produced by Pearson who is the same company who produces the PARCC
test. The new test is a different assessment and the comparative data will only be compared
within our state. Math and LA will be three 60-minute sessions. Algebra will be two 90-minute
sessions, it is different because they have to pass it for high school credit. Breaks will also be
scheduled. There are still 5 levels of proficiency. If the test is done online results will be
available within two weeks. All the info will be sent out. This test is a transition test until we
find out what the standard will eventually be for coming years.
Mid-term assessments are close to completion and preliminary data is showing overall progress.
Numbers will be available at our next meeting.
We do not have to make up the snow day because we far exceed instructional minutes. We are
still scheduled to end on the May 22. If there is going to be a delay or closure of school it needs
to be made by 6am in the morning. You have to get it on the TV station. If you have called a
delay and need to have a full closure it needs to be announced by 8am.
PED will be here tomorrow for a site visit and has asked to talk to parents. Jennifer Withrow and
Janet Giron have volunteered.
*update With PED site visit will be rescheduled due to school closing because of plumbing

We currently have 291 students and are planning on adding a few 7 th graders.
Open house will be February 2, 2019 from 12-2. PTA will provide refreshments and Juliann will
be here to represent PTA
Lottery will be held on February 5, 2019 at 4:00. We currently have over 200 names for the
Crystal Salas asked if there could be time worked into PE for the kids to be able to freshen up
since they are not able to change cloths. Mrs. Tarango has also said that they can bring an extra
shirt to change into.
Student-Led Conferences will be held on February 13, 14 & 15 for 5 th grade, and February 14 &
15 for 6 th , 7 th and 8 th . No school on those days. Conference will be student led in the child’s
home room.
Vice Principal/Title 1 Report-
During the last meeting Mrs. Belmonte Sapien asked for feedback for our Title 1 contracts and
policies. She finished creating the document with the feed back from students, teachers, and
administration. Parents will review and sign this contract at conferences. Teaches will be asked
how parents responded to the contract. In order for us to received our funding from Title yearly
revisions to this is required.
Another requirement that we have to meet is to come up with the family engagement policy. We
have to come up with a unique policy for our school. There are 6 components of the policy.
The Sandia Rotary would like to present to parents’ information about drugs, cigarettes, meth,
alcohol, and other addictions. They want to present to parents and see if it is something that we
want them to present to our students. They would also provide to each student “don’t meth with
us” bracelets and t-shirts at no charge to the school.
We will work with our Title 1 coordinator to get suggestions on how to continue growing our
parent involvement. We will try different topics, food, and other incentives to get parents to
attend meetings.
Title 1 is a great source of funding to help us to do better for our kids. Mrs. Belmonte Sapien
sees the program growing.
Forms were passed out of parents to write down what they think the school does that meets title 1
If you have an idea write it down and put an asterisk next to it.
Dinner from Chello Grill was provided tonight by PTA.

Treasure Report-
We have 3 new members from last month, 32 members total.

Beginning Balance: $8,586.83
Income: $2,895.02
Which includes dues, snack bar, box tops, Drop and shop, trash bags, non-fundraiser
fundraiser, and Scrip income
Expenses: $1,450.12
Which include: member dues, fall festival (student council), Hospitality (spelling bee,
Science bowl, Drop and shop), Script orders, and hat orders
Ending Balance: $10,031.73
Motion was made to:
-increase Drop & Shop budget line item under income by $300.00
-Increase Trash bag budget line item by $500.00
-Increase Student Store budget line item by $1000.00
By Juliann Salinas and seconded by Mrs. Belmonte Sapien. Motion passed.
Motion was made to:
-increase fall festival expense line item by $100.00
-increase other expense line item by $200.00
-increase student store expense line item by $1500.00
by Crystal Salas and seconded by Jennifer Withrow. Motion passed.
Add it up will be our new uniform vendor. We will also look at purchasing hats to sell. We will
also look at other options.

Social Committee-
We had so much fun with the teachers for the for the End of the year party. They were so
appreciative of the PTA
Explora Science night is coming up February 1. We will have snack bar open for people to
purchase stuff. We will also have pizza and look into burritos.
We will set the date for Spring fling by the next meeting. The Theme will be a Sock hop.
We will also need to talk about teacher Appreciation week.

Date Night Care- Wednesday, February 13 from 5:30-8:30. Mrs. Tarango, Jennifer Withrow, and
Jennifer Withrow have volunteered to chaperone. $5 per kids, $2 for pizza $1 for drinks.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:59pm. It was moved to close the meeting by Juliann Salinas and 2 nd
by Bianca Belmonte-Sapien. Next Meeting will be Monday, February 11, 2019 at 5:45