4/16/18 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Chris Velasquez, Vice President
Phillip Sapien, Member
Art Silva, Member
Kathy Webb, Member
Guests: Mary Tarango, Principal
Tina Fritts, COO
Kathy Potter
Michael Vigil

Governance Council Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo @ 5:30p.m.
Roll Call
 Quorum met.
Approval of Agenda
 Motion to approve agenda as is – Kathy Webb
2 nd . – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Approval of Previous Governance Council (GC) Meeting Minutes
 Motion to approve minutes of March 12, 2018 – Art Silva
2 nd . – Chris Velasquez
Motion Approved
Open Forum – N/A
Approval of Calendar
Tina stated that there would be 169 instructional days.
 Motion to approve calendar – Phillip Sapien
2 nd . – Kathy Webb
Motion Approved
Approval of Salary Schedule
Level 1, 2 & 3 changed per PED
 Motion to approve schedule – Phillip Sapien
2 nd – Kathy Webb
Motion Approved
Approval of Budget
Tina explained budget by line item. Projected 2018-2019 budget is $2,204,465.

Current budget – $1,851,322
Carryover – $ 22,876
SEG – $2,181,589
 Motion to approve Budget – Art Silva
2 nd . – Phillip Sapien
Motion Approved
Approval of Bylaws
Kathy asked for a formal evaluation of Administrators for next school year.
 Motion to approve – Kathy Webb
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Adoption of Open Meetings Act
Resolution was updated from what we used last year.
 Motion to approve – Kathy Webb
2 nd – Art Silva
Motion approved
Conflict of Interest
 Motion to approve as is – Kathy Webb
2 nd . – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Code of Conduct
 Motion to approve as is – Phillip Sapien
2 nd – Chris Velasquez
Motion Approved
Building Report Phase 2 – Starting the groundwork on gym next week. Projected to be
finished in 3 months. Manzano high school is redoing their small gym so 21 st . Century
can salvage any equipment/gym accessories as needed for new gym.
Principal’s Report –
Mary read a thank you letter from grandparents of student leaving school. They were
very grateful of all the hard work of teachers and staff of 21 st Century. They donated
$1000 to school.
Mary is Vice President of Cutler Merchants Association. Cutler Association met with
County Commissioner and City Councilor. City committed to working with County on
sidewalks, drainage, lighting, etc.
PARCC Testing – Testing started and was being held on Monday through Thursday,
mornings only.

Registration numbers for 2018-2019 school year.
5 th grade – 28 36
6 th grade – 84 88
7 th grade – 78 ` 88
8 th grade – 80 88
TOTALS 270 300
Next Meeting
 Monday, May 21, 2018 @ 5:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn – Kathy Webb
 2 nd . – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

21stCPA NDI Performance Night 2018

21st Century Public Academy Fall 2018 Sports Registration Now Open

Deadline to register is June 29, 2018.
Please register all interested athletes who would like to join our Spring 2018 season for the following sports.
21st Century Fall Sports:
Fall Golf
Cross Country
Flag Football
Registration links:

Also, parents, all athletes must submit the following forms for sports participation. Forms must be submitted to Athletic Director or 21st Front Office by the first day of practice. (Please see school website)

Required Forms:
Student-Athlete Contract
Sports Release
Physical Form (submit once)
APIAL Required Participation-  Documents https://docs.google.com/document/u/3/d/1keNw-Wvwf_uX867DUq6_wqH1SKuXcjHcTL4_SJCMfrU/pub

$50 payment (cash,check,money order)

2018 21stCPA Sports Banquet

Please join us in celebration.

21st Century End of Season Sports Banquet for our Spring Athletes is May 18,2018 at 6pm.


The following sports we will be celebrating:

Boys Basketball


Spring Golf



Event Details:

Date: May 18, 2018
Location: 21st Century Public Academy Cafeteria
Time: 6-7:30p


Please click link below to fill out and submit banquet sign up form by May 14, 2018. If you are having trouble submitting banquet sign up form, please contact Coach Alexander for help.


Please complete sports banquet form-






