1/31/18 GC Minutes

Members Present: Chris Velasquez, Vice President
Phillip Sapien, Member by phone
Art Silva, Member
Kathy Webb, Member
Members Absent: Virginia Trujillo, President
Guests: Mary Tarango, Principal
Tina Fritz, COO
Kathy Potter
Michael Vigil

Governance Council Called to Order by Chris Velasquez at 5:33p.m.
Roll Call
 Quorum met.
Approval of Agenda
 Motion to change agenda to reflect correct date of November 16, 2017 instead of
November 11, 2017 on minutes and to add special meeting of December 7, 2017
to agenda – Art Silva
2 nd . – Kathy Webb
Motion Approved
Approval of Previous Governance Council (GC) Meeting Minutes
 Motion to approve minutes of November 16, 2017 and December 7, 2017 –
Phillip Sapien
2 nd . – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Open Forum – Phillip Sapien asked how many hours are needed for training. Michael
Vigil stated 5 hours for existing board members. Then asked if it was for calendar year
or school year and Michael stated school year.
Finance Report
Chris Velasquez went over bank reconciliation for November and December, 2017.
Approval of Cash Disbursements for November and December, 2017
November, 2017 – $214,343.43
December, 2017 – $280,585.87
 Motion to approve cash disbursements – Phillip Sapien
2 nd – Kathy Webb

Motion Approved
Approval of following BARS per audit:
BAR001-027- 1718-0007- IB – $4,842 – Medicaid Carryover
BAR001-027- 1718-0021- IB – $ 50 – Carryover
BAR001-027- 1718-0022- I – $4,494 – Carryover Instructional Materials
BAR001-027- 1718-0024- I – $ 452 – Carryover Supplies & Materials
BAR001-027- 1718-0023- D – $ 196 – Food Services
BAR001-027- 1718-0019- D – $7,250 – Capital Funds HB33
BAR001-027- 1718-0020- D – $8,371 – SB9
 Motion to approve BARS – Kathy Webb
2 nd . – Phillip Sapien
Motion Approved
Building Report –Mary stated that everything is paid. Right now they only have the
monthly rent. They moved into portables in January, 2018.
Phase II – Mary met with Mr. Dupont and Rita Hirschy. Everything is moving forward
and should reach financial decisions by the February, 2018 GC monthly meeting. Phase
II includes 9 classrooms and gym. If all goes well, construction will begin in March,
2018. Mary stated that she felt very good about the way everything is progressing.
Principal’s Report –
80 day count – 241 Current – 247 Budget for 2018-2019 is based on average of 80-120
day count.
Transportation – Slowed a little on funding but still doing well with the AM & PM
program. Parents agreed to help raise more money.
Golf Tournament – Will be held at Canyon Club on April 30, 2018.

Portables – Mary stated that portables would be gone in May, 2018.
E2E Grant – Mary stated that school did not receive E2E Grant for $65,000.
Legislative update – Mary stated that school would be refunded money that they took last
fiscal year.
Open House – Mary stated that open house was very successful.
Lottery Draw – Will be held Tuesday, February 6, 2018.
Next Meeting
 Tuesday, February 20, 2018 @ 5:30 p.m.
Finance will be at 4:30 p.m.

Motion to adjourn – Kathy Webb
 2 nd . – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m.

Spring Golf Practice

Hello Parents,

Spring Golf will be hosting its first Parent/ Golf Practice at Los Altos Golf Course.





Equipment Needed:

Personal Golf Clubs
Practice clothes
Water Bottle


Tournament Equipment:
Personal Golf Clubs
Purple 21st Century Polo

Forms Needed:
Sports Release
Physical Form
Student Contract
APIAL  Required Participation Document- https://docs.google.com/document/u/3/d/1keNw-Wvwf_uX867DUq6_wqH1SKuXcjHcTL4_SJCMfrU/pub

Practice Location:
Los Altos Golf Course
9717 Copper Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87123

Practice Days and Times:

Wednesday at 3:30- 5:30p – COURSE

Friday at 4:15- 5:15  – RANGE

Coach Phillip Sapien

Track and Field 2018

Attention Athletes interested in Track and Field for Spring 2018.

Parent Meeting for Track is Thursday, March 1 from 4-5pm in Mr.Campbell’s classroom.  Schedule and location information will be available at that time.