9/17/18 GC Agenda

Meeting will be held at 5:30 pm
4300 Cutler NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Call Meeting to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda*
Approval of Minutes*
Minutes for August 20 th *
Minutes for August 31 st *
Open Forum
Next Meeting: October 15th, 2018
Adjourn Open Meeting

(*) Action Item
Pursuant to the 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council Open Meeting Policy Resolution of 9-1-2015:
• Proper and required notification to the public has occurred,
• This is a Special Meeting of the 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council requiring a minimum 72 hours public notice
and that requirement has been met,
• If you wish to attend contact 21 st Century Public Academy Office at telephone number (505) 254-0280 for further information,
• If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader; amplifier; qualified sign language interpreter; or any other
form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact 21 st Century Public Academy at 505-254-
0280 at least one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can
be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact 21 st Century Public Academy at 505-254-0280 if a summary or other
type of accessible format is needed.

8/31/18 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Phillip Sapien, Member
Art Silva, Member
Kathy Webb, Member
Guests: Mary Tarango, Principal
Tina Fritts, COO
Evalyn Dow
Valerie Trujillo

Governance Council Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo @ 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call
 Quorum met.
Approval for the Cutler Foundation to pursue refinancing of Phase II
Virginia presented information discussed at a previous meeting with school
administration, President of the Cutler Foundation and MELD, LLC. MELD LLC
presented 3 financial options to refinance, as previously agreed to when construction is
complete. Discussion included financial obligation to the school. Further clarification
was presented by school administration.
 Motion to approve – Phillip Sapien
2 nd . – Art Silva
Motion Approved
Motion to adjourn – Phillip Sapiein
 2 nd . – Kathy Webb
Motion Approved
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

8/17/18 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Chris Velasquez, Vice President
Phillip Sapien, Member (by phone)

Members Absent: Kathy Webb, Member
Art Silva, Member
Guests: Mary Tarango, Principal

Kathy Potter
Tina Fritts, COO
Michael Vigil
Evelyn Dow
Victoria Tafoya, Parent
Liz Piazza, Parent

Governance Council Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo @ 6:14 p.m.
Roll Call
 Quorum met.
Approval of Agenda
 Motion to approve agenda as is – Phillip Sapien
2 nd . – Chris Velasquez
Motion Approved
Approval of Previous Governance Council (GC) Meeting Minutes
 Motion to approve minutes of July 16, 2018 – Chris Velasquez
2 nd . – Phillip Sapien
Motion Approved
Open Forum – N/A
Chris Velasquez submitted letter of resignation to council members. Virginia introduced
3 perspective new council members to the Board.
Finance Update
Tina went over bank reconciliations for July, 2018
Tina also went over cash disbursements for July, 2018
 Motion to approve cash disbursements – Chris Velasquez
2 nd – Phillip Sapien
Motion Approved

Update Resubmission of PED Expansion Grant
Needs to check school needs and grade of A or B for resubmission.
Update from Cutler Foundation
Foundation met last week. Once building is completed, will be able to refinance. Should
be completed and moved in January, 2019.
Board Training – Dr. Brian L. Carpenter
Mary stated that Board needs 8 hours of training. Dr. Carpenter has been approved by
state for training. Mary will have training at school site on August 31, 2018 and
September 1, 2018.
Discard List
There are 11 items that the Board needs to approve for discard. A letter will be submitted
to State Auditor’s office asking for approval to discard the items.
 Motion to approve – Chris Velasquez
2 nd – Phillip Sapien
Motion Approved
Principal’s Report
Construction Updates – New gym floor will have to be financed. There was a meeting
with City Councilors to request $200,000 for floor. Gym will be rented out to other
charter schools, neighborhood businesses, etc.
Mary also stated that there will be several school fundraising events for gym floor. Also
fundraising events with PTA and 21 st Foundation.
Testing Presentation – Mary went over performance numbers by grade level.
Registration Numbers – Total registration is 294. Would like a total of 300.
Staffing – Staffing is complete.
Next Meeting
 Monday, September 17, 2018
Motion to adjourn – Phillip Sapiein
 2 nd . – Chris Velasquez
Motion Approved
Meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.

8/31/18 GC Agenda

Agenda for August 31, 2018
Meeting will be held at 7:00 pm
4300 Cutler NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Call Meeting to Order
Roll Call
Open Forum
Action Items
I. Approval for the Cutler Foundation to pursue refinancing of Phase II*

Next Meeting: September 17th, 2018
Adjourn Open Meeting

(*) Action Item
Pursuant to the 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council Open Meeting Policy Resolution of 9-1-2015:
• Proper and required notification to the public has occurred,
• This is a Special Meeting of the 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council requiring a minimum 72 hours public notice
and that requirement has been met,
• If you wish to attend contact 21 st Century Public Academy Office at telephone number (505) 254-0280 for further information,
• If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader; amplifier; qualified sign language interpreter; or any other
form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact 21 st Century Public Academy at 505-254-
0280 at least one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can
be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact 21 st Century Public Academy at 505-254-0280 if a summary or other
type of accessible format is needed.