8/7/20 PTA Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Janet Giron, PTA President, at 7:03 pm on Friday, August 7, 2020
Minutes from the May 21,2020 General PTA meeting were approved as corrected.
Attendance: Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Janet Giron, Tiffany Johnson, Angela Lerner, Mikel Wagner,
Alfreda Begay, and Alesha Dillander
President’s Report by Ms. Belmonte-Sapien:

  1. Thank you to parents for attending the meeting
  2. Teachers have been working hard to welcome kids back. They have been meeting and
    planning during the summer, although they are not required to start work before 8/24. We
    have 10 new staff members. The week of 8/24 will be in-service week for teachers.
  3. A schedule will be out by 8/12 for online learning and for the drive through technology
    distribution on 8/31.
  4. Health and Wellness information will be distributed during technology distribution.
  5. The school will be limiting visitation during the school year. Visits will be by appointment
    only. If a student needs to be picked up early he or she will be walked out to a parent by
  6. Instructions for online MAPS testing will be distributed. The testing will take place Tuesday
    through Thursday September 1st through 3rd.
  7. Students will be encouraged to show Dragon Spirit and wear their uniform shirts during
    online meetings.
  8. Parents will be notified when they can drop off the supplies which are needed for the school
    (copy paper, for example).
  9. There will be a modified OSI fee. Information on how that can be paid will be forthcoming.
  10. The photo contract managed by the PTA will again be with Kenneth Brown Photograpy.
  11. Enrollment is at 368. This is 12 students away from our goal of 380. Openings are still
    available for grades 4,5,6 & 8, and parents can still place their children in the lottery for 7th
  12. Teachers will again have online office hours.
    Treasurer’s Report given by Angela Lerner:
  13. No new checks were written since the last report.
  14. All outstanding check have cleared.
  15. One deposit of 357.16 was made.
    Vice-President’s Report:
  16. Because we will not have face to face opportunities to collect membership money, we will
    have to figure out other ways to do so.

PTA Convention:

  1. The convention will be virtual this year.
  2. We have 5 spots. 4 are for officers, so one is available for any parent who would like to


  1. Mikel Wagner was appointed Secretary.
  2. The clothing bank will be available the week before students return for in-person
    instruction. It will be outstide.
  3. Uniform donations will be accepted. A container in the school lobbey will be provided for
    drop offs.
  4. 21st Century uniforms are available on the Ad-It-Up website. Masks will also be available
    on the site.

Snack Bar:

  1. The snack bar will not be open for the time being, but a chairperson is still needed for when
    it can be open again.

School Supplies:

  1. The PTA will again offer bulk items for parents to purchase which will then be delivered to
    students’ homerooms. Some items, such as Clorox wipes, cannot be purchased in bulk this

In-Service Lunches for Teachers:

  1. $400 is allocated to purchase 1 lunch and 2 breakfasts during in-service week. This is
    already a budget line item, so no vote is needed.

Fundraising Committee:

  1. A chairperson is needed. Someone with many creative ideas would be preferred, since this
    year will be extra challenging due to the need for social distancing

Social Committee:

  1. A chairperson is needed.
  2. In lieu of the Ice Cream Social, the PTA have a table on technology distribution day (8/31)
    to distribute information for parents and treats for students.

There was no new business.
The next PTA General Meeting is set for Thursday, September 9 at 7:00 pm via Zoom

  1. Will there be sports? Coach D. A. is attending a meeting next week and will have more
    information then. So far only Golf and Cross Country will be allowed.
  2. Is Aftercare available? Aftercare will only be available for students on the days that they
    physically attend school.
    Meeting was adjourned at 7:59pm

School Supply Bundles

Happy Summer Dragon families!

Below are important web sites for you to keep up to date with all the happenings in our kingdom.

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/442140572995141

School Supply Bundles for purchase: https://21cpapta.new.memberhub.store/store

These bundles include items that teachers will need for both online and in-class learning. Visit the link for more details. They will be delivered directly to your child’s homeroom.

We would love for you to become a member of our PTA. You can use the member hub link above to join.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at pta@21stcentrypa.com.

Janet Giron

21st Century PTA President

Welcome Letter & Chromebook Distribution

Dear parents/guardians, students and 21st Century community,

Summer is winding down and this year may not feel like any other, but we are all looking ahead to the start of school. It is an exciting time to prepare by reviewing your school supply list, organizing your school uniform and checking out our website! There are summer reading lists on our school website with recommended reading from your grade level teachers. It is never too late to put yourself ahead for the fall by reading! After all, the start of the 2020-2021 school year is just around the corner! We have a few changes that we are excited to tell you about for next year. First, we have added 4th Grade to our growing school. We will have full time nursing services. Teachers and students will be wearing masks and practicing social distancing and there will be signs up at school to remind all of us to follow COVID safe practices. As you can see, our school is prepared to welcome you back and we are excited that you are a part of the Dragon Family!

This year will begin with a Drive Thru Welcome and Chromebook Distribution on August 31st. Mark your calendar for drive thru at your designated grade/homeroom time (see Drive Thru Welcome page). During the first week, students will attend homeroom remotely, reconnect socially, take required NWEA placement tests remotely and orient themselves to the remote learning environment with teachers and staff. We will all be online to start. Students will bring needed supplies once hybrid instruction begins.

The first day in the school building for each grade will be determined by the current health order. Hybrid learning groups will be assigned. Group A will attend Monday/Tuesday and Group B will attend Thursday/Friday. Every Wednesday school will be closed for deep cleaning and sanitizing. Currently, 4th and 5th graders are expected to start on campus September 8th. They will attend both A and B days as our youngest students learn best in face to face settings. When allowed, 6th grade will start next, then 7th, then 8th. Grade level teams will be sending daily student schedules with learning times, virtual out of school instruction information and teachers will provide class syllabus. Our teachers’ duty day is 8-4pm. An important part of every school day is eating a nutritious lunch. A paper form for Free/Reduced Lunch will be provided during Drive-Thru.

We are a uniform school and proudly display the 21st Century logo and dragon to the community, especially on Out of School Instruction (OSIs). Uniforms are provided by Ad It Up www.adituptees.com/21stcentury. If you have any questions, please reach out to them at: contact@adituptees.com or 505-888-0007, 2432 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107. Please sign up to belong to our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) by contacting them through our website. In person on campus volunteering will be limited due to the pandemic. However, being active in our PTA is, and always has been, one of the best avenues to support your Dragon!

Homeroom teachers will provide Chromebooks, remote testing information, student schedules (after testing) and other important start of school information during Drive Thru Welcome August 31st. I am honored to be your principal and am looking forward to our collaboration for the 2020-2021 school year! See you soon!

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal

Fall Childcare Options

Good Morning Dragon Families:

If you are a parent in need of child care this fall we have important and time-sensitive information for you.

The City of Albuquerque will be offering full-day education and recreation programs at 22 Community Center locations throughout Albuquerque beginning Monday, August 24th.

These programs will run Monday through Friday (weekdays only) from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm and will include a lunch and supper meal.

Program participants will be selected through a lottery registration.

If you’re interested you may sign up online anytime now through Friday August 14th.

To sign up, just go to the City of Albuquerque’s website at play.cabq.gov. Just click on the School-Year Lottery Registration program box and submit the information requested.

Have a great day!