Explora Science Night

1/31/20 PTA Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Juliann Salinas at 4pm, on Friday January 31 st , 2020

Minutes from 12.19.19 meeting approved-Janet Giron moved to accept/Anthony Yotter 2nd / All in favor

Attendance: Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Janet Giron, Juliann Salinas , Anthony Yotter, Paige Chavez, Angie Yotter

Treasurers Report: Given by Janet Giron: $17057.69 Balance in account. About 2K outstanding-DA Reciepts and Janet Reciepts all for Snack Bar/Concession Stand, Science Bowl, GEO Bee and Spelling Bee.

Membership- 49 members so far-CORRECTION 47 current. Member count was wrong back in October. Just counted wrong. Registered correctly though.

Fundraisers: Janet

  • Parents Night Out on Feb 8 th at $10/kid
  • Chello Grill Fundraiser 50% of purchase is donated Feb 13 th

Social Committee:

  1. Spring Fling in May- Requesting volunteers to Chair up Spring Fling. Possible Dance-a-thon?
  2. Science Night Feb 7th
  3. Math Night March 5th -PTA provides PIES for 3.14 PIE

Gym Floor Cover $1000 Used/ $300 for Cart
Leo Garcia is helping to get
Approved by Janet and Seconded by Angie for $1500 to be used. All in favor

Elections- New Members needed, Elections for Pres. Vice Pres, Secretary, Treasurer all voting on in
March. Earlier this year so that new members can attend PTA conference .
Meeting closed at 4:13pm
Next Meeting February 28 th at 415pm
Reopened Meeting

Principals Report from Ms. Belmonte-Sapien

State Standarized testing –Science done rest in March

Access Testing Eng/Lang. Testing

We Received Title 4 Award –Parent Engagement –Receive money to cover supplies for Math Night

Bus Routes-Looking for more to serve more Parents, ideas let us know

Bus Funding- School asking PTA to help cover cost It is 40K/year. Any help would be appreciated. Need payment by june 30th . PTA will Vote next Meeting.

Requesting PTA to Really Recruit more Chaperones by having a drive needed for all grade levels for full OSI or even Partial OSIs.

Asking to let parents know to help review students grades on Plus Portal and to make sure Attendance is good.

PTA to offer incentive for Reading more BOOKS- Reading program with awards/Prizes = Dragon Lanyards?

Lottery is still open for 4th grade and minimal for all other grades.