6/24/21 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice-President
Victoria Tafoya, Interim Secretary
Evelyn Dow, Member
Gary Boyd, Member
Lora Sedore, Member

Member Absent:

Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Zach Kirchgessner, The Vigil Group
Jeremy Peckens, CPO

Governance Meeting Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo, President at 5:33 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Motion to Approve Amended Agenda —Gary Boyd
2 nd — Lora Sedore
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote

Approval of Minutes

Motion to Approve Amended Minutes, May , 2021 meeting—Gary Boyd
2 nd —Art Silva
Motion Approved Via Roll Call Vote

Open Forum
Amy McGrane, 21 st Century Social Worker introduced Shayna Klassen, Victoria Waugh-Reed, and Kevin
Elder who work for the NM Department of Health- Office of School and Adolescent Health. The office
provides resources and technical assistance to schools in New Mexico. They presented information about
a current grant available from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. The 5-year grant,
Garrett Lee Smith Grant, focuses on youth suicide prevention. The Navigation Program is provided by the
school to increase student’s access to get the help they need, removing barriers to the suicide risk
assessment and increasing professional care. Documented results include- improved attendance, healthier
students, school staff and families. Grant is fully funded by the Garrett Lee Smith Grant, awarded to New
Mexico by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Participation by
21 st Century would be for the last 3 years of the grant. An incentive of $20,000 is provided to the school to
participate. Quarterly reporting is a requirement, associated evidence-based training is required helping
with sustainability of the program after the grant ends.

Zach Kirchgessner notified the Governing Council that the Finance Committee met to review all
the monthly financial documents during the committee meeting prior to the governing council
meeting. Zach explained his priority is to prepare everything for the end of the fiscal year. He has
projected a carryover amount of approximately $70,000 in operational. Assured council members
that processes are in place to draw down funds. Bank register report indicates two voided checks.
Special capital outlay funding was received and is in the May register. The General ledger did
reconcile for the month of May.

 Budget Report
Zach Kirchgessner presented Account Summary Reports for May 2021: the Expenditure and
Revenue Reports, Issued Purchase Order Report, Bank Register Report and Outstanding Checks
Report, Bank Reconciliation Reports.
 Cash Disbursements and DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION OF Bank Reconciliation for June
2021 *
Motion to approve Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation for April 2021
—Art Silva
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
580-000-2121-0035-I (ADJUSTED)


580-000-2021-0040 -T (ADDED)
580-000-2021-0041 – M (ADDED)
Motion to Approve BAR—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Art Silva
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Updates were presented: Title I funding was never received for SY20/21. According to the Public
Education, Title I award letters will be received in the SY 21-22.
An award letter was received for $764,185.25. Bianca Belmonte-Sapien participated in a training
and completed items due by June 24 th , 2021. Required items included: posting the re-entry plan
on the website, incorporating public comment on the plan, submit GEPA assurances.
Gathering recommendations from stakeholders has already started. Thus far, recommendations
have been gathered from PTA members, staff, and equity council members. Governing council
members provided input, including considerations for: updating and repairing property and
equipment, technology updates, keeping morale up and thinking about retention, socio-
emotional supports for students, and training addressing systemic racism and building an anti-
racist, social justice culture. Priorities shared by Mary Tarango include: EAs for every teacher to

eliminate substitutes, distance learning option, additional support staff, additional emotional
support staff and programs, technology, covering increased costs of supplies and materials.
Bianca Belmonte- Sapien shared statewide priorities: Closing digital divide, accelerating
instruction, socio-emotional needs, needs of Students with Disabilities, PPE, improving the indoor
air quality.
The application will be submitted in August. More recommendations will be obtained from other
school advisory groups and stakeholders.

Principal’s Report –

  1. NWEA MAPS End of Year 20-21 Testing Data Report

Schoolwide # RIT # RIT Growth # RIT Growth Exp. Growth Target Growth
Math 350 214.44 337 216.99 2.55 305 220.31 5.87 7.62 10
Science 350 207.06 341 207.89 0.83 290 211.83 4.77 4.44 6
Language Usage 350 208.45 308 209.11 0.66 302 212.73 4.28 4.52 8.4
Reading 352 211.31 316 212.10 0.79 328 214.29 2.98 5.532 11.064

  1. RACED Mission Specific Goal Data- 79.8% of all students who completed 18 or more OSIs scored a 3 or
    better on their final OSI RACED assignment (meets standard in Charter accountability plan)
  2. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Grant submitted- to provide SEL curriculum for all students and staff
  3. Registration Numbers SY 21-22 (As of 6/15/21)
    1st Grade- 5
    2nd Grade- 9
    3rd Grade- 12
    4th Grade- 16
    5th Grade – 34
    6th Grade – 84
    7th Grade – 83
    8th Grade – 106
    Total 349 390 Target Enrollment
  4. June Lottery Draw- accepting all grades- Targets
    1st/2nd- looking for 20
    3rd/4th- looking for 40
    5th – 40
    6th, 7th, 8th grade- targeting 100 but will go to 110.
    40 openings right now in the Lottery.
  5. Hired 8th Grade Math, 2 EAs, 1st/2nd Grade Teacher (committee interviewing for Social
    Worker/Counselor (new position)) and new Media Arts Teacher.

Documents were emailed by the CEO to the Governing Council members regarding the evaluation. Documents
included Policy, Standards and Rating Sheet. CEO sent responses to narrative sections of the evaluation.

Motion to go into a closed session —Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


Motion to Approve —Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


Motion to Approve —Evelyn Dow
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


Motion to Approve Chief Executive Officer’s Employment Contract beginning July 1,
2021 through June 30, 2022—Evelyn Dow
2 nd Art Silva
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Next Meeting: July 15 th , 2022
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Meeting Adjourned at 7:44 PM

Basketball Skills Lab

Basketball Skill Lab (Co-Ed)

Date: July 13-15, 2021
Time: 5-7pm
Price: $10 for a day pass (or)
$25 for a 3 day pass

Grade Level: 5-8th Grade

We are offering skill enhancement training for 21st CPA boys and girls of all abilities.
These skill labs are more in-depth training that gives the athlete a better understanding of the game.
Our goal is to build your athlete’s “sports knowledge” for every game situation, performance skills, and court awareness.
The training methods will focus and allow athletes to work in a positive competitive environment involving a small group setting that will train and develop ball handling, footwork, coordination, finishing, and many more fundamental skills.

Deadline to Register: July 9, 2021

Registration Link:

Contact information:
Coach Alexander- P: (505) 933-5618 or E: dalexander@21stcenturypa.com
Coach Richard Tarango- P: (505) 261-4214

2021 Fall Sports Registration Announcement

2021 Fall Sports Registration is now open to all 21st CPA Athletes!
Deadline to register: July 23, 2021

21st CPA is offering the following sports for Fall 2021:

*Middle School (5-8th Grade)

-Girls Volleyball

-Girls Basketball
-Cross Country (Co-Ed)
-Soccer (Co-Ed)
-Golf (Co-Ed)
-Flag Football (Co-Ed)
-Tennis (Co-Ed)
-Spirit Squad (Co-Ed)

*Elementary: (1st-4th Grade)
-Cross Country (Co-Ed)
-Volleyball (Co-Ed)
-Golf (Co-Ed)
-Flag Football (Co-Ed)
-Tennis (Co-ed)
-Dragon/Spirit Squad (Co-Ed)

21st CPA, APIAL League, and NM State regulations and guidelines will be followed at all times.

Registration Link for all upcoming sports:
Athletic Registration page for interested students: http://21stcenturypa.com/wp/?page_id=6195

Contact Information:
Please contact the Athletic Director, Coach “DA” Alexander, at dalexander@21stcenturypa.com for any questions concerning 21st CPA Athletics.
Assistant Athletic Director, Richard Tarango, at 505-261-4214

Thank you for your support in 21st CPA Athletics!

6/17/21 PTA Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Janet Giron, President, at 7:04 pm on Monday, June 14, 2021.
The minutes from the May 10, 2021 General PTA Meeting were approved as read.
Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Janet Giron, Angela Lerner, Mikel Wagner, Lani McCarson, Tiffany
Johnson, Lynn Olivas, Jennifer Vargas
Principal’s Report by Ms. Belmonte-Sapien:
 Thanks to the PTA for getting the yearbooks out and organizing uniform donations.
 The hiring committes have been busy. We have hired a 1 st /2 nd grade teacher. She is Ms.
Carillo and her daughter is an alumna of 21 st Century, so she is very familiar with the
school. We have also hired 2 EA’s and are interviewing an additional social worker for the
elementary students.
 We have applied for a social/emotional learning grant of $1500. If we get it, it will
supplement our social/emotional learning curriculum.
 We are still accepting lottery applications and have openings in all grades.
 Our re-entry plan must be posted publicly in order to qualify for the American Rescue Plan
funding. It will be posted on the school website.
 When students re-enter school in the fall there will be bell to bell in-person learning and
before and after care. Each student will be issued a chromebook, and the students will return
to a weekly rotating class schedule. The PED has not issued a new re-entry toolkit, so there
may be some changes when they do.

ARP ESSER III (American Rescue Plan) Report by Ms. Belmonte-Sapien:
 Statewid priorities are:
Closing the digital divide
Accelerated instruction
Supporting social emotional needs
Supporting needs of students with disabilities
Providing PPE
Improving indoor air quality
 The projected award is $764,185.25
 Brainstormed ideas of how to use the award:
Drinking fountain with bottle spout – we already have these!
Utilizing our outdoor space for family events with a projector and mobile stage
Making sure all students have good internet access at home
Grassy area or playground
Outside tables
Basketball hoops, 4 square court, tether ball poles
Staff psychologist/therapist

Swimming pool
President’s Report by Janet Giron:
 The 8 th grade graduation ceremony and the Rockcital were spectacular.
 The next Governance Council Meeting will be on 6/24 at 5:30pm.
 Yearbooks have been distributed. Next year’s yearboks will be available to order at the
biggest discount in August.
Vice-President’s Report by Lani McCarson:
 Uniform donations went well. All the donations have been washed and sorted.
Treasurer’s Report by Angela Lerner:
 There were no deposits
 One check for $120 for graduation expense cleared
 Current balance is $10,611.27.
 There are several checks still outstanding. They total approximately $1500.
 We will be able to have in-person events now.
 We will be able to have the Ice Cream Social on Labor Day weekend, although we will still
have to follow state guidelines, so it may have to be outside with indivdually wrapped paletas.
Secretary’s Report by Mikel Wagner:
 According to the NM PTA, we have members in MemberHub for whom we have not
submitted payment. Janet and Angie will take care of making a payment next week.

Fundraising / New Business:
 We will do the school supply fundraiser again in the fall. Jennifer Vargas has volunteered to
help out.
 We should be able to run the snack bar again when school starts. Janet Giron needs to train
someone to take over. Jennifer Vargas can help out with this as well.
 Other fundraising ideas:
Restaurant night at Green Jeans, Blake’s, the paleta bar on Candelaria, or Cello Grill
Santa Pictures
Craft Fair
Raffle of donations or students’ art
Encouraging parents to use Amazon Smile and the Smith’s donation option linked to their value card
 The PTA would like to start a weekly or monthly newsletter to be distributed to all parents
 The PTA budget for next year will be posted at the school and needs to be voted on at the
next meeting.

The next PTA General Meeting will be Monday, July 26 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.