Practice Shelter-in-Place Drill

Dear Dragon Families,

On Thursday, May 13th, 21st Century will perform a Shelter-In-Place Drill. During this time, parents and visitors outside the school will not be admitted into the building until the drill has lifted. Students will remain in or be escorted to classrooms where instruction will continue after attendance is taken and reported.

This another practice drill through A.L.I.C.E. (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) procedure. This practice drill is designed to test the implementation of the Public Education Department safety procedures to keep our students as safe as possible. Please feel free to discuss the procedures with your student. The Shelter-In-Place drills are a precautionary routine to keep students and staff as safe as possible indoors, during an emergency event.

Please note that you will not be able to pick up your student starting at 12:30PM. You will be able to sign your student out after the drill is completed approximately 1:15PM.

Feel free to contact me if there are questions about the drill. Thank you for your support as we aspire to keep all students safe through these precautionary exercises.

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal

5/10/21 EC Minutes

Equity Council Meeting



Present: Kristin Healy, Victoria Tafoya, Dorene DiNaro, Alfreda Begaye, Bianca Belmonte-Sapien

Absent: Kendra Brown, Florencio Reza, Sabrina Seedor

Draft Minutes:

Equity for 1st 2nd 3rd Grade: SAT process and diagnostic screener to help teachers with intervention and if needed special ed testing. Speed of diagnostic services (our diagnostician is a contracted service). Dyslexia Screener and LETRS training opportunities for all elementary staff to train together.

School next year: Remote option equitable for when students have to miss school for any reason (parent work, COVID symptoms/status). Members acknowledge it is hard for the teachers. State PED option of full remote school-discussion. Members note opportunity to stay remote at your own local charter. Families choose charters and we want them to be able to stay in their school of choice. Not a forced situation for our families. With risk of illness, students can stay home if symptomatic and still attend and learn.

Question about SEL needs of students attending- No dramatic increase in behaviors, several students arguing. Students have transitioned well. They say hello and engage with teachers, follow rules, socialization good at lunch, forming friendships.

Next Meeting: June 14th, 2021 6pm

Topic: Equity Council Meetings (1 hour before each PTA Meeting)

Time: 6pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 762 7348 8262

Passcode: 7rxQQD

Community Resources

Dragon Families,

We hope this message finds you well. Please see the flier with community resources.

5/10/21 PTA Meeting

Please join us this evening for our Monthly PTA Meeting, Monday, May 10 8 7:00 pm. This month we will be going over all of the end of the year stuff and Information for next year.

PTA Meeting Monday, May 10th, 2021
Topic: 21st Century PTA Meeting
Time: 7pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 531 294 3120
Passcode: 7Ggj5n