Sign In Procedures / Testing

Parents and Guardians,

Testing week is off to a great start! Your students are putting forth a wonderful effort to do well.

A few procedures:

Parents, it is very important that you sign in your students when they arrive after 8:15AM. We continue to screen students for COVID symptoms upon arrival. If they do not pass the screening they will have to go home. Our nursing staff is working hard to keep our school community safe!

If your student is experiencing COVID symptoms, please keep them home. Common symptoms are upset stomach, headache, runny nose, coughing, and fever. If your student does have to go home, you will get a call from our nurse. We continue to follow the DOH/PED decision making process for symptomatic students.

Allergies are common this time of year. If your student suffers from chronic allergies, please have their primary care doctor fax or email a note to the office so the nurse can place it in their file. If you have any questions please call our school nurse.

Thank you for your cooperation to keep our community healthy and our kids in school!

4/12/21 EC Minutes

Equity Council Meeting



Present: Kristin Healy, Victoria Tafoya, Dorene DiNaro, Alfreda Begaye, Bianca Belmonte-Sapien

Absent: Kendra Brown, Florencio Reza, Sabrina Seedor

Draft Minutes:

Remote option equitable for when students have to miss school for any reason. Face to Face reopening with Special Education Teachers supporting content classes creates equity.

Students attending report enjoy being back, following rules stressful at first, a little socialization good while waiting for pick up. Getting first year students ready for next year and giving 8th graders a chance to finish Face to Face to create memories with peers and teachers.

COVID protocols makes all students safe.

Internet problems with Comcast- more planning for what students do for equity of access.

How does a remote student communicate with the teachers? Teachers could check in with remote students for their questions to be answered, teachers who move around the room cannot always be heard by remote students. Students do not want to get in trouble for asking a question, do they unmute and ask. Perhaps offer Q&A-Review time first part of class especially for remote learners. Equity for procedures for remote students and teach the expectation. Perhaps class recordings could continue to be available for remote learner reference?

No Before/After school program or Learning Support Time challenges to equity to remote students.

Bus for East side students in the future?

Next Meeting: May 10, 2021 6pm

Topic: Equity Council Meetings (1 hour before each PTA Meeting)

Time: 6pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 762 7348 8262

Passcode: 7rxQQD

School Fundraiser

Dragon Families:

Please help support the Student Council fundraiser by registering online today. We have partnered with Charleston Wrap and with over 2,500 gift ideas, there is something for everyone! Be sure to register today, and please, please, please start sharing our fundraiser with your family & friends.
Organization ID: 2220

Thank You!

Hello Wonderful Dragon Families!

We did it! Our first week back for face to face learning and remote instruction is complete.
A few reminders!

Please have a conversation with your child about being COVID safe! Maintain 6 feet of distance or more when possible, especially when eating and at dismissal. They are doing a great job with mask wearing!

Prior to arriving at school, please take your student’s temperature and ask:
Are you experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19? Fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of smell or taste, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea?
If they are, please have the student stay home. It is recommended that you contact your child’s doctor. Students are also screened at school when they arrive

When driving up to the school for pick up, please slow down to pull all the way forward following the duty staff signals. We want to keep our kids safe!

Our Cutler Ave. businesses have asked- please do not park in their lots or block their driveways. Thank you for helping us to be good neighbors!

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we get back to school. Have a wonderful weekend!