1/21/21 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice-President
Kathy Webb, Secretary
Victoria Tafoya, Member
Evelyn Dow, Member
Gary Boyd, Member
Daniel Kegler, Member
Member Absent: All Present Via Zoom Meeting
Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Zach Kirchgessner, the Vigil Group
Jeremy Peckens, CPO
Sheila Herrera, Senior Manager Moss Adams
Missy Brown, Charter School Division Governing Board
Governance Meeting Called to Order by Virginia Trujillo, President at 5:35 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Motion to Approve Agenda —Art Silva
2 nd — Gary Boyd
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote

Approval of Minutes

Motion to Approve Amended Minutes, December 17, 2020 meeting—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd —Art Silva
Motion Approved Via Roll Call Vote

Open Forum

Sheila Herrera of Moss Adams presented:



(A Component Unit of Albuquerque Municipal School District No. 12)

June 30, 2020


 Budget Report
Zach Kirchgessner presented Account Summary Reports for November 2020: the Expenditure and
Revenue Reports, Issued Purchase Order Report, Bank Register Report and Outstanding Checks
Report, Bank Reconciliation Reports.

 Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation for December 2020

Motion to approve Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation for December 2020
—Kathy Webb
2 nd Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


580-000-2021-0026- IB
Motion to Approve BARS—Art Silva
2 nd Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

PEC Report (Public Education Commission)
Mary Tarango presented the report.
No Action Required

PRINCIPAL’s REPORT, Bianca Belmonte-Sapien

  1. MOY NWEA MAPs Testing Assessment Data
    Science: 57% Proficient Fall 50% Proficient Winter
    Math: 44% Proficient Fall 36% Proficient Winter
    Language Usage: 51% Proficient Fall 41% Proficient Winter
    Reading: 53% Proficient Fall 47% Proficient Winter
  2. Registration Numbers 2020-2021(as of 01/13/2021)
    4th Grade-27
    5th Grade – 42
    6th Grade -86
    7th Grade –102
    8th Grade -95
    Total 352
  3. Virtual Open House 01/23/2021, Lottery Draw 02/02/2021
  4. Student Led Conferences February 10 th , 11 th , 12 th
  5. PEC (Public Education Commission) hearing to approve Amendment for 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd grades
    and Enrollment Cap increase scheduled February 12 th
  6. MLSS site visit, Charter Division Site Visit (Dates to be determined)

Reopening Plan Update
No changes
Motion to Table this Action Item—Art Silva
2 nd Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Closed Session

Recommendation by Missy Brown, Charter School Division Governing Board.
Motion to Remove Action Asterisk from Agenda on Closed Session
and Renumber Agenda Items—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Kathy Webb
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Motion to Enter Closed Session—Evelyn Dow
2 nd Kathy Webb
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Closed Session
Motion to Exit Closed Session, noting No Action Needed—Gary Boyd
2 nd Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Next Meeting: February 18, 2021
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn—Art Silva
2 nd Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Meeting Adjourned at 7:25 PM

Spring Sports 2021 Season

2021 Spring Sports Registration is now open!

21st CPA is offering the following sports for Spring 2021:

*Middle School (5-8th Grade)

Boys Basketball

Girls Volleyball

Track & Field


*Elementary: (4th Grade)



Note: Athletes may participate in 2 sports for Mid School. (e.g. Girls Volleyball & Track / Boys Basketball & Track)

-Mask will be worn at all times.

-NM State and 21st CPA regulations and guidelines will be followed at all times.

Athletic Registration page for interested students: http://21stcenturypa.com/wp/?page_id=6195

All athletes are required to submit the following for participation:
Online Registration- includes (student-athlete contract, athletic waiver, APIAL waiver, and Covid waiver)
Physical Form (signed by physicians)
$55 payment (cash, check, or money order)

Please contact the Athletic Director, Coach “DA” Alexander, at dalexander@21stcenturypa.com for any questions concerning 21st CPA Athletics.

3/8/21 EC Agenda

Agenda: Equity Topics

Topic: Equity Council Meetings (1 hour before each PTA Meeting)
Time: March 8th, 6pm.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 762 7348 8262
Passcode: 7rxQQD

2/8/21 EC Minutes

February Draft Minutes:
Attendees: Victoria Tafoya, Kristin Healy, Alfreda Begaye, Bianca Belmonte-Sapien

Site visit volunteers requested for parent/community interview portions (March 3).
Equity for Internet access discussed, hotspots ordered with distribution soon.
Reentry plan for reopening will post Feb. 12th, hybrid format considerations shared-Zoom feedback/volume if in a room, seating and proximity, assignment considerations for equity (due dates and access to support).
Importance to return to a sense of normal to be in a classroom learning space with peers and a teacher.