Missed Yearbook Portraits
/in Admin /by 21stadminHello dragon families! As you are aware we have had our school picture day last week. Any student that was unable to attend school on that day or make an appointment with the photographer, please email a portrait for use in the yearbook to yearbook@21stcenturypa.com. Please make the title of the email “(Student Name) Portrait”. Please remember the dress code that was required for picture day when choosing your portrait: No revealing clothing, no spaghetti straps, no torn pants or shorts, no sweatpants. A school uniform is also acceptable. The deadline for sending this portrait is Wednesday, May 5th.
Students that were in person on picture day (April 21st) or who made an appointment with the photographer to have their photo taken in the gym or at the photographer’s studio do not need to send a portrait.
Thank you!
School Pictures
/in PTA /by 21stadminGood morning Dragon families!
Picture day went great, and proofs are available. If your student is in person they will be receiving their proofs today in home room. If your student is online they should have received a small paper with instructions on how to access their proofs online when they took their picture. There is an online access code that you will enter to be able
to view and order. If you have any questions please email pta@21stcenturypa.com.
If you would like to retake your students photo please visit:
click on School Portraits
click on Info on school retakes
click on (ABQ) School Photo@KBP Studios ABQ
from there you will be able to reschedule.
Please note that yearbook pictures have already been submitted so retakes photos will not be in the year book.
We are also looking for pictures for the year book. If you have any that you would like to submit please email yearbook@21stcenturypa.com.
Janet Giron
4/22/21 SAC Minutes
/in School Advisory Council Agenda /by 21stadminHello SAC Members!
Thank you for volunteering your time to provide advice about our expansion into Elementary school!
SAC Meeting Minutes 4/22/21
Literacy Planning SY 21-22- SAC Members provided ideas for continued literacy skill development for Elementary through Middle School at 21st CPA.
Character Parade
Mentorship with book buddies, OSI as a culminating event. “Readers are Leaders”, book exchange with student written review included, Library/Media Center in 5 year Facility Master Plan, Wrinkle Writing/Theater, Battle of the Books.
Next Meeting:
May 27th 5pm
Topic: School Advisory Committee (4th Thursday of Each Month)
Time: 5pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 757 6950 7179
Passcode: 5mJsxQ
21st Century Public Academy
New Mexico Charter Elementary & Middle School
4300 Cutler Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: (505)254-0280
Fax: (505)254-8507