Cross Country Starting Soon

Cross Country will be starting soon. There will be a week of Conditioning where we work on running 2 miles without stopping. This starts Monday, August 22nd and ends Friday, August 26th. We will begin at 9am and end at 11am. We will meet at Stanford and Hannett entrance of UNM North Golfcourse. There is free street parking on Hannett. Runners should have all forms and physical form this week. Fees can be given to me on Friday, August 26th or given to front office. Please check school website for the forms and fee information. I will have season practice and meet schedule available on Monday, August 22nd. If you can’t make it to conditioning, than you can get information at Ice Cream Social. Runners should bring a towel, water bottle, and appropriate running attire to conditioning. I look forward to seeing everyone!

If you have any questions, please call or email me. 423-653-5961 or

Billy Campbell