10/12/20 PTA Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Janet Giron, President, at 7:04 pm on Monday, October 12, 2020.
The minutes from the September 28, 2020 General PTA meeting were read and approved as corrected.
Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Janet Giron, Angela Lerner, Mikel Wagner, Alfreda Begay, Amanda Jones, Catherine Jones, Adam Jones, Anne Massi, Brie Logan, Dorene DiNaro, Lani McCarson, Fatima Ceballos, Marisela, Medrano

Principal’s Report by Ms. Belmonte-Sapien:
 Thank you to parents and the 7 th grade team for attending the meeting.
 The school has started a student recruitment drive ahead of the 40 day count. We are also recruiting students in 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd grades for next year.
 This year we have to have our own Title I program since we are no longer part of APS. It will be AFIT (Assistance to Families in Transition) lead by Ms. McGrane. The school will work in conjuction with Roadrunner Food Bank to be a possible food pick up point during covid.
 The MAPS testing data is in. Students were 57% proficient in Science, 51% proficient in Language, 44% proficient in Math, and 53% proficient in Reading. We look to double
expected growth per NWEA by the end of the year. President’s Report by Janet Giron:
 The school’s Governance Council meeting will be at 5:30 on Thursday, October 15 th via Zoom. Reopening plans for the rest of the year will be discussed.
 Yearboks are on sale. You can message Janet Giron via Facebook if you need more information. If ordered now, there is a 5% discount.

Treasurer’s Report by Angela Lerner:
 The bank balance is $11,914.63.
 We received $96 from United Way.
 The check for $2,300 from the music GoFundMe has been received and will be deposited tomorrow.
 There is one outstanding check for $1,000 to Volcano Vista Booster Club.

 We have received the postage paid bags from GotSneakers.com and can begin collecting sneakers. We will put a box in the school lobby for donations, and also ask for people to drop off sneakers during the Trunk-or-Treat.
 Janet Giron asked Alfreda Begay to contact Chick-Fil-A about a restaurant night fundraiser. Other possibilities are Papa John’s, Whataburger, and Domino’s
 The Trunk-or-Treat will be on Saturday the 24 th of October (contingent any new restrictions that the Governor might announce on Thursday). There is a farm in Edgewood that will sell us pumpkins for $1 each. The pumpkins will be handed out to students to be decorated. The students can submit photos of their decorated pumpkins for prizes in different categories. Prize categories might be best painted, best carved, scariest, most creative, best character, etc. We will use Flipgrid for the contest. Janet Giron asked Fatima Ceballos to contact McCall’s Pumpkin Patch when she metioned the possibility that they might give us a better deal on pumpkins. Parents with trucks will be needed to help gather the pumpkins. The Student Council would like to have a booth during the Trunk-or-Treat.

New Business:
 Ms. Logan will is asking the PTA to fund the prizes for Science Bowl again this year. The competition will be on January 13 th . It will be a virtual competition. There will also be a virtual regional competition. Ms. Logan will email information to Janet Giron so that we can put it on the agenda and vote on it during the next meeting.

The next PTA General Meeting is set for Monday, November 9th at 7:00 pm via Zoom.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 pm.