Volleyball Open Gym

21st Century will be hosting a Volleyball open gym.

Date: July 20, 2021
Time: 5-7p
Location: 21st century gymnasium
-Athletes will enter into the double glass doors located on the Northeast side of the building (near the cul-de-sac).
Cost: $5 (Cash, check, or money order) (Payable to 21st CPA)

Please register athlete prior to the event at the following link: https://forms.gle/hUTLfdBGiKKuyzZs7

This event will allow athletes the opportunity to have fun in some games of volleyball with their peers in a supervised volleyball environment.

Parents must drop off Athletes and pick up by 7 pm from 21st century PA gymnasium.

All 21st CPA students that would like to come out and play in this upcoming event are welcomed to attend.

Parents, please help in ensuring athletes are in proper attire to participate to the best of their abilities.
Mask (no neck gaiters)
Athletic Shorts or Pants
Volleyball or Running Shoes (No black soles please)
Water Bottle
Any needed protective gear (Inhaler, Knee/Ankle Brace)
Volleyball (Optional)
-Athletes will be temperature checked prior to entering the playing area.

Note: 21st CPA sports program will follow all covid guidelines of the State, PED, and 21st governors council to provide safety of all participants. Spectators will not be present at this event due to PED guidelines.

For any questions please contact Coach Dana “DA” Alexander dalexander@21stcenturypa.com or Coach Richard Tarango at 505-261-4214.
Thank you for your support in the 21st CPA Sports Program!