10/12/23 SAC Minutes
5:30pm to 6:05pm via Zoom
In Attendance:
– Lora Sedore- Chair
– Jeremy Peckens
– Helen Dundas- (new member)
Not present
– Vicente Vargas
Three members of the committee have stepped down since their children no longer attend the
– Mikel Wagner
– Dorene DiNaro
– Rebecca Starrett
We would like to thank these amazing women for their contribution to the SAC!. We also like to
welcome Helen Dundas to the SAC and look forward to working with her on the committee.
Update by Jeremy:
– The school is fully staffed
– Student population is at projected levels
– Ms. Tarango is back at school after her accident
– The Fall Festival will be October 20
We have lost three members and are currently at 4 active member. We brainstormed and came
up with a few ideas to recruit new members.
SAC will create talking points list for recruitment that can be presented to the teachers
at their weekly meetings and to the PTA.
- Lora will attend the upcoming Fall Festival and network at the event.
- Jeremy will bring this information to his staff meeting.
- Lora will provide information for Ms. Tarango to present at her weekly meeting.
Lora presented a draft questionnaire for parents/staff that will be offered through Google
Forms. The questionnaire will be open ended to try to capture parent/staff opinions. Lora will
provide another draft based on discussion to the committee. Jeremey will present the approved
draft to the CG Meeting for their approval.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:05, no date for the next meeting was set.