10/4/16 GC Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President

Chris Velasquez, Vice-President

Lori Hagen, Secretary

Camille Cordova, Member

Members Absent: Art Silva, Member


Guests: Mary Tarango, Principal

Rita Hirschy, COO

Phil Sapien

Jim Richardson

Governance Council Called to Order at 5:38 p.m. by Virginia Trujillo

Roll Call

  • Quorum met.  

Approval of Previous Governance Council (GC) Meeting Minutes

  • Motion to approve minutes – Lori Hagen

2nd. – Chris Velasquez

 Motion Approved

Open Forum

  • Phil Sapien – attended meeting and introduced himself to the Governance Council.

  • Rita Hirschy – reported that during the audit that 2 recommendations were made by the auditors.  1.  All members to sign a “Conflict of Interest” document in addition to the “Code of Conduct” statement.  Rita will find and send a conflict of interest statement to all GC members for review.  Rita made the suggestion that the Code of Conduct and the Conflict of Interest statements become documents that the GC members sign annually.  2. Make sure the Governance Council understands how to read and interpret a bank statement.

Rita will conduct a training for the GC on reading the Bank Statements at the next GC meeting.

  • Virginia Trujillo – would like to have the new Charter Director, Joseph Escobedo try to arrange for board training regarding finance.

Finance Report – It was stated that quarter financials ending 6/30/16, pending final audit review, do no have to be voted on for approval, but Virginia stated that she wants the GC to approve all financial matters.

Cash disbursements are as follows:

August 2016        $119,092.24

September 2016   $159,733.66

Motion to approve cash disbursements – Chris Velasquez

2nd – Camille Cordova

Motion Approved

End of Fiscal Year 16 BARS for approval:

BAR 001-027-1516-0032-M

BAR 001-027-1516-0033-M

BAR 001-027-1516-0040-T

BAR 001-027-1516-0047-T

BAR 001-027-1516-0048-M

BAR 001-027-1516-0049-M

BAR 001-024-1516-0051-T

All BARs were for the line item cleanup for the end of the fiscal year 2016.

Motion to approve the BARS for FY16 clean up – Chris Velasquez

2nd– Camille Cordova

Motion Approved.

Approval of BARs for FY2017:

BAR 001-027-1617-0001-I   Increase for 24154 $530.00

BAR 001-027-1617-0004-T Transfer to cover line items overages

BAR 001-027-1617-0005-M Maintenance to cover line item overages

BAR 001-027-1617-0008-T Transfer to cover line items overages

Motion to approve the BARs for FY17- Chris Velasquez

2nd– Camille Cordova

Motion Approved

Officer Elections

  • Lori Hagen nominated Chris Velasquez for Vice President,

2nd – Camille Cordova, vote was unanimous

  • Chris Velasquez nominated Lori Hagen for Secretary,

2nd – Camille Cordova, vote was unanimous

Building Committee Report – Jim stated that the work is still progressing and we are trying to finalize financial process for the transaction.  We want to make sure that we are in compliance with State Statute.  Mary Tarango will contact Paul Aguilar, Deputy Secretary of Education, to try to schedule a meeting for clarification.  There was a meeting with the realtor and deadlines were established.  We have requested a conceptual drawing by October 19th.  Reg Olson, our realtor will relay our concerns and deadlines to the owner.

Membership – New language was posted as required.

  • Motion for approval – Camille Cordova

2nd – Lori Hagen

Motion Approved

Principal’s Report – Mary stated that as of Tuesday, September 6, 2016 the student counts are as follows:

5th grade – 32

6th grade – 57

7th grade – 80

8th grade – 79

TOTAL – 248 (Goal 252) 40-day count is October 12, 2016

Mary shared budget concerns and the cuts that may occur during the Special Session.  We assume that will be some cuts but we should be ok for this year.  The APS School of Choice Fair is Thursday, October 20th.  We will have a table and will be recruiting both 6th grade for this year and all grades for next year.  This is a big event for us in terms of recruitment.  The PTA Fall Festival is Friday, October 28th from 5:30pm to 8:30 pm.  Everyone is invited.  Chromebooks have been purchased and have arrived.  We now have a 1-1 inventory of chromebooks to students.  Testing will be less intrusive.  The school will also have a “practice” school evacuation on Monday, October 17th.  This went very well last year and we felt it necessary to have this drill earlier in the year.

Next Meeting

  • November 1, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.  Finance meeting at 4:30 p.m.

Motion to adjourn – Camille Cordova

  • 2nd. – Lori Hagen
  • Motion approved

Meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.

10/4/16 GC Meeting Agenda

Call Meeting to Order


Roll Call


Approval of Minutes*

Open Forum-


  1. Finance Report

Approval of Cash Disbursements for:*

August 2016 and September 2016

Approval of BARS for yearend closing

Approval of Maintenance, Transfer and Initial Budget  Bars

  1. Officer Elections – Vice President & Secretary*

III. Building Committee Report

  1. Bylaws  Revision- Membership*
  2. Principal’s Report


Old Business:

Next Meeting:  November 1, 2016


Adjourn Open Meeting

(*) Action Item

Proposed Bylaw Change


A. Positions on GC

The GC shall have no fewer than 5 (five), but no more than 7 (seven) qualified voting members.  The voting members of the GC shall consist of no fewer than 2 (two), but no more than 3 (three) qualified parent members and no fewer than 3 (three) and no more than 4 (four) qualified business or local community members.  However, in no event shall the number of voting GC members be less than 5 (five).


Parent shall be defined as any extended family member of a student at 21st CPA.

9/6/16 GC Meeting Agenda

Meeting will be held at 5:30 pm

21st Century Public Academy

6805 Academy Pkwy W NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109



Call Meeting to Order


Roll Call


Approval of Minutes*

Open Forum-

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