2/22/17 GC Agenda


Call Meeting to Order

Roll Call

I.Approval of Letter to Albuquerque Public School*
Next Meeting: March 7, 2017

Adjourn Open Meeting

(*) Action Item

8th Grade OSI to Santa Fe

Track Interest Meeting

Hello Parents,
21st will be hosting an 2017 Track Meeting for all interested Athletes.
Meeting will be held on Monday February 27, 2017
Time: 4pm
Location: 21st Century Cafeteria
Parents please remember that all Athletes must submit all required forms to participate. All forms can be found under the Athletic tab on 21st Century website.
21st waiver
21st student contract
APIAL waiver
Parents please registered all interested Athletes by submitting the form below.
Please contact Track Coach Billy Campbell or Athletic Director Coach D.A for any questions or concerns.

1/9/17 Emergency GC Meeting Minutes

Meeting called due to letter sent out by the public Education Department requiring an immediate decrease in specific budget items per the 2016 Special Legislature held due to New Mexico State budget deficit.

             Member Present:    Philip Sapien

                    Camille Cordova

                     Chris Velazquez

              Members present by phone:

                      Virginia Trujillo

        Art Silva

        Lori Hagen

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by Virginia Trujillo

Quorum was met.

2 BARs were introduced by Chris Velasquez for approval due to the reduction required by PED for schools to be compliant with the bill that was approved by the 2016 Special Legislation by reducing the Instructional Materials budget and by decreasing the SEG unit value.

Motion was made by Chris Velasquez to approve:

BAR 001-027-1617-0014-D to reduce Instructional Materials by 2,623000

Seconded by Camille Cordova

Vote: unanimous

Motion passed

Motion was made by Chris Velasquez to approve:

BAR 001-027-1617-0013-D to reduce the Operational Budget by the reduction in the SEG unit value by $19,720.00

Seconded by Lori Hagen

Vote: unanimous

Motion passed.

Motion to Adjourn by Camille Cordova

Seconded by Philip Sapien

Vote: unanimous

Meeting adjourned at 5:16pm