Background Checks
Employee Background Check
Prior to becoming an employee of 21 st Century Public Academy, a job-related
background check will be conducted. A comprehensive background check may
consist of prior employment verification, professional reference checks, and
education confirmation, a criminal background check must be obtained.
21 st Century Public Academy shall require background checks, based upon
fingerprint identification, of all prospective employees.
Employees shall, as a condition of employment and at the expense of the
employee, submit to and clear a background check every two years after their
initial hire date.
All contractors who may have unsupervised access to students must submit
evidence of current back ground check clearance.
21 st Century Public Academy shall require background checks, based upon
fingerprint identification of all volunteers who may have unsupervised access to
students. Background check clearance of volunteers who may have supervised
access to students shall be valid for two years at which time the volunteer shall,
at the volunteer’s expense, submit to and clear a new background check.
Additionally, employees are required to self-report, to a designated administrator
any known arrest, charge and/or conviction of criminal offense within in 5 days of
Religious Instruction
21 st Century Public Academy shall strive to maintain a neutral stance in matters
involving religion. 21 st Century Public Academy shall adhere to the following
guidelines regarding religion and the instructional day:
The school year calendar shall be planned to avoid conflict with religious
In case of conflict, students shall be allowed excused absences to observe
religious holidays.
The sacred literature of all faiths may be studied only for its historical,
artistic, cultural, literary or other secular importance.
Religious exhibits, music or display of religious objects or symbols may be
permissible only if they are used as learning materials in these studies.
School facilities may be used by religious groups outside of instructional hours or
when such use will not conflict or interfere with the school program in accordance
with Board of Education policy and administrative procedural directive.
21 st Century Public Academy shall not conduct any invocations, benedictions, or
formal prayers at any district-sponsored activities but will respect outside entities
moments of reflection as long as it does not interfere with the scheduled
Administration of Medications at School (Consistent with the policies and procedures of
the Contracted Medical Provided for Nursing Services.)
The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on School Health States that children
are often able to attend regular school programs as a result of the effectiveness of
medications in the treatment of illnesses and chronic disabilities. It has also been
proven that students who are able to be medicated at school attain more regular
attendance and increase their ability to achieve their optimum educational and social
DEFINITION: a medication is any substance that is ingested, injected, inhaled or used
topically in the diagnosis, treatment and/or the prevention of disease. This included
prescription drugs, over-the-counter and non-prescription drugs.
Medications may be authorized by health care providers who are licensed by the state
of New Mexico to prescribe drugs. Medication authorizations are acceptable from
licensed Medical doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Osteopathic Physicians and Physician’s
Therefore, the following procedures will be followed when it is absolutely necessary for
a student to take medications during school hours.
Policy and Procedure of Administration of Medications at School
The physician and the parent/guardian will submit written authorization for the
medication to be given during school hours. The information provided in the
written authorization should match the labeling information on the medication
container. This will help ensure that the medication actually being taken is
consistent with that authorized.
The parent/guardian and physician will submit written consent for a student to
self-administer his/her own medication with supervision. A licensed school nurse
will administer medication to those students who are unable to administer their
own medication.
A Charter School Nurse contractor/designated health assistant will NOT assist
with medication administration without a completed “Authorization to Administer
Medication” form. If a request to administer medication is sent o school without
such authorization the following must be done:
-The licensed school nurse will be notified immediately of the situation
-If the licensed school nurse is unavailable, call Nursing Services for assistance.
-Only a licensed school nurse may telephone the physician for a (temporary)
verbal medication order.
-Such verbal authorization is valid for five (5) days.
-The nurse requests that the doctor send a written authorization to the school.
-The parent/guardian may come to school and give medication until a verbal or
written authorization can be secured by the licensed school nurse.
In life-threatening emergency situation such as an anaphylactic episode, severe
asthma reaction or a diabetic reaction, a non-medically licensed school employee
may administer oral, inhalation or parenteral (injectable) medication to the
student. This person will be trained by a licensed school nurse. A signed
Parental Indemnity Agreement document (Asthma Action Plan, Allergy Action
Plan, etc.) will be requested from the parent/guardian.
Non –medically licensed school employees will be trained to follow a specific
procedure for assisted self-administration of medication that ensures students
receive their prescribed medication in a safe manner. This training will be
provided by the licensed school nurse.
Students will be carefully instructed on how to take their medication at school.
The methods and plan of administration will be a coordinate effort between the
student/parent/guardian, licensed school nurse and other school employees who
will assist and supervise in the self-administration of medication.
Each student will be required to have each medication in a pharmacy labeled
container. Note: The pharmacy label does not serve as a physician’s
authorization. The information provided on the written authorization must match
the pharmacy label.
Medications will be stored within a locked medication cabinet in the health office.
Exceptions to this rule will be noted on the medication authorization form and the
Health Management Plan and will pertain to medication that must be stored in a
refrigerator or those carried by the student.
The Nursing Department will determine the procedure for recording the time and
date the medication is to be given for longer than ten (10 school days. A copy
will be filed with the health record, in the medication log, given and discussed
with the parent and the appropriate school staff.
The site principal/administration is responsible to provide the equipment and
materials necessary for the safe administration and documentation of these