End of Year Updates

Dragon Families,

Please see the information below regarding the last week of school. May 31st is a holiday, no school. Grade level teachers will send grade specific details to parents regarding celebrations, yearbooks, and chromebook turn in procedures.

June 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be Early Dismissal at 11:44 AM. June 3rd will be the last day of school for studnets. No lunches will be served. Bus service going home will be available at the following arrival times for riders at their regular stops.(Pick up times are as usual)

Bus Schedule-

South Bus:
11:51 Depart 21st Century
12:19 Hanover
12:29 Alamosa
12:39 Tom Tenorio

North Bus:
11:51 Depart 21st Century
12:19 Hanover
12:39 Milne
12:50 La Orilla
1:06 10401 Coors ByPass

Please feel reach out to your student’s teachers or Admin with any questions.

Parents can go to the APS website and the site lists all Grab & Go meal information. This site is always changing with updated information, so please mention that they might continue to check updated information regularly.

Louisiana Complex is also giving out weekly packs on 5/26 from 11:00 – 1:00

Here is also a list of sites, I believe it’s from 11-1:00, but the Website has current times. :

Harrison Middle
Truman Middle
Hodgins Elementary
Valle Vista Elementary
Longfellow Elementary
Chelwood Elementary
Del Norte High
Duranes Elementary
Valley High
Alameda Elementary
Petroglyph Elementary
West Mesa High
East San Jose Elementary
Montezuma Elementary
MCCollum Elementary
New Futures
Zuni Elementary
Highland High School
Mitchell Elementary
Sandia High
Chaparral Elementary
Dennis Chavez Elementary
JAnet Kahn Elementary
Lew Wallace Elementary
James Monroe Middle
Manzano Mesa Elementary
La Cueva High
Atrisco Elementary
George Sanchez

Thank you for a great end to a unique school year!

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien M.A.,NBCT, Ed.S
21st Century Public Academy
4300 Cutler Ave. NE, Albuquerque NM 87110
A State Charter School serving Middle and Elementary Grades 1st-8th

5/20/21 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice-President
Victoria Tafoya, Interim Secretary
Evelyn Dow, Member
Gary Boyd, Member
Lora Sedore, Member

Member Absent: Virginia Trujillo, President (logged out at approx.. 6:00pm)

Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Zach Kirchgessner, The Vigil Group
Jeremy Peckens, CPO

Governance Meeting Called to Order by Art Silva, Vice-President at 5:35 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Motion to Approve Amended Agenda —Victoria Tafoya
2 nd — Gary Boyd
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote

Approval of Minutes

Motion to Approve Amended Minutes, April 22 nd , 2021 meeting—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd —Lora Sedore
Motion Approved Via Roll Call Vote

Open Forum
No comments during open forum
Zach Kirchgessner notified the Governing Council that the Finance Committee met to review all
the monthly financial documents during the committee meeting prior to the governing council
meeting. Discussion included maintaining compliance with NMPED requirements, CARES Act
Funding and maintaining a positive balance in all functions. Discussed carryover funds. Waiting
on Title I, Title II and Title III Award letters from NMPED. Discussed certain POs including one
that was processed to upgrade water fountains within the school. April general ledger tied to the
bank statement with no difference.

 Budget Report
Zach Kirchgessner presented Account Summary Reports for April 2021: the Expenditure and
Revenue Reports, Issued Purchase Order Report, Bank Register Report and Outstanding Checks
Report, Bank Reconciliation Reports.
 Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation for April 2021 *

Motion to approve Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation for April 2021
—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


580-000-2021-0034-IB- CARES ACT FUND
Motion to Approve BAR—Gary Boyd
2 nd Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Motion to Approve Preapproval of BARS for EOY—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


Discussion only no action taken

Discussion about process for signing up for required GC Training


Documents were emailed by the CEO to the Governing Council members regarding the
evaluation. Documents included Policy, Standards and Rating Sheet. During the June
meeting, CEO will send responses to narrative sections of the evaluation. A closed session
will be held in June to complete the process per policy.

PRINCIPAL’s REPORT, Bianca Belmonte-Sapien

  1. Elementary Fine Arts Application- will include projected 1st , 2nd , 3rd Grades- based on 40 day
    count). Due May 21 st (Initial Funding amount $86,827.00).
  2. PED Surveys completed. Student and Educator Opportunity to Learn (OTL) & Quality of Food survey
  3. 2021-2022 Registration Numbers (May 13, 2021)
    1 st Grade–8
    2 nd Grade–8
    3 rd Grade–11
    4 th Grade–24
                       5 th Grade–37
                       6 th Grade – 98
                       7 th Grade – 86
                       8 th Grade – 107
    Total: 379
    Total Projected Enrollment: 390
  4. 2020-21 Registration Numbers (May 13, 2021)
    4 th Grade– (27)
    5 th Grade – (42)                        

               6 th Grade – (87)                                            
             7 th Grade – (102)                                    
              8 th Grade – (95)                                            
          Totals:      (353) 
80/120 Day Average – 351

  1. Charter Division Site Visit (May 3)- No Tier Status or Score will be provided for our Charter
    Performance Review/Accountability System. Noted- Mission Goal/Success in enhanced virtual out of
    school instruction and for continuing our short cycle assessments used to guide instruction.
    Report will post in WebEPSS for our review soon.
  2. IDEA B Application- IDEA B funds for above and beyond costs to educate a special education student-
    social workers. (Moved to Agenda for Discussion and possible action item)
  3. Title 1, 2, 3 Applications submitted to PED for review.

$88,941 for FY 21-22 Used for Social Worker Salaries

Motion to Approve IDEA B Application—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

8 th Grade Ceremony – Thursday, June 3 rd at 6:00pm-7:00pm in 21 st Century Gym with
projection system

  • Projector on building wall (Drive in style) and live streaming of the event
    Next Meeting: June 24 th , 2021
    Motion to Adjourn
    Motion to Adjourn—Victoria Tafoya
    2 nd Evelyn Dow
    Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
    Meeting Adjourned at 6:30 PM

UNM Offers Parent Training: Social Emotional Learning for Parents

This training is focused on providing information for parents/caregivers to help support children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the home setting.

Spanish Interpretation available for Spanish speaking families. Please indicate on registration form that you need Spanish Interpretation.

La interpretación al español está disponible para las familias que hablan español. En el formulario de inscripción por favor indique que usted necesita interpretación al español.

“Social Emotional Learning for Parents”
5/25/2021 1:00pm – 4:30pm(MST)

“How to Support children in the area of social emotional learning in the home setting”

Click Here to Register!

University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability Autism Portal – Visit our Website!

End of Year Lunch Information

Good Morning,

Parents can go to the APS website and the site lists all Grab & Go meal information. This site is always changing with updated information, so please mention that they might continue to check updated information regularly.
Louisiana Complex is also giving out weekly packs on 5/26 from 11:00 – 1:00

Here is also a list of sites, I believe it’s from 11-1:00, but the Website has current times. :

Harrison Middle
Truman Middle
Hodgins Elementary
Valle Vista Elementary
Longfellow Elementary
Chelwood Elementary
Del Norte High
Duranes Elementary
Valley High
Alameda Elementary
Petroglyph Elementary
West Mesa High
East San Jose Elementary
Montezuma Elementary
MCCollum Elementary
New Futures
Zuni Elementary
Highland High School
Mitchell Elementary
Sandia High
Chaparral Elementary
Dennis Chavez Elementary
JAnet Kahn Elementary
Lew Wallace Elementary
James Monroe Middle
Manzano Mesa Elementary
La Cueva High
Atrisco Elementary
George Sanchez

Thank you