Re-Entry Plan

Wonderful and Amazing Dragon Families!

We hope you are well and looking forward to Spring Break.

The Governance Council approved our re-entry plan at the meeting last night. Here are some specifics.

-Classes start Monday, April 5th
-Regular School Day – 8:15 am to 3:40 pm (Wednesday early release at 3:00PM). Students go directly to homeroom as they arrive. Drop off is no earlier than 8:00 am.
-Busses will be running daily as before. The schedule is posted on the website under the PARENTS tab
-All 6 classes will meet every day
-Students need to have their assigned Chromebook on them every day, charged, and ready to go
-Uniforms are required on campus
-Masks are required at all times except while eating. Lunch will be outside when possible
-Parking lot to be used for required safety drills and student lunch and therefore not available for
parking for parents or staff. (Map for traffic flow to come the week before)
-Students will need to bring water bottles – water fountains are covered and not available for use due to
Covid safe practices. (Water only in the classrooms)

All classes will still be delivered online in order to accommodate families that chose to remain in a
remote setting. That means that remote students will need to attend all 6 classes every day. There will
not be afternoon study groups or support groups.

No before or aftercare – we will not be able to offer that due to Covid restrictions.

Students are to maintain the 6-foot distance requirement per CDC guidance. Please remind your
students as we understand that it will be difficult to keep their distance from each other. We will need
to strictly enforce this to keep all people in the school safe.

The week of March 29 through April 2 NO STUDENTS WILL BE ON CAMPUS. Staff will deliver online
classes in the morning and staff will be involved in planning and staff development to prepare for entry on Monday, April 5th.

3/18/21 GC Minutes

Members Present: Art Silva, Vice-President
Victoria Tafoya, Member
Evelyn Dow, Member
Gary Boyd, Member

Member Absent: Daniel Kegler, Member
Virginia Trujillo, President
Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Zach Kirchgessner, the Vigil Group
Jeremy Peckens, CPO
Jennifer Elliot, Special Education Admin
Lora Sedore, Community Member invited by Governing Council
Recruitment Committee

Governance Meeting Called to Order by Art Silva, President at 5:38 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Correction to the agenda numbering: There are no items V and VI
Motion to Approve Agenda —Gary Boyd
2 nd — Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote

Approval of Minutes

Motion to Approve Amended Minutes, January 21, 2020 meeting—Gary Boyd
2 nd —Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved Via Roll Call Vote

Open Forum

 Budget Report
Zach Kirchgessner presented Account Summary Reports dated Feb 28th: The Expenditure and
Revenue Reports, Issued Purchase Order Report, Bank Register Report and Outstanding Checks
Report, Bank Reconciliation Reports.
 Cash Disbursements for February 2021 & Bank Reconciliation for February 2021
Motion to approve Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation for February 2021
—Gary Boyd
2 nd Victoria Tafoya

Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Motion to Approve BARS—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


Bianca Belmonte Sapien shared the updates about the Equity Council. Equity Councils
were formed in response to the Yazzie/Martinez lawsuit. Equity council members discuss
topics student equity on the campus. They also contribute feedback to be used for areas
of improvement and potential grants to support efforts of equity. Agendas and minutes
are posted on the website. Eight members serve on the committee representing
different groups of students identified within the lawsuit including: students with
disabilities, english language learners, native american learners, multi-cultural learners,
and economically disadvantaged students.

Motion made to approve the Re-Opening Plan, following most recent NMPED guidance, with
stated accommodations and providing the administration flexibility to adjust as necessary.

  • opening for full entry on April 5 th
  • 6 classes provided
  • following all safety guidelines and COVID safe practices
  • parents have the option to choose virtual instruction for their child and the school will be
    flexible and responsive to parents’ choice on any given day
    Motion to Approve Reopening Plan —Evelyn
    2 nd Gary Boyd
    Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


Motion made to strike all language relating to hair color in the Dress Code Policy
Motion to Approve –Gary Boyd
2 nd Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

PRINCIPAL’s REPORT, Bianca Belmonte-Sapien

  1. Required progress report by the NM Attendance for Success Act (AfSA)- Progress in Tiers 1-4, supports
    and resources, barriers and challenges to reducing chronic absence rates, effective school and district
    practices, and recommendations for improvement.
  2. 2020-21 Registration Numbers (March 12, 2021)
    4th Grade- (27)

5th Grade – (42)
6th Grade – (87)
7th Grade – (102)
8th Grade – (95)
Totals (353) 120 Day count- February 10, 2021
80/120 Day Average – 351
2021-2022 Registration #s
1- 8
2 – 8
3 – 8
4 – 22
5 – 31
6 – 97
7 – 86
8 – 108
Total: 368

  1. MLSS Site Visit completed March 3rd, 2021
  2. Phase 1 and 2- 5:1 Face to Face learning support implementation-
  3. Opted in to continue with Elevate Observation and Feedback for PED.
  4. 3rd Quarter grades post March 19th, Report Cards available April 1st, 2021

Governing Council REMINDER:
BUDGET TRAINING- Saturday, April 3 rd (9am) via Zoom
Next Meeting: April 15, 2021
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn—Victoria Tafoya
2 nd Evelyn Dow
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Meeting Adjourned at 6:57 PM

21stCPA Digital Music

3/15/21 School Building Closure

Dear Dragon Families:

Remote learning only Monday, March 15th due to water pipe break. Water will need to be shut off.

If you have any questions please email Mrs. Belmonte Sapien at or Ms. Morga at

Thank you for your understanding. Have a happy and safe Sunday.