Welcome Back!

Dragon Families,

Hope you had a wonderful summer. We are excited about this new school year. Our PTA is hosting our annual Ice Cream Social tonight from 5-7pm here at the school. Staff will be on campus and rooms will be open. Please come meet other parents, teachers and coaches. You can drop off your students’ school supplies with their names on them to the homeroom classrooms. Of course, ice cream will be available for all thanks to our fabulous PTA. If you haven’t already please consider becoming a PTA member.

Please remember to send a sack lunch with your student on the first day. Students need to be in uniform on day one. COVID restrictions have been relaxed, mask wearing is optional. Contact tracing is no longer required however, positive cases still need to isolate for 5 days. Please send a reusable water bottle with your student daily.

Many forms will be going home with your student. Please do your best to sign and return them at your earliest convenience. ALL FAMILIES NEED TO RETURN A LUNCH FORM. We only need one form per family.

Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
Drop Off: Students may only exit vehicles curbside. Parents should travel North on Carlisle from I-40, turning right heading East on Cutler, or you can approach along Morningside turning left on Cutler next to the school. Only make right turns onto school property. Proceed for curbside drop-off as directed by staff. Please pull as far forward as you can before stopping to drop off your student(s). There is no left turn out of the school onto Cutler. This is to maintain traffic flow and the safety of our students and teachers on duty. Please do not drop off students prior to 8:00AM, as there are no teachers to supervise them until that time. Any student dropped off prior to 8:00AM will be signed into the Before Care program, which includes a $5/use charge.

Pick Up: The pickup location is the same as drop off. Students may only load into vehicles curbside. Any student still on campus 20 minutes after release will be escorted inside the building and signed into the After Care program, unless they are participating in a school club or sport on that day.

Just one more reminder, OSI backpacks are required for all students.

We are fully staffed with licensed personnel and still have a few student spots available.

We are looking forward to an amazing year. Have a great day and GOOOOOOO DRAGONS!

8/18/22 GC Recording

8/15/22 PTA Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Lani McCarson, President, at 3:23 pm on Monday, August 15, 2022.
Attendance: Lani McCarson, Mikel Wagner, Joy Moquino, Jessica Schiffman, Tiffany Johnson, Ken Johnson
New Business
 Mr. Johnson has submitted a request for guitars for the new school year to the school. If the school can
not help pay for the guitars Mr. Johnson is requesting PTA run a fundraiser to help him purchase new
President’s Report by Lani McCarson:
 Our Vice-President Rikki Hernandez has resigned from her position on the board.
 Welcome Dragons sign will be up the first day of school. Placement will be close to the gym. We have
parents who have graciously volunteered to put the sign up and take it down.
 Breakfast: We are looking into serving breakfast for the 2022-23 school year, but having problems
finding volunteers and the cost is a problem, as well. Might be a possibility to serve grab and go type
 Balloons Aloft: This is being discussed with the person who brings their balloon to the school. We are
not sure if that will be a possibility this year.
 Fall Festival: October 28 th 5-7pm Were hoping that the event will be held inside. There will be games
and food. We are looking for volunteers for this event.
 We need more people to sign up for memberships for PTA nothing is required except the $8.00 for the
year. This will greatly help us to put on more events for the school.
 How can we get more involvement and volunteers: Some ideas were to hold signs up or hand out flyers
at the pickup or drop off line. Remind texts, or emails.
 Mikel Wagner motioned for Tiffany Johnson to be added to the bank account. Lani McCarson second
the motion. All in favor.
 Lani McCarson motioned for Joy Moquino to move into Vice-President Position. Mikel Wagner
seconded the motion. All in favor.
 Lani McCarson motioned to make Jessica Schiffman the Secretary. Lani McCarson seconded the
motion. All in favor.
 Lani McCarson made a motion to create a new line item called PTA Meeting expenses. The motion
included moving $500 from School supply fundraiser to PTA Meeting expenses. Joy Moquino seconded
the motion. All in favor.
 Lani McCason made a motion to create a new line item for Charleston Wrap fundraiser and remove the
line item called school supplies. All in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.