Potential Snow Information

Good Morning Amazing Dragon Families!  

Just a note for your information.  We are expecting snow later in the week.  Should there be a closure or delay we will follow Albuquerque Public Schools’ decision.  Announcements are as early as 6:00 am.  Should you decide to stay at home due to your travel situation, please have your students log in online.  If we are on a delay, start time would be 10:15 am rather than 8:15 am.  If students attend online we will not have to add a day at the end of the year.  

To be clear for a closure or delay online classes will begin at 10:15 am.  

Thank and be safe and healthy!
Mrs. Tarango

Family Science Night

Dragon Families,

Please join us for Family Science Night tonight by Zoom starting at 5:00pm. Email your students science teacher for details or questions you may have. Teacher emails are posted on our website under academics or in Plus Portals.

Thank you and stay safe and healthy.

APIAL Spring Sports Announcement

Hello Dragon Families, The APIAL League is looking to introduce two new sports for 2022 Spring season.The two sports are Boys Volleyball and Girls Softball for 5-8th graders. The Athletic Director, Coach Dana “DA” Alexander would like to start collecting information for any athletes that are interested in possibly joining either team this Spring Season. Below are links for each of the above sports for parents to register their interested athletes. 
Duration of seasons-Softball + Boys Volleyball: 3/21-5/7/2022

Once the league gathers all needed information on the number of teams interested, the 21st CPA Athletic Director, Coach Dana “DA” Alexander, will reach out to all parents that registered with information regarding practices and season. Again please register all interested athletes at the above links. 
Thank you for your support in the 21st CPA sports program!

Coach Dana “DA” Alexander
21st Century Public Academy
Athletic Director/ Physical Education
E: dalexander@21stcenturypa.com

1/20/22 GC Minutes

Members Present: Art Silva, President
Gary Boyd, Member
Lora Sedore, Member
Member Absent: Virginia Trujillo, Vice President
Vicente Vargas, Member
Sistine Jaramillo, Member

Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO
Amber Peña, The Vigil Group
Jeremy Peckens, CPO and Principal
Angela Lerner, COO
Jennifer Giron, PTA President
Jennifer Elliott, Special Education Coordinator

Governance Meeting Called to Order by Art Silva, President at 5:38 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Motion to Approve Agenda —Gary Boyd
2 nd — Lora Sedore
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote
Approval of Governance Council Minutes

Motion to Approve Amended Minutes, September 19th meeting—Gary Boyd
2 nd —Lora Sedore
Motion Approved Via Roll Call Vote

Open Forum None
Gary Boyd was appointed and agreed to fill the position of Interim Secretary.
Appointment and Update of Committee Assignments
Tabled until next meeting.
Budget analyst, Amber Peña, senior member of the Vigil group shared the financial reports as of
December 31, 2021. The expenditure reports as of December 31, 2021 was presented. Title Funds are
still blank, being drawn down monthly, but reimbursements are pending. Members of the Finance

Committee met prior to the Governance Council meeting and reviewed all financial documents. Still
waiting on ESSR II and Title I Carryover.
 Budget Report
Amber Peña presented Account Summary Reports for December 31st, 2021: the Expenditure and
Revenue Reports, Issued Purchase Order Report, Bank Register Report and Outstanding Checks
 Cash Disbursements and DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION OF Bank Reconciliation for
December 31, 2021 *
Motion to approve Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation for October 2021
—Gary Boyd
2 nd Lora Sedore
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Motion to approve BARS: — Lora Sedore

2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Presentation and Possible Action on Race-Based Harassment/Discrimination Policy
Jeremy Peckens presented the proposed policy for the Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
Policy was reviewed by the Equity Council.
Motion to approve – Lora Sedore
2 nd – Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Jeremy Peckens presented updates on Procurement, with a lengthy discussion of the Middle of Year MAP’s
student scores. Over all students are exceeding growth expectations and all levels have target growth points
double the expected growth. OSI data was shared with percentages of RACED responses per our Charter
Contract. Student Led Conferences are February 16, 17 and 18. No school for students. All conferences will be
virtual by appointment. Equity Council made suggestions to the policy to be added to the Student Handbook to
include language prohibiting “raced-based” aggression in response to HB43.
Presentation and Discussion of COO’s Report
ESSER I – Receiver $94 in carryover funds, ESSER II no award yet, Air Quality Grant – Received $3,995 must be
spent by June 30, 2022, ESSER III not award letter yet.

  1. 1. 5 Year Facilities Master Plan – Still in Process
  2. Special Capital Outlay HVAC/Solar Project – Seeking quotes from General Contractors.
  3. Update on Funding Timelines
    Title 1 from 2020-21 – December of 2021
    ESSER II – January of 2022
    ESSER III – Budget Available- to be spent as quickly as possible.
  4. Sports/Gym – A few issues with masking but generally compliant. Using potential ESSER II
    funds for additional supervision.
  5. Biweekly Admin Meetings – 2x week
  6. Enrollment Numbers – 40 Day Count 365 (Funding for SY 2021-22) – Budgeted for 390 –
    1 st – 12
    2 nd – 9
    3 rd – 18
    4 th – 26
    5 th – 36
    6 th – 82
    7 th – 81
    8 th – 96
    Total – 360
  7. COVID Update – Total of positive cases is 49 since August. Three symptomatic persons on
    campus- contact tracing was conducted. Parents are being very careful and responsive to COVID
    symptoms and keeping students home. Illness is still increasing and the need for remote learning is
    still necessary. New Toolkit reducing isolation from 10 days to 5 days. Increase of students
    required to say home if they are a close contact. Increasing number of school choosing to go
    remote for a short period of time. 3 staff members tested positive but are back. In person
    attendance is at about 75%. Ms. Tarango indicated that as long as staff is remaining at about 80%
    or more we could function. Below 65% student attendance or 80% staff attendance instructional
    deliver would be compromised.
  8. PMG continues to struggle to comply with onsite testing. Although we volunteered to be a hub
    for testing they are unable to provide service due to lack of personnel, technicians testing positive
    and resignations. Very frustrating and difficult to communicate with parents and staff when their
    presence is unreliable.
  9. Lottery – February 1 st at 4:00 pm by Zoom.
  10. Update to Organizational Chart at February meeting. Mrs. Tarango has maintained the
    COVID point of contact.

Next Meeting: February 17th, 2022
Motion to Adjourn

Motion to Adjourn – Gary Boud
2 nd – Lora Sedore
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Meeting Adjourned at 7:11 PM