9/17/14 PTA Minutes

21st Century Public Academy PTA Minutes

September 17 2014

Minutes by Linda Cutler-Padilla

Meeting called to order by Adriana Romero at 5:36 pm.

In Attendance

  • Cindy Rodriquez
  • Traci Hill
  • Sabrina Carrillo
  • Karon A Stephens
  • Lexi Pickel
  • Teresa Payne
  • Mack Davis
  • Mariah Davis
  • Linda Cutler-Padilla
  • Debbie Marks
  • Sarah Day
  • Kathi Lakins
  • Mary Tarango
  • Adriana Romero

President’s Report – Adriana Romero

• Adriana Romero motioned to vote in new co-Secretaries – Linda Cutler-Padilla & Karon A Stephens. Motion


• Adriana announced Bylaws are on the school website

• Volunteers still needed for Pizza on Wednesdays & for Student Store on Tuesday & Wednesday

Treasurers Report – Sarah Day

• Budget was distributed by Sarah Day, PTA Treasurer. There is $4,000 not allocated – will need to vote on how /

what to spend on. Moved to table vote to end of meeting.

• Taxes and Audit complete for 2012-13

• Taxes done for 2013-2014, Audit pending

Memberships – Kathi Lakins

• Currently 51 paid PTA memberships. School enrollment is 200 households.

• School will receive cash bonus from State PTA if receive 50% total memberships

• Discussed options to get word out

Principal’s Report – Mrs. Tarango

• 21st

• Meeting with Governance Council Policy –Survey will be forthcoming to possibly revise the language regarding

the policy for colored hair

Fundraising report- Cindy Rodriguez

• Projects for the 2014/14 school year – Cookie Dough (Sept), Chocolate (Oct ), Bed sheets (Feb)

• Pure Profit fundraiser requires 25% of school participation. Receiving selling bonus if 90 students participate

• Current amount deposited for Cookie Dough – $3,980.05

• Suggestion to put fundraiser notice on board outside school as reminder

Century up for Charter Renewal – must reapply every five years

Corporate Contributions – Kathi Lakins

• Box Tops form due October 31 sent home with students. Suggestion to email parents the information. Reward

for the most collected. Collection Boxes also located at Student Store and in front office.

• Distributed Smiths/Albertsons/Target forms. Will need to resubmit to Smiths each year

Pizza & Student Store Update

• Put lock on door to Student Store

• Discussion to sell for healthier snacks

Fall Festival – Adriana Romero

• Still need volunteer to serve as Committee Head

• Lexi – volunteered to ask local business for prizes to give for best costume

• Flyer to be done by Nex-Gen student

• Date of Fall Festival still to be decided however a motion to tentatively schedule October 30 but suggestion will

need to discussed & confirm with the teachers.

New Business

• Music Program Expansion Proposal distributed by Mr. Ashbaugh- Motion from Traci and second from Sabrina

to give $400 for accompanist & $500 stipend for Mr. Ashbaugh. Tabled stipend for Mr. Chris Garcia

• Suggestion made to do a Restaurant Community Night fundraiser– receive 20% of check. Motion to add as

fundraiser. Sabrina will research possible restaurants.


• Mariah made suggestion to change PTA meeting time to 6 pm and offer snacks or do a potluck type meeting.

Items remaining to discuss at next meeting

• Drip line for garden boxes

• Car pool

• Fall Festival theme & dates

Budget & Vote

• Motion made by Adriana to approve budget which was seconded. All present voted in favor of approving the

budget as presented and with the change of adding $400 to the Music Club line item.


Next Meeting

• October 1 2014 from 6:00-7:00 pm, school cafeteria

Motion to adjourn was made at t 7:14 pm and passed unanimously.