COVID-19 Preparations

Good Evening Dragon Families!  In response to the Governor’s Press Conference today I would like to let you know about some precautionary measures we are taking at school.  In order to avoid public gatherings we are postponing all OSI’s.  We will continue to offer before and after school programs until further notice. 

We are also setting up online learning opportunities for every class.  In the event school is required to close or your student cannot attend due to illness we will be able to offer instruction.  Please make sure that you have access to Plus Portals to access grades.  Teachers will be taking a survey tomorrow of students’ availability to access the internet through a desk top computer, lap top or notebook.  Cell phones do not work well for submitting documents online.

Teachers are to have tissue, Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer available in each classroom.  Extra cleaning will occur daily in the classrooms and the cafeteria.

If your student is displaying symptoms of the flu such as fever, headache, upset stomach etc., please keep them home.  When students are displaying these symptoms at school we will be contacting you to take them home as requested in the Press Conference. 

We will continue to update regularly as we receive more information.  We will follow the direction from the Governor’s Office, the Public Education Department and Albuquerque Public Schools. 

Thank you for your understanding and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the school directly.

Have a great evening!

Mary Tarango, CEO
21st Century Public Academy
4300 Cutler NE
Albuquerque, NM  87110