9/16/21 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, Vice-President

Art Silva, President
Victoria Tafoya, Interim Secretary
Gary Boyd, Member
Lora Sedore, Member
Evelyn Dow, Member

Member Absent: none

Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Amber Peña, The Vigil Group
Jeremy Peckens, CPO and Principal

Governance Meeting Called to Order by Art Silva, Vice-President at 5:32 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Motion to Approve Agenda —Virginia Trujillo
2 nd — Lora Sedore
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote
Approval of Governance Council Minutes

Motion to Approve Amended Minutes, August 19th meeting—Virginia Trujillo
2 nd —Lora Sedore
Motion Approved Via Roll Call Vote
Open Forum No speaker during open forum
Budget analyst, Amber Peña, senior member of the Vigil group shared the financial reports as of August
31 2021. The expenditure reports as of August 31st was presented. BARs to clean up the negatives will be
presented during this meeting. Members of the Finance Committee met prior to the Governance Council
meeting and reviewed all financial documents.
 Budget Report

Amber Peña presented Account Summary Reports for July/August 2021: the Expenditure and
Revenue Reports, Issued Purchase Order Report, Bank Register Report and Outstanding Checks

 Cash Disbursements and DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION OF Bank Register for August 2021
Motion to approve Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation for July/August 2021
—Virginia Tafoya
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Motion to approve BARS: —Gary Boyd

2 nd Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote


  1. Procurement & IT
    a. ECF Round 2 window is opening September 28 th . Applications will be submitted with the goal to
    procuring a high-quality outdoor projector for use in community events and outdoor instruction.
    b. We are still awaiting notification on the status of our first ECF application.
    c. 19 additional higher quality handheld thermometers have been purchased and are being
  2. Testing
    a. 1st and 2nd graders have completed their I Station testing.
    b. Last year’s MSSA results came in test.
    c. English Language WIDA ACCESS Fall Make-Up, Paper Testing to be completed by Sept. 30th.
    d. MAPS’s results and MSSA results with goals to be presented next month.
  3. Registration Numbers
  4. Events
    a. 21st Century
    PA selected as

a Balloons Aloft location during Fiesta (October)
b. PTA Fall Festival (October)
c. Ice Cream Social held Sept. 6th, attended by 150 (staff/parents/students/visitors).

  1. Staffing
    a. Fully staffed
  2. PED update-
    a. ESSR plan review and adjustments requested by NMPED.
  3. COVID Updates
    a. Positive Case Count for past 2 weeks as of 9/12/21 = 6 on campus notifications.
    b. Student surveillance goal 25% weekly/Staff Surveillance 100% unvaccinated required
    weekly, c. DOH Assignment report submitted each Friday
    c. Procedures for notification for a COVID positive case presented.
  4. Recruitment
    a. Tours ongoing as requested (1 completed added one 6th grader!)
    b. Highlight Athletics/Associated Arts options on ¼ sheet fliers for distribution each
    Sat./Sun. in Sept./October, post in all school social media accounts


  1. Lobbyist Efforts – Legislative Finance Committee
  2. 5 Year Facilities Master Plan – On Target to finish by mid-December
  3. Site Safety Plan – Due in November – on target to finish and submit on time.
  4. Special Capital Outlay Projects – Facilities Manager prepared a scope of work. Waiting for funds to
    post then a request will be prepared for quotes from General Contractors.
  5. Update on Funding Timelines
    Title 1 from 2020-12 – September of 2021 adding a Special Education Teacher and at least 1 EA
    ESSER II – January of 2022
    ESSER III – Deadline for Application pushed back to October 1st
  6. Sports/Gym – 2 events cancelled due to COVID. League is allowing teams to add players or move
    from team to team to keep the game schedule. Now hosting games at the school with fans.
    Athletic Director has reviewed COVID procedures with Ms. B to ensure compliance.
  7. See Something, Say Something App – Requested that Mr. Peckens to look into the app. Can be
    pushed onto the chrome books and students have the opportunity to report anonymously.
  8. Weekly Admin Meetings – Extremely helpful in improving communications and readjusting to in
    person instruction.
  9. Emergency Drills – Emergency Drills both for staff and parents in order of escalation have been
    clarified. List of drills: A. Fire Drills – well prepared and practiced – no recent change B. Shelter In
    Place – unclear in first practice. No immediate threat on campus, gather all students in the
    building, no one comes in no one goes out, attendance is taken, and we continue with regular
    school. “Business as Usual”. C. Evacuation/Relocation – Practice drill scheduled for Friday,
    September 17th – Everyone leaves the building – attendance is taken parents pick up students at

a preidentified location. D. Lock Down – Possible threat on or near campus – outside – students
stay in classrooms, move to safest corner of the room, attendance is taken, no movement or
talking, stay in place until notified by administration. E. Lock Down – Threat Inside the Building –
This procedure can vary depending on the type of threat. The basic principal is for adults to make
the best decision they can to keep students safe. Locations have been identified in the event that
students and staff are instructed to “run” from the building. Although we have been given a
presentation by POM’s And Associates during in-service week, there is no clear direction for an
“Active Shooter” situation. It remains a local decision. We are following the State requirements
and will include in our Site Safety Plan.

Next Meeting: October 21 st , 2021
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn – Gary Boyd
2 nd – Lora Sedore
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 PM