11/15/21 SAC Minutes

  • In Attendance
    • Lora Sedore
    • Jeremy Peckens
    • Mikel Wagner
    • Dorene DiNaro
    • Rebecca Starrett
  • Introductions of Members
  • 3rd Monday of the month for quarterly meetings going forward.
  • Open Forum
    • Calendar start date being different from APS is worrisome for parents, with no available camps/childcare.
      • Suggestions: Before/After Care starting earlier to align with APS, and including a full day of childcare.
    • Are lockers open for consideration in the future?  
      • Especially with the chromebooks student backpacks are very heavy for our youngest students.
      • Currently there is no plan to install lockers, due to space and security concerns.  
    • Recommendation that the remote option continue into future years.
      • Discussed the difficulty of teaching both remote and in-person students simultaneously.  
      • Even if remote learning does not continue in its current form, it is suggested that Google Classroom continue to be adopted by all teachers for assignments/lessons that students and parents can access in the event of an absence.
  • New Student Recruitment Efforts
    • Target Demographics
      • Does the school plan on opening a Kindergarten class?  This may affect recruitment tactics.
      • Parents of 5th graders.
      • “Peach Jar”: flyers for APS schools and afterschool programs.
      • School of Choice Fair
      • Parade advertising? Twinkle Light, Pride.  Banners/Floats.
      • Tapping into local businesses for parent-employees.
      • Dentists/Pediatrics/Orthodontists offices
    • Lora Sedore will put together an action plan for recommendation to admin/GC.